Been away for quite some my 18 fighter/2 monk/7 epic sentinel dragonmark 'tank' using epic chimera fang and epic chimera crown is woefully out of date and under equipped.
Heard a fighter update is incoming some time in not sure to wait for it or just TR the fighter into paladin.
Currently my 'tank' has past lives barb x1 and fighter x1
At level 27:
STR: Base 21 + 4 tome
DEX: Base 16 + 3 tome
CON: Base 18 + 3 tome
INT: Base 11 + 3 tome
WIS: Base 8 + 2 tome
CHA: Base 8 + 3 tome
Feats: (in no order since I can't remember which are fighter/level/monk)
1. Exotic weapon prof: B.sword
2. Weapon focus
3. Weapon specialisation
4. Greater weapon specialisation
5. Two-handed fighting
6. Imp THF
7. Greater THF
8. Power attack
9. Cleave
10. Great Cleave
11. Improved Sunder
12. Combat expertise
13. Improved trip
14. Dragon mark: Sentinel
15: Imp Critical
16: Shield mastery
17: Imp shield mastery
18: Imp shield bash (?epic feat)
19: Dodge
20: Past Life: Student of the sword
21: Toughness
22: Epic Toughness (epic feat)
23: Overwhelming Crit (epic feat)
24: Toughness (epic destiny feat)
Main problem would be gear and enhancements....went Kensai and Stalwart
--- end result is only 74 Intim, 69 AC, PR 99
Saves are dismal as well.
Gear is a mess...
Epic duelist leather armor lvl 20 tier 3 or epic stonemeld plate armor
Epic chimera crown
Epic chimera fang or Nightmare the Fallen Moon (not upgraded)
Bastion lvl 23 (Epic hard)
Fabricator's bracer's (upgraded)
Fabricator's gauntlets (upgraded)
Knost belt
Encrusted Ring
Ring of the Buccaneer (lvl 20 tier 3)
NEcklace - +8 con item
Boots - cannith boots of propulsion
Trinket -- epic brawn's spirit or head of good fortune.