The Journeymen 'RP'
| A roleplaying guild on Sarlona |
Out of Character information:
We are a moderate roleplaying guild that focus on both developing our characters In-Character and Out of Character. When we are not roleplaying, we usually help eachother leveling, TRing and just have a good ol' time.
We reached our goal and got a Kraken! The airship is huge and we're working on filling it with buffs.
The guild currently has 20 active accounts and 9 inactive ones. One of which will return as soon as they have sorted out their computer troubles. Me and most others have more than one character and try to keep them spread out - Plenty of low-level characters to play with and a nice chunk in later game/epic-levels.
RPhubs, roleplaying and events:
Our main RPhubs is our guildchat, which operates as the Waystation, an in-character only place that we have created to work as the headquarters. We also have a Banquet Hall on our airship to serve as a physical dining hall for the Waystation. For more open-to-all RPs, we usually hang out in the Bogwater Tavern - When we're there we'll post a LFM. It's also our main spot for the weekly Sarlona Sunday event.
We run quests in-character as well and host events written by other members of the guild - Relying on certain parts of quests/slayer zones and/or in-game /roll command. None of this is mandatory - You RP when you feel like it.
Who are we in-character?
A group of adventurers, spread across two realms. With members from both Toril and Eberron, helping eachother on either side. Every member of the guild has their own personal goal they work towards, but they stand together for mutual benefit in achieving their goal.
The Journeymen has taken their home in The Waystation, an odd settlement of magical and most of all mysterious origins, which the founders of the guild stumbled upon during a fatal voyage on an enchanted airship (Think Spelljammer), sold to the group by a shady salesman.
The group is now settled and have started to gain some reputation through the realms - Helping out concerned citizens, Gatekeepers and Coin Lords alike - Making Stormreach and Eveningstar a safer place adventure by adventure.
Contact & additional information
Current Council:
| Helral | Ormadil | Kalastryn | Theln | Scrad |
| Incherlik | Leindar | Arbel | Simlo | Lynnra | Aelanon | Timmony | Harkann |
Contact either in-game by /tell or mail or on here with post or PM.
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