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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Any wizard repeater users?

    Last edited by Tilomere; 12-13-2015 at 06:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Tried it once. I was st6ill new to the game when I tried it, so may not have done things as good as they could have been done. At that time I took the feat for repeaters. A feat that potentially could have been better spent elsewhere to be honest. I dont think masters touch or tensors provides proficiency with exotics.

    I dont think Wizards are feat starved per se, but definitely dont get an abundance of feats either. I have found with my wizzys, I have just enough feats to do what I want, which thus far, hasn't been enough to include taking a proficiency in any weapons. With just a few past lives however, I think you could safely take proficiency repeaters. I'd do a couple or few lives of sorc, which is essentially the same as taking spell focus evocation. Do that and I think you could squeeze in a repeater. The next issue would be ammo, and getting dex high enough to make it worthwhile as well.

  3. #3
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Its doable, but there are 2 problems
    1) spell animation interferes with shooting animation
    2)Spell power and critical items that are not held in hands are hard to come by.
    Loss of gear slots and feats, to make repeater damage somewhat good is tad too big compered to spell damige loss.

    I still do repeter at some levels, when gear allows it, but unless you have some hard to come by items, you be switching them around a lot.

    The way I play it, I want IPS, to maximize the damage, while not loosing any spell casting ability. Meaning lots of feats invested, and 18 levels of wiz for litch form.

    There are 3 builds I have considered.

    18 wiz/2 rogue. Evasion, and ligt crosbow prof from mehanic. Has evasion, haste boost, and some sneak attacks (combine with blindness inducing spells).Trapping.
    (best build, get insightful reflexes for superb reflex save.)

    18 wiz/2arti- Rune arm,Rapid Reload,Crosbow prof, Shocking Vulnerability(meh, but if you spam lightning its worth considering),Enchant Weapons, trapping.
    18 wiz/1barb/1arti Rapid Reload,Crosbow prof,10% movement speed boost, Athletics+rage speed boost(+35%, stacks with haste),Enchant Weapons, trapping.

    That is for mainly wizard builds.

    As for ammo, just buy flame arrow wands.

    You also need harper tree for int to hit, damage, and KtA. Making your main weapon damage stat, and spell casting stat the same.
    Last edited by Wh070aa; 04-03-2015 at 04:04 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Just wondering. Was thinking of adding some pew-pew manaless damage in between isntakills and CC. Maybe for a month or so down the road.
    I tried. Not impressed.

    Build would be Wizard18/Artificer2. It takes a lot of feats to make repeater good. You also need solid DEX for ranged feats. It means you can't dump DEX and put points somewhere else.

    Melee cheaper. SWF or TWF. As Wh070aa said, so it's easier to have spell related gear. Lore/Power is usualy weapon or red gem (found on weapons).

    Another story would be Artificer replacement. Let's say Wizard15-16/Arty2/Rogue2-3. Pew-pew with repeater, but cast none-DC damage spells like Firewall/Ice storm and not DC based elec/Blade Barrier.

    Idea: why not throw manaless returning darts?

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