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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Wait for fighter update? or TR and re-do

    Been away for quite some my 18 fighter/2 monk/7 epic sentinel dragonmark 'tank' using epic chimera fang and epic chimera crown is woefully out of date and under equipped.
    Heard a fighter update is incoming some time in not sure to wait for it or just TR the fighter into paladin.

    Currently my 'tank' has past lives barb x1 and fighter x1
    At level 27:
    STR: Base 21 + 4 tome
    DEX: Base 16 + 3 tome
    CON: Base 18 + 3 tome
    INT: Base 11 + 3 tome
    WIS: Base 8 + 2 tome
    CHA: Base 8 + 3 tome

    Feats: (in no order since I can't remember which are fighter/level/monk)
    1. Exotic weapon prof: B.sword
    2. Weapon focus
    3. Weapon specialisation
    4. Greater weapon specialisation
    5. Two-handed fighting
    6. Imp THF
    7. Greater THF
    8. Power attack
    9. Cleave
    10. Great Cleave
    11. Improved Sunder
    12. Combat expertise
    13. Improved trip
    14. Dragon mark: Sentinel
    15: Imp Critical
    16: Shield mastery
    17: Imp shield mastery
    18: Imp shield bash (?epic feat)
    19: Dodge
    20: Past Life: Student of the sword
    21: Toughness
    22: Epic Toughness (epic feat)
    23: Overwhelming Crit (epic feat)
    24: Toughness (epic destiny feat)

    Main problem would be gear and enhancements....went Kensai and Stalwart
    --- end result is only 74 Intim, 69 AC, PR 99
    Saves are dismal as well.

    Gear is a mess...
    Epic duelist leather armor lvl 20 tier 3 or epic stonemeld plate armor
    Epic chimera crown
    Epic chimera fang or Nightmare the Fallen Moon (not upgraded)
    Bastion lvl 23 (Epic hard)
    Fabricator's bracer's (upgraded)
    Fabricator's gauntlets (upgraded)
    Knost belt
    Encrusted Ring
    Ring of the Buccaneer (lvl 20 tier 3)
    NEcklace - +8 con item
    Boots - cannith boots of propulsion
    Trinket -- epic brawn's spirit or head of good fortune.
    Last edited by Hemholtz; 03-30-2015 at 01:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Just lvl to 28, epic tr it into a two-handed centered fighter...

    Carry on with life... no reason to do anything else really.

    The fighter update is a long way off.
    Lunality, Sorcality, Tunality, Axation, Causation, Shurality, Desparality, Stingality and a few more...

  3. #3
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemholtz View Post
    Been away for quite some my 18 fighter/2 monk/7 epic sentinel dragonmark 'tank' using epic chimera fang and epic chimera crown is woefully out of date and under equipped.
    Heard a fighter update is incoming some time in not sure to wait for it or just TR the fighter into paladin.
    The fighter revamp is a long way off (I highly doubt you'll see anything within 6months) whilst paladins are really powerful right now.

    I'd TR.

  4. #4
    Community Member skorpeon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munkenmo View Post
    The fighter revamp is a long way off (I highly doubt you'll see anything within 6months) whilst paladins are really powerful right now.

    I'd TR.
    Yep I would go Paladin, of course you will want to do an Epic TR, maybe in the primal sphere? Paladins are powerful, so maybe farm some decent heavy armor. I am playing 2 handed as I have the equipment. I did something similar when my centered fighter found it difficult dealing with incoming damage wearing his pajamas.
    Main characters, Tymout, Tymkul, Tymbom, Tymantha etc...

  5. #5
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    Think I don't have the karma and epic heart of wood for epic TR....then again, not really sure what epic TR entails.

    According to DDOwiki, I go back to level 20 and get access to epic past life feat.
    -- but that means I stay 18 fighter / 2 monk correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by skorpeon View Post
    Yep I would go Paladin, of course you will want to do an Epic TR, maybe in the primal sphere? Paladins are powerful, so maybe farm some decent heavy armor. I am playing 2 handed as I have the equipment. I did something similar when my centered fighter found it difficult dealing with incoming damage wearing his pajamas. I take it epic stonemeld plate armor is no longer decent heavy armor...sigh...think the spider queen armor is somewhere in the bank...or maybe not....
    Last edited by Hemholtz; 03-30-2015 at 09:52 AM.

  6. #6
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemholtz View Post
    Think I don't have the karma and epic heart of wood for epic TR....then again, not really sure what epic TR entails.

    According to DDOwiki, I go back to level 20 and get access to epic past life feat.
    -- but that means I stay 18 fighter / 2 monk correct? I take it epic stonemeld plate armor is no longer decent heavy armor...sigh...think the spider queen armor is somewhere in the bank...or maybe not....

    I would level to 28 then Epic TR down to 20, then Heroic TR to Paladin.
    Grind out some gear/ingredients while earning Hearts to ETR.
    Current Fighters are subpar vs Paladin/Barbarian/Bard and the revamp is a long way off if they even get anything that makes them worthy to play again.. so far.. from what I see of Fighter.. meh...

    Everything has changed.

    PRR is good. which means Heavy Armor=Good
    Mithral Sucks.. you don't get heavy armor benefit.

    Run Epic necro chain for endgame BTA goodies.. its worth it.. raid is also worthy and easy to get into and complete quickly.
    Craft/farm any items you want for the next life while you have favor now to do the upgrades.. like GH stuff..(dragon armor is still good for the 25-28 range)
    Thunderforged is where its at for endgame stuff.. lots of grinding here. make sure to check it out.
    Shadowscale heavy armor is the current endgame target heavy armor. and Thunderforged Mortal Fear weapon.

    Look at Bladeforged Paladins in the Iconic line if you have access.. they rock..
    If you have iconic you could then level to 15 after your TR.. and fast track to endgame quicker.
    getting out of iconic requires being level 28.. but still worth it.
    Each Iconic has its owm perks.. but have a mandatory start class that you could theretically LR out if you have a +1LR stone or better. (read up on it before going this route)

    For the Epic TR
    42 heart Seeds or 4200 commendations of Valor
    at level 28 you get a choice of 2 heart seeds on every Epic end reward list.
    This is the easiest way to farm for the Epic Heart of Wood.
    Cap out any Epic destiny sphere you like for the Epic TR life bonus.

    For the Heroic TR
    20 tokens of the twelve.. check your ingredient bag.. you should have a bunch.. if not..
    Farm Devil Assault(Epic Normal) just throw up a LFM for need TR tokens..people will join and pass them to you.
    also run eVon3,eVon5/6 while running your XP. everyone jumps in these for XP, just put in party chat at the end that you would appreciate any tokens/fagments so you can TR... people will put up for roll or pass to you.
    Last edited by JOTMON; 03-30-2015 at 10:24 AM.
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