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Some good discussion.
It kind of bugs me that bards (freezes), as well as pure 20 fighter and pally vanguards are far better at stunning than monks. They can stun more mob types, have AOE stuns, and can reach a higher DC without sacrificing their damage: Wisdom remains the only stat left without a stat-to-damage option, I believe. Why is beyond my comprehension: I think that the community still has a hangover from 2012 when monks were good. Or else the implicit assumption is that monk=ranged, which tells you everything that you need to to about the viability of unarmed combat.
In case there's any confusion, unarmed monks are not anywhere near high-DPS right now. Before epic levels, monks traded off terrible crit profile for better attack speed and good base damage, but as the game has evolved the tradeoff has gotten increasingly bad. Monk crit profile has not evolved with that of other melees, and the increases base damage across the board made the unarmed die steps comparatively weaker. Lousy enhancements, and non-functioning abilities and items (eg Know the Angles not applying damage bonus to unarmed, Sanctified Gages not applying light damage) have exacerbated this. Here's another example
Let's put a pally with warhammers in LD, and compare it to a monk, also in LD. Both have overwhelming critical. The monk is in Master Earth stance for +1 mult on 19-20.
Pally: Crits 15-18 x4, 19-20 x 6
Expected physical damage over 20 hits: 13x1 + 4x4 + 2x6 = 41 times base damage (plus 28 x seeker)
Monk: Crits 19-20 x 5
Expected physical damage over 20 hits: 17x1 + 2x5 = 27 times base damage (plus 10 times seeker)
Assuming equivalent base damage (** See note below), the paladin does 50% more physical damage than the monk, ignoring seeker damage (so total difference is probably closer to 60%). That assumes no-fort, which is reasonable even in undead content with the fort-reduction we have available now. The 60% figure seems about right to me from my play experience. The pally incidentally has a large defensive advantage (MRR, PRR, Lay on Hands, cures, saves) as well for anything and everything that is not EE Miior.
**As far as comparable base damages:
Pally has 7d6 light damage scaling with melee power, in addition to 15 bonus melee power, higher Str from Divine Might.
The monk gets an extra ~5d8 (if shintao T5) from monk bonus die steps. 2.5 [w] from 20 monk, 1.5 Dance of Flowers, 1 Improved Martial Arts. Monk also gets 10% offhand and full-str offhand bonus. The 7d6 light damage and monk extra die steps are very comparable (at the cost of a feat, and a twist for the monk), and the 15 melee power and full-str off-hand balance out nicely too. If you start including things like Sanctified Gages not working with unarmed, and the scale shifts further away from Monk.
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TL;DR the new enhancements give really interesting character building possibilities, but aren't balanced. TWF is bad, monks are bad. Game is still fun, fortunately.