I was going to TR a character that has pinion and needle to this after the next update. It would work as an elf with a few less points of int (and not require a +1 heart of wood).
Sun Elf Paladin 15/Artificer 4/Fighter 1
S 8
D 14 + 5 tome (for IPS)
C 12
I 20
W 10
C 14 (10 if 32 point build)
1 pbs
3 rs
6 precision
9 icr
12 precise shot
15 manyshot
18 empower healing
a4 @ level 19 or 20 IPS
f1 can select one of the earlier feats when the fighter level is taken and replace it with quicken
21 oc
24 insightful reflexes (not sure if it will be needed with charisma to saves...)
27 blinding speed or epic damage reduction
AP setup in FOTW (furyshot with needle or manyshot pinion):
elf 14 ap (unlock arcane archer, +2 int)
arcane archer 32 ap (conjure arrows, arrow of slaying)
battle engineer 22 ap (damage boost, 3 extra action boosts, +2 int) <<<--- I'm guessing I would rather put more points in harper but my old AP layout was 2 short
harper 12 ap (kta 2 ranks, strategic combat I & II)
AP setup for other destinies:
elf 14 ap (unlock arcane archer, +2 int)
arcane archer 3 ap (conjure arrows)
battle engineer 26 (endless fusilade, damage boost, 3 extra action boosts, +2 int)
harper 33 ap (+4 int, kta 3 ranks, strategic combat I & II, +11 RP, improved deception)
kensei 4 ap (haste boost)
Int at 28 (before ED without pots) 20 + 6 tome + 7 level ups + 8 enhancement + 11 item + 3 insight + 1 exceptional +2 profane/litany + 2 ship = 60 (+25)
Alternative Build (uses insightful damage with crossbows but unfortunately doesn't get it with bows):
Paladin 14/Artificer 6
Drop insightful reflexes or blinding speed (1 lost feat)
AP setup in FOTW (furyshot with needle or manyshot pinion):
elf 14 ap (unlock arcane archer, +2 int)
arcane archer 32 ap (conjure arrows, arrow of slaying)
battle engineer 24 ap (endless fusilade, damage boost, 3 extra action boosts, +1 int)
harper 10 ap (kta 2 ranks, strategic combat I)