I love what was done with the reload animations, I want to say that first and get it out there.
But beyond that, putting this lastest Lamma pass live at the end of last week was a mistake I think.
There are just so many bugs, so many changes that are in the release notes but are no where to be found in game-play, the list of bugs and MiA's is really long.
It's not that I am aggravated that things are not there, that's not the case at all. What I am concerned about is how can we do the testing and bug reporting the development team needs us to do when we are not working with a version that has any semblance to what they were trying to go live with?
Add into this the relative silence from the Devs since Friday, and the server pages get filled with some early bug reports and than post after post of escalating anxiety made by testers who are in the dark and confused about the intent of the team versus what we are playing.
Now I totally understand that Dev's need time off and deserve a weekend, so wouldn't it have been better to hold off on this Lamma pass until the beginning of the week so that you could have seen all our early bug reports and experiences and nipped any confusion in the bud with a few posts by Sev and the team?
As it is now this version is so bugged and absent, you have to wonder if we can really provide any kind of input to help the Dev's or if the mountain of posts made in the past three days are just going to have to be swept aside and began with a clean slatel (not a idea I'm against).
I really appreciate all the work the team is cranking out, I just hope that we can avoid doing any more rushed Lamma launches like this especially any time after a Wednesday.