Thank you
Thank you
Zenmaster Drakkos - Drakkos - Drakkling - Galacticus - Bune - Diamonara
Maybe as part of Henshin capstone, but meh...
If you think about it from the definitions of the words it makes very little sense to do damage with wisdom, to-hit I could tolerate but what would be the point?
Viamel ~ Lava Divers
so let me see we have every other stat to damage but for some unknown reason wisdom
is going to far yet its the only one left, unreal.
lets be honest here shall we, monks are not op these days so wisdom to damage would be
a good way to bring them in line with other classes.
for some reason which im still baffled by wisdom cant even have its own item with a +4 insightful
like every other stat so im guessing wisdom to damage wont ever happen.
your friend sil![]()
LuKaSu's DDO Wishlist.
SSG, Thanks for a super-fun game!
Right! I understood the logic of int and dex for damage but. . .Charisma? Constitution?
Your persuasive argumentation can kill. So Plato was correct in booting the poets from The Republic. And good health can be bad for others. Let's add enlightenment to the list of damaging interpersonal effects.
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Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
BTW if wisdom were added as a stat for damage, it wouldn't work anyway for handwraps.
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
In my times as a DM in PnP, it never made sense to me that STR was then main factor to HIT, and i gave anyone the Chance to use DEX for it whatever stat was higher if the PC spend a feat on weapon finess, for any Kind of weapon.
My main toon is a Monk, but i´m not for WIS to DMG. It doesn´t make sense to me, same i think about INT, CHA, CON or DEX to DMG. To hit yes, to dmg no.
On the other Hand, any other stat was already abused to dmg, so why not WIS too. Or remove the other stat to dmg stupidities.
The Option given by a weapon to Hit/DMG by WIS/CON etc would make (a Little) sense to me, so ... maybe we´re getting more of that (stave of the seer ML8 was a beast!)
"It´s too late. Always has been - always will be. Too late"
Has anyone crunches the numbers on comparing how high a monk can get wisdom vs str? I am guessing that it might be possible with enough gear, twists etc for STR to be significantly higher even with all level ups in wis.
Int damage in harper tree gets a secondary buff from KtA. Many consider dex builds 'flavor,' not optimal (not me). CON as damage is for very focused builds as is CHA. So I think the mainly used alt stat is really INT thx to Harper and KTA compensating for the difficulty in boosting INT on a melee/ranged past, say, 70s (I am thinking here of INT rogues).
Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players
When the enhancement revamp came I was very glad to see many "X to-hit and damage". I found it really helped many builds suffering from the old MAD problem (multi-attribute dependency). Strenght was (and still is) the king stat for melee damage: lots of sources buffs Strenght, but hey, that's what you are choosing if you go for a non-Strenght buid.
Rogues (always stat-starved by his need of DEX, INT and somewhat CON, WIS and CHA) had it better with DEX to damage with finesse weapons and staves (also INT for crossbows and throwers). Rangers had the opportunity to use DEX to-hit and damage with some weapons. Pallies and warpriests had a damage boost with Divine Might. I'm sure I'm missing things, but I'm sure you got the point.
We had even broad "X instead of STR" things: the Finesse stuff from Ranger, the Ninja Spy enhancement (piercing or slashing while centered).
With time, we saw tress like Harper, using INT for to-hit and damage with EVERY combat style and/or weapon.
But none of those bypasses works with wraps. On a class (monk) with a high high multi-stat dependency (STR, DEX, CON, WIS), we have no to-hit nor damage bypass, not even multiclassing, not even buying harper.
The answer it's always "it's the way unarmed damage is encoded". It is really nothing to do with this problem? Don't you see this is damaging the way unarmed (read pure) monks are performing, specially in epic levels (the closest we have to an end-game in DDO)?
No LD boosts, no Crusader boosts, weird with Adrenalines...
Can I haz a revamp?
I will only say yes if it's exclusive to FEMALE characters. It is only these wondrous unarmed creatures that can crush you through their sheer willpower. That all knowing look of disapproval is the death of many.
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