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  1. #1
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Talking The Journeymen - A roleplaying guild on Sarlona.

    The Journeymen 'RP'
    | A roleplaying guild on Sarlona |

    Out of Character information:

    We are a moderate roleplaying guild that focus on both developing our characters In-Character and Out of Character. When we are not roleplaying, we usually help eachother leveling, TRing and just have a good ol' time.

    We reached our goal and got a Kraken! The airship is huge and we're working on filling it with buffs.

    The guild currently has 20 active accounts and 9 inactive ones. One of which will return as soon as they have sorted out their computer troubles. Me and most others have more than one character and try to keep them spread out - Plenty of low-level characters to play with and a nice chunk in later game/epic-levels.

    RPhubs, roleplaying and events:

    Our main RPhubs is our guildchat, which operates as the Waystation, an in-character only place that we have created to work as the headquarters. We also have a Banquet Hall on our airship to serve as a physical dining hall for the Waystation. For more open-to-all RPs, we usually hang out in the Bogwater Tavern - When we're there we'll post a LFM. It's also our main spot for the weekly Sarlona Sunday event.

    We run quests in-character as well and host events written by other members of the guild - Relying on certain parts of quests/slayer zones and/or in-game /roll command. None of this is mandatory - You RP when you feel like it.

    Who are we in-character?

    A group of adventurers, spread across two realms. With members from both Toril and Eberron, helping eachother on either side. Every member of the guild has their own personal goal they work towards, but they stand together for mutual benefit in achieving their goal.

    The Journeymen has taken their home in The Waystation, an odd settlement of magical and most of all mysterious origins, which the founders of the guild stumbled upon during a fatal voyage on an enchanted airship (Think Spelljammer), sold to the group by a shady salesman.

    The group is now settled and have started to gain some reputation through the realms - Helping out concerned citizens, Gatekeepers and Coin Lords alike - Making Stormreach and Eveningstar a safer place adventure by adventure.

    Contact & additional information

    Current Council:
    | Helral | Ormadil | Kalastryn | Theln | Scrad |
    | Incherlik | Leindar | Arbel | Simlo | Lynnra | Aelanon | Timmony | Harkann |

    Contact either in-game by /tell or mail or on here with post or PM.
    You can also find whatever you need on:
    Last edited by lilleengen2; 08-09-2015 at 03:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    Story Arcs/Quests/Campaigns completed in-character:

    The Desert Expedition!
    Different quests focused around the Wizard King.
    Completed by Arbel, Helral, Timmony and Redarr.

    Discovering the Waystation!
    Attended by Helral, Ormadil, Theln, Kalastryn and Arkkat.
    DMd dice rolling event using; the Bogwater Tavern, The Harbor, The Cerulean Hills and our airship.

    Sharn Syndicate!
    Completed by Helral, Arbel and Timmony.

    Three-Barrel Cove!
    Completed by various teams, including; Redarr, Harkann, Timmony, Arbel, Helral.

    Tharask Arena! (Alternate storyline done by a guildie)
    Completed by Scrad, Neknurd and Arbel.

    Temple of Elemental Evil!
    Whole weekend event with varying parties, though completed by Anihal, Melkorra, Theln, Dilaton, Kalastryn and Kurtai.

    Completed by Neknurd, Harkann and Kalastryn.

    Proof is in the poison! (Alternate storyline done by a guildie)
    Completed by Leindar, Arbel, Timmony and Helral.

    The Journeymen on Toril: Storm Horns!
    Completed by Koethar, Theln, Shinke, Simlo and Lasiel.

    The Shavarath Arc! P&P-style + RP questing.

    Current plotlines:
    The Great Old Ones, welcome to Warlocks! (PnP-inspired campaign)

    The Kobolds and their Master.
    Water Works low-level campaign - The kobolds have grown bold, kidnapping any who is not careful at night in the harbor district. But why?
    When Coin Lord son Jonas Wylkes is taken in, the Coin Lords have had enough. The Journeymen has been hired to look into it.

    Future plans:
    Haunted Halls of Eveningstar.

    Note: Quests already completed in-character can of course be repeated, but preferably with different characters and a different story.
    Last edited by lilleengen2; 08-09-2015 at 03:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    What sort of times do you meet?

  4. #4
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    We are not a static-group - We play, roleplay and do whatever we want when we want it. That being said, we do host a weekly meet n greet/laidback RP in the Bogwater Tavern every sunday. Visit our website or go to the DDO-RP site (check my sig.) for additional informaton on Sarlona Sundays.

    If you meant when we are most active, it's hard to say - We usually have someone around at evenings for almost any timezone and host our events at times that makes it possible for say europeans and americans to attend.

    Hope that was helpful!

  5. #5
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default Still recruiting!

    We are up to 13 members now, but are still looking for more! We have characters for almost any level-range.
    The guild hit level 40 yesterday and we got a new ship. Some of us have TRd together and a group of guildies are getting ready for a Temple of Elemental Evil roleplaying run this weekend!

    If you just want to roleplay, but not be in a guild for it you should check out Sarlona Sunday! More can be found on the

    Happy hunting all!

  6. #6
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    Interested in the guild or interested in trying roleplay? Stop by tomorrow for Sarlona Sunday. You'll usually see an RP LFM or two around 6-7PM GMT.

    Our ToEE weekend was a blast, spending three days in-character and crawling through that massive quest was tons of fun and with an increasing number of guildies hitting epics, we're looking towards Haunted Halls and Thunderholme next for an RP crawl - But we still have many characters in lower levels to quest with as well!

    Hope to see some new faces on sunday!

    Last edited by lilleengen2; 06-27-2015 at 08:21 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    Yesterday we continued our Storm Horms campaign - We don't have many epic characters yet, but the four of us who made it had a blast! The Storm Horns has been one of the more immersive quests to RP and fun to hack through.
    (Some highlights from the Storm Horns in writing and pictures

    Sarlona Sunday will happen today as usual, which is a good day to stop by and check out RP. Take a break from questing and come hang out with us! We've gotten a couple of new members since the last post, but we would still like to expand our guild a bit more. We quest at a slower pace in guild runs and if someone's new to the quest we'll usually let them lead and take their time to sniff the flowers, so being new isn't a problem at all! If everyone knows the quest well, we go faster of course - But we stick together and play as a team!

    We've reached level guild-level 47 and are looking forward to 50, which will be a bit of a milestone for us, slow as we are.

    Anyway; stop by the Bogwater Tavern today around 6PM GMT-ish or look for a LFM about the Sarlona Sunday. Hope to see you there!

  8. #8
    Community Member lilleengen2's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    We finally (dungeon) crawled our way to level 50! The Kraken as well as the Astral Shard buffs has been a huge benefit to our adventures!

    The guild has seen a healthy growth so far this week, with three new members joining our ranks. In celebration of the new Warlock class one of our DMs is hosting a campaign involving the Great Old Ones, which will be spread out over the next few weeks. Our more quest focused plots will continue too, as one of our wizards will attempt to call on a devil of Shavarath to extort information about the devils' plans, which will mark the launch of the Shavarath Campaign.

    With two campaigns going on spread over different levels, the guild will be quite busy through the summer. There will also be improvements to Sarlona Sunday; we have been testing the waters since february, hosting an open RP event every sunday since. We plan to add more specific events in the near future, which will get its own thread on the DDO forums. So far we have arm-wrestling tournament, riddle-nights and Balinor's Hunt planned. Prizes, RP and good fun.

    We're still open for recruitment! Happy adventuring to all!

  9. #9
    Community Member JJ_Rhodes's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    May i accompany you fine Gents on your adventures?
    My in game name is Tokker.

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