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  1. #21
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    I was only able to get to the end of part 1 of ToEE because lammania just came down. We ran it on EE with 3 people and from what I can tell it isn't that hard, but there is a **** ton of mobs. We killed 1000 mobs before the end fight in part one. We skipped a few mobs but really why is there 1000+ mobs just in part one?

    I was playing with a melee and haven't had a chance to bring other characters in there so this is coming from a melee monk perspective. Mobs aren't that bad, some hit fairly hard but they should be a bit tough. The fort saves on gargoyles and harpies seem to be low 90's, which is insane. Some of the saves they have are too high. 1000 + mobs and some mobs with unreal saves are really my only two complains. I have been able to run part one on EE, but those are my only two complaints.

    Edit: Also the map resets when you leave an area. If you try and go back the map will be black. Very annoying.
    Last edited by moo_cow; 03-28-2015 at 05:53 PM.

  2. #22
    Community Member caberonia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    I think the damage is strong for a reason, but you would have to be in a six man to see if it scaled the damage up or not. I run around with 100-120 prr at most times, so the damage I get isn't as bad, however I felt that the incoming damage was enough to make me want to group. So not a solo quest, which I think is perfectly fine.
    You're right the damage is high for a reason. They painted themselves into a corner and have to raise the damage to silly levels in order to challenge high prr characters. The issue is going to be how many lowish prr chars end up being one/two shot as a result. Lam isn't the main attraction.. i'm making popcorn while waiting for it to go live, the mob rage may be epic. (also preparing to TR all my chars into more PRR heavy builds since its obvious the devs don't see a problem and don't intend to fix it i'll go with the flow and convert all my chars to high prr builds)
    Last edited by caberonia; 03-28-2015 at 07:06 PM.
    Sarlona- Fistalis, Caberonia, Kerlik, Mashbirs, Molleck, Burrthistle, Enlitened, Rotheril, Maginos, Urrock, Talathis- Scholars of Aureon

  3. #23
    Community Member Tinco's Avatar
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    The problem is not total damage avoided (prr + avoidance), but if unchecked, these damage numbers will be the perfect depiction why PRR-builds in normal gameplay are way more forgiving than avoidance/layer-builds. With archers in packs of 3-5 hitting for 700 base (granted, temple guards are not the most common archers, but as wizza showed, even those easily hit for 300 base) you are bound to get 'unlucky' streaks of hits rather quickly which you can't react to properly. Yes, it's a corner, because it's extremely hard to balance simple physical damage related challenge for both a vanguard and an assassin even if those have on paper a similar amount of 'effective HP'. The only danger left is getting bursted down quickly and what threatens the vanguard in that regard will - rarely but surely - outright kill the dodge build.

    I still suspect the numbers are not indended though, so we'll see.
    The best days are the days you don't have to wear socks or shoes.

  4. #24
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    Default Round 2 Observations

    Only had time to run the first part so far:

    1. Kelso's chest had a note saying his club was with the jailer for the western cells. There was a chest there, but no jailer appeared anywhere and the chest would not open.

    2. Chest for gargoyle rare was present, but gargoyle boss never appeared.

    3. Had nearly ten rares first round through, but only three this time. Please increase the percentage chance for rares appearing.

    4. Mushrooms spawning on level 3 is a good lead-in to Zugg. I never had mushrooms spawn anywhere (including the end fight with Zugg) during round 1.

    5. Haven't done lower level yet, but in round one, the dragon rare in the fire node got his head stuck in the ceiling every time he flew.

  5. #25
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    We're still balancing, and that's part of what this round of Lamannia was for. Thanks for the detailed feedback. Additional feedback on different kinds of monsters, with the difficulty you were playing on (EE vs. HN, etc.) is very useful; it sounds like not everyone is having the same issues on different difficulty levels.

    It does sound like some (but not all) ranged enemies are having some issues on certain difficulties. Naming the individual monsters & difficulties helps a great deal.

    We've had some conflicting reports about saving throws. More information, especially about what monster you were attacking with what DCs vs. what type of saving throw, will help us narrow down possible issues. (Nearly all saving throws for all monsters were intended to be lower since the first round of Lamanni.)
    Last edited by Vargouille; 03-29-2015 at 11:18 AM.

  6. #26
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    7) Fire temple:

    - Salamanders cannot be CCed with over 70 DC, debuffs included, but I'll get to the saves later.

    Let's get to the main issue, once again, SAVES:

    Everything is STILL saving EVERY.SINGLE.SPELL. Cultists are saving from my spells, Earth Elementals in the Earth temple are saving from it, CCed mobs on top of Solid fog and Waves of Exhaustion and 65 DC are saving from them.

    Kelno was saving from every single spell, Gargoyles were saving from them. Archers well, they are archers..AND THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. Every red named was saving from my spells. Archers cannot be CCed as well on top of Mind fog and Crushing Despair, Salamanders idem, Hezrous and Dretches not even close.

    You still need to work A LOT on the saves because right now it's absolutely annoying and actually frustrating to play as a Caster in this quest. My friend can confirm: I've never been so frustrated with a quest like I was tonight. Every single thing in this quest punishes Casters and low PRR toons, from archers hitting for 200 with every hit, to mobs having insane Saves, to the few shrines (still no shrine before part 2 endfight?).

    Here is a log of my chat, when I tried to cast spells (you know, I'm a caster, that's what I do):

    Every spell is Lightning bolt, and it can rebound. Every rebound was saved as well. No spells were casted in between. When I said in chat "lets debuff", he still kept saving to every single spell. This was with 65 Evocation DC + Waves of Exhaustion + Solid Fog, effectively 73 Evocation DC. This is how ridicolous your quest is.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We're still balancing, and that's part of what this round of Lamannia was for. Thanks for the detailed feedback. Additional feedback on different kinds of monsters, with the difficulty you were playing on (EE vs. HN, etc.) is very useful; it sounds like not everyone is having the same issues on different difficulty levels.

    It does sound like some (but not all) ranged enemies are having some issues on certain difficulties. Naming the individual monsters & difficulties helps a great deal.

    We've had some conflicting reports about saving throws. More information, especially about what monster you were attacking with what DCs vs. what type of saving throw, will help us narrow down possible issues. (Nearly all saving throws for all monsters were intended to be lower since the first round of Lamanni.)
    Every mob is saving Spells with a 73 Evocation DC, this is WITH debuffs. Unbuffed it's like 64-65. It's pointless if you ask for specific feedback but don't even bother reading the ones already given.

    Anyway, I'll make it easier and type again:

    Every single type of mob, with Reflex-based spells: Kelno (spellcaster), Falferight (the end boss of part 1), EVERY SINGLE ELEMENTAL, Archers (obviously), Gargoyles, Cultists, Melees, Salamanders, EVERY RED NAMED BOSS, dretches, Hezrous, Zugg (end boss in part 2).

    For Will saves: see above^. Literally. Can't CC a single mob with 71 Enchantment DC, with debuffs.

    Listen, I'll make it simple: everytime a mob didn't save my Spells, I screamed in voice chat "WOW DIDN'T SAVE". This is how ridicolous it is. Mind you, I'm NOT exaggerating, this is really what's happening. And this was in a DUO, don't even wanna try full group.

    About your last point: I went in with full expectations of finding lower saves. The saved seemed similar to the first round.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  7. #27
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    Two chests were bugged in my run. One was by a group of gargoyles located behind a secret door in the earth part of the temple (part one). Killed all the gargoyles and the chest never opened. The other was a chest in a water area (can't remember where) and there was nothing to kill, no key, no lockpicking. This chest was also in part one.

  8. #28
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    Wizza is completely right. Their saves are way too flippin high. I just spent 5 minutes trying to hold two archers and they never landed. I then tried to spam evocation spells and they only got hit every 10 spells. Some mobs get hold no problems but some are way too high. And there is no difference in these mobs. I am only talking about the easy mobs, the ones right at the entrance to the quest.

    By standards for EE quests my dc's are quite high. I am running with a 69 enchant dc and a 68 evocation dc to test this. Add in debuffs that I was using and I was running at a 74 enchant and a 73 evocation. Just to throw it out there a 65 enchant and 65 evocation works on almost everything in the game. That's how high these saves are ...

    Edit: I should come back and says it is the ranged mobs in the first room that are having these saves. After venturing a little further into the quest I can't really clear 4 rooms without using 4000 spell points on a sorc with pretty goods dc's. Can't hold a freaking thing and there is 50 pots used in between shrines.

    The only thing I can hold is the melee bandits and sometimes an archer for 1 second. They have low will saves. But when I hold them they still save for half against most of my spells. When they are held their dex is set at 0 for their saves. So how the heck are these mobs saving still?
    Last edited by moo_cow; 03-29-2015 at 12:31 PM.

  9. #29
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    I am getting hit for over 200 points of damage from the archers and repeaters, seems a little high to me. They are hitting twice as hard as the melees. This damage is with a 44% decrease for incoming damage.

  10. #30
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    I am getting hit for over 200 points of damage from the archers and repeaters, seems a little high to me. They are hitting twice as hard as the melees. This damage is with a 44% decrease for incoming damage.
    What difficulty, what is your prr?

    On eh with 120 prr I get hit for less than 50 in most cases by everything. Only some red nameds hit for over 100.

  11. #31
    Developer Vargouille's Avatar
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    Post Monster Saving Throws

    • Temple Cultists are designed to be pretty weak on saving throws. On Epic Elite shouldn't have any saving throw over 50. Some of their saves are as low as 37 on Epic Elite. Unless you are getting Dungeon Alert, which does increase saving throws, or if they are getting buffed by some other enemies or something along those lines. (This is taking into account their natural bonuses from DEX, CON, and WIS, of course.)
    • All guards and cultists are intended to have Will saves below 40, on Epic Elite.
    • Confirmation from many other players that Cultists consistently fail DC 70+ checks for all three saving throw types would be useful. Or for other monsters, but the more specific the better. (Note that "archers" is sort of useful but still ambiguous.)
    • Nearly all non-boss, non-miniboss monsters have only one saving throw above 50 (on EE); that strong save might be in the 60s, so if you are attacking that save with a 70 DC wouldn't succeed a great deal. (But if you attack the other saves a 70 DC would be expected to succeed nearly all the time.)
    • Minibosses often have one save in the 40s, one in the 50s, and one in the 60s.

    As stated before: Getting detailed, specific information from many players about this is helpful.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin View Post
    What difficulty, what is your prr?

    On eh with 120 prr I get hit for less than 50 in most cases by everything. Only some red nameds hit for over 100.
    It was ee with I think 80 ish prr.

    I was getting hit by 100 on the weak melee mobs, 150+ on some ee melees. Some bosses were hitting as high as 300 per hit.
    Last edited by moo_cow; 03-29-2015 at 01:16 PM.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    [*]Confirmation from many other players that Cultists consistently fail DC 70+ checks for all three saving throw types would be useful. Or for other monsters, but the more specific the better. (Note that "archers" is sort of useful but still ambiguous.)
    I was talking about Bandit melees, archers, and repeaters. I also found the ogre commanders were saving will saves. Don't think they are immune but they still aren't being held.

  14. #34
    Community Member Tinco's Avatar
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    Epic Elite, Solo Scaling, Random sample of damage numbers, 60 PRR (i.e. multiply by (100/62) to get base), No DA:


    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-225.76 oy102.70 oz-249.45 h88.6
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 237 points of pierce damage. (Arrow)
    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 97 points of slash damage. (Sword)

    Somewhere further in:

    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-227.75 oy253.23 oz-249.45 h102.7
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Bonegnawer Ghoul hit you for 83 points of pierce damage. (Claw or whatever)
    (Combat): Ranging Bandit hit you for 101 points of pierce damage. (Arrow)
    (Combat): Roving Bandit hit you for 112 points of slash damage. (Sword)

    Around the ballista:

    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-186.91 oy294.42 oz-249.45 h53.4
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 203 points of slash damage. (Sword)
    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 393 points of pierce damage. (Arrow)


    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-90.03 oy267.79 oz-249.44 h77.3
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 448 points of pierce damage. (Arrow)

    Earth Temple:

    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-168.75 oy469.25 oz-249.45 h140.6
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Earth Temple Elemental hit you for 447 points of bludgeon damage.

    Sidenote: DA seems to reset extremely slowly (7-10 minutes), that might or might not be intended.

    [EDIT]: Earth Temple Elementals obviously have True Seeing and Ghost Touch...
    Last edited by Tinco; 03-29-2015 at 02:25 PM.
    The best days are the days you don't have to wear socks or shoes.

  15. #35
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Everything with 64 Evocation DC, Lightning bolt. Debuffs are (Solid Fog and Waves of Exhaustion, bringing the DC to 72):

    - Bandit trapper evades 90% of my spells. With debuff still evaded most of them.
    - Temple guard ranger evading 95% of my spells.
    - Temple Warrior's saves are fine.
    - Temple Guard ranger cannot be CCed. They save from Mind Fog (or just not working, didn't seem to notice the save Icon on their head) which could be a reason why I can't CC them.
    - Ranging bandit saves are fine
    - Temple gargoyle can be CCed just fine but not a single Reflex save based spell worked. Saved from 95% of them.
    - Temple cultists, CR 53, saving 60% of the time, had 63 DC when I tested those.
    - Earth Temple saving 95%, Immune to solid fog (lol). Cannot hit them even with Waves of Exhaustion on them as well.

    From my other runs, I can give you some other infos (these infos are memory of my latest runs, they are not 100% like the ones in part 1 of this reply):

    - Salamanders saves: not fine. They spawn with Red Alert in the Fire Temple and since Vargouille claimed that Red Alert raises mobs Saves, it's impossible to test those at the start of the fight. However, when we got it down to green or no alert at all, I still couldn't CC them. It was not a problem with Spell Penetration but they were just saving.
    - The Prefecto in the Fire Temple also evaded everything, we had no alert.
    - Kleno, in the Air temple quarters, evaded most of my spells.
    - The Elementals in the endfight (and Water Elementals in the Water Temple) evaded 90% of my spells WITH debuffs.
    - The endboss of part 1, couldn't be hit.
    - Dretches and Hezrous in part 2: cannot be CCed AND they save Reflex-saved spells as well. No alert.
    - Zuggtmoy: saved everything as well.
    - Goristro Barbarian: still saving.

    All this mobs made me just spam Ruin, Scorching Ray and other no-save or non evadeable spells, which is why I remember them pretty good.

    Vargouille, I know you want feedback from many other players but most of the players that I see on Lamannia either: run normal and hard or, if they are running Elite, they are not posting on the forum.

    Also, I'm done testing. I can't be bothered to test the saves of every single mob in this quest when I:

    - Don't have the TPs for Potions, since Lord Pointalot has a timer (because..reasons).
    - Don't have the TPs for cakes, since the damage from Temple Guard Rangers is insane and I'm still a Sorcerer getting owned by them and that cannot CC them.
    - Don't have Godmode, which means I have to be careful to where I go, how, why, when. I went to a corridor hitting a mob and suddenly had 3 encounters spawn nearby, giving me orange Alert and making me die.
    - Can't go anywhere but have to actually run the quest. I stopped at Earth Elementals because I couldn't get to part 2 to test the Salamanders and the other Elementals since killing Earth Elementals on my Sorcerer is close to impossible and takes 1 hour.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  16. #36
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Another some more feedback and suggestions, not related to saves but to the actual quest:

    Please, reduce the number of encounters in this quest. Please. I did another duo run (I rolled a Barb because it's impossible to run the quest on my Sorcerer at the moment), we killed everything on the way and we killed 580!!! mobs in part 2, just because we knew what we had to do and where the barrier was. This is waaay too much, it got boring really quickly.

    Part 1 is even worse. Every corridor has like 20 mobs, 10 of which are Rangers hitting for 200 damage. If you move a big, you trigger another encounter and suddenly you have Yellow Alert. The density of mobs is insane and should be lowered.

    I think my only few problems with this quest, at the moment, is:

    1) Temple Guardian Rangers hitting for 200-300 damage PER single arrow, when we have at least 5-10 of those per encounter in part 1 and they shoot very rapidly, meaning you are dead in matter of seconds. Meanwhile, melees are hitting for 100 damage.
    2) Saves .
    3) Dretches and Hezrous in the endfight: saves way too high again and their ranged damage is broken (they hit as hard as the Temple Guardian Rangers).
    4) The number of encounters in this both parts.

    Loot is another problem but that is for another thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  17. #37
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    Another some more feedback and suggestions, not related to saves but to the actual quest:

    Please, reduce the number of encounters in this quest. Please. I did another duo run (I rolled a Barb because it's impossible to run the quest on my Sorcerer at the moment), we killed everything on the way and we killed 580!!! mobs in part 2, just because we knew what we had to do and where the barrier was. This is waaay too much, it got boring really quickly.

    Part 1 is even worse. Every corridor has like 20 mobs, 10 of which are Rangers hitting for 200 damage. If you move a big, you trigger another encounter and suddenly you have Yellow Alert. The density of mobs is insane and should be lowered.

    I think my only few problems with this quest, at the moment, is:

    1) Temple Guardian Rangers hitting for 200-300 damage PER single arrow, when we have at least 5-10 of those per encounter in part 1 and they shoot very rapidly, meaning you are dead in matter of seconds. Meanwhile, melees are hitting for 100 damage.
    2) Saves .
    3) Dretches and Hezrous in the endfight: saves way too high again and their ranged damage is broken (they hit as hard as the Temple Guardian Rangers).
    4) The number of encounters in this both parts.

    Loot is another problem but that is for another thread.

    I dunno when I was in the Temple it felt empty.

    Chalk it up to randomness.

  18. #38
    Community Member BigErkyKid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tinco View Post
    The problem is not total damage avoided (prr + avoidance), but if unchecked, these damage numbers will be the perfect depiction why PRR-builds in normal gameplay are way more forgiving than avoidance/layer-builds. With archers in packs of 3-5 hitting for 700 base (granted, temple guards are not the most common archers, but as wizza showed, even those easily hit for 300 base) you are bound to get 'unlucky' streaks of hits rather quickly which you can't react to properly. Yes, it's a corner, because it's extremely hard to balance simple physical damage related challenge for both a vanguard and an assassin even if those have on paper a similar amount of 'effective HP'. The only danger left is getting bursted down quickly and what threatens the vanguard in that regard will - rarely but surely - outright kill the dodge build.

    I still suspect the numbers are not indended though, so we'll see.
    So much this, I have been saying this for weaks. It is a design flaw. Assassins or avoidance based builds tend NOT to have burst healing (in addition), so it just compounds the issue.

  19. #39
    Founder Kambuk's Avatar
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    Orc Trackers on Epic have their animation for firing their bows messed up.
    They are drawing with the hand the bow is in rather than with their empty hand.
    Bow needs to be swapped to the other hand...


  20. #40
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    It was ee with I think 80 ish prr.

    I was getting hit by 100 on the weak melee mobs, 150+ on some ee melees. Some bosses were hitting as high as 300 per hit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tinco View Post
    Epic Elite, Solo Scaling, Random sample of damage numbers, 60 PRR (i.e. multiply by (100/62) to get base), No DA:


    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-225.76 oy102.70 oz-249.45 h88.6
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 237 points of pierce damage. (Arrow)
    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 97 points of slash damage. (Sword)

    Somewhere further in:

    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-227.75 oy253.23 oz-249.45 h102.7
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Bonegnawer Ghoul hit you for 83 points of pierce damage. (Claw or whatever)
    (Combat): Ranging Bandit hit you for 101 points of pierce damage. (Arrow)
    (Combat): Roving Bandit hit you for 112 points of slash damage. (Sword)

    Around the ballista:

    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-186.91 oy294.42 oz-249.45 h53.4
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 203 points of slash damage. (Sword)
    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 393 points of pierce damage. (Arrow)


    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-90.03 oy267.79 oz-249.44 h77.3
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Temple Guard hit you for 448 points of pierce damage. (Arrow)

    Earth Temple:

    (Standard): You are at: r2 lx1912 ly2024 i14 cInside ox-168.75 oy469.25 oz-249.45 h140.6
    (Standard): Q:0x70026D5A

    (Combat): Earth Temple Elemental hit you for 447 points of bludgeon damage.

    Sidenote: DA seems to reset extremely slowly (7-10 minutes), that might or might not be intended.

    [EDIT]: Earth Temple Elementals obviously have True Seeing and Ghost Touch...
    I did some further testing against the amount of damage, etc. And with max end prr builds, the amount of incoming damage on EE would be too much. I think if they were dropped by 25%, this would bring things more in alignment for the challenge aspect without making it a cakewalk. The red named earth eles are buffed, but their less HP makes them less of a time sink than before. Just for EE though. EH and En are fine as it is I believe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    Everything with 64 Evocation DC, Lightning bolt. Debuffs are (Solid Fog and Waves of Exhaustion, bringing the DC to 72):

    - Bandit trapper evades 90% of my spells. With debuff still evaded most of them.
    - Temple guard ranger evading 95% of my spells.
    - Temple Warrior's saves are fine.
    - Temple Guard ranger cannot be CCed. They save from Mind Fog (or just not working, didn't seem to notice the save Icon on their head) which could be a reason why I can't CC them.
    - Ranging bandit saves are fine
    - Temple gargoyle can be CCed just fine but not a single Reflex save based spell worked. Saved from 95% of them.
    - Temple cultists, CR 53, saving 60% of the time, had 63 DC when I tested those.
    - Earth Temple saving 95%, Immune to solid fog (lol). Cannot hit them even with Waves of Exhaustion on them as well.

    From my other runs, I can give you some other infos (these infos are memory of my latest runs, they are not 100% like the ones in part 1 of this reply):

    - Salamanders saves: not fine. They spawn with Red Alert in the Fire Temple and since Vargouille claimed that Red Alert raises mobs Saves, it's impossible to test those at the start of the fight. However, when we got it down to green or no alert at all, I still couldn't CC them. It was not a problem with Spell Penetration but they were just saving.
    - The Prefecto in the Fire Temple also evaded everything, we had no alert.
    - Kleno, in the Air temple quarters, evaded most of my spells.
    - The Elementals in the endfight (and Water Elementals in the Water Temple) evaded 90% of my spells WITH debuffs.
    - The endboss of part 1, couldn't be hit.
    - Dretches and Hezrous in part 2: cannot be CCed AND they save Reflex-saved spells as well. No alert.
    - Zuggtmoy: saved everything as well.
    - Goristro Barbarian: still saving.

    All this mobs made me just spam Ruin, Scorching Ray and other no-save or non evadeable spells, which is why I remember them pretty good.

    Vargouille, I know you want feedback from many other players but most of the players that I see on Lamannia either: run normal and hard or, if they are running Elite, they are not posting on the forum.

    Also, I'm done testing. I can't be bothered to test the saves of every single mob in this quest when I:

    - Don't have the TPs for Potions, since Lord Pointalot has a timer (because..reasons).
    - Don't have the TPs for cakes, since the damage from Temple Guard Rangers is insane and I'm still a Sorcerer getting owned by them and that cannot CC them.
    - Don't have Godmode, which means I have to be careful to where I go, how, why, when. I went to a corridor hitting a mob and suddenly had 3 encounters spawn nearby, giving me orange Alert and making me die.
    - Can't go anywhere but have to actually run the quest. I stopped at Earth Elementals because I couldn't get to part 2 to test the Salamanders and the other Elementals since killing Earth Elementals on my Sorcerer is close to impossible and takes 1 hour.
    I also have noticed this as well on saves. I am glad we have some idea of what they should be failing with, however I am constantly failing to land anything on any build with any dc based abilities (tacticals on melees in the 60's, spells reaching 70, and assassinates in the 60's as well). So something is up there. No DA on my end, solo play on eh and ee for testing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    Another some more feedback and suggestions, not related to saves but to the actual quest:

    Please, reduce the number of encounters in this quest. Please. I did another duo run (I rolled a Barb because it's impossible to run the quest on my Sorcerer at the moment), we killed everything on the way and we killed 580!!! mobs in part 2, just because we knew what we had to do and where the barrier was. This is waaay too much, it got boring really quickly.

    Part 1 is even worse. Every corridor has like 20 mobs, 10 of which are Rangers hitting for 200 damage. If you move a big, you trigger another encounter and suddenly you have Yellow Alert. The density of mobs is insane and should be lowered.

    I think my only few problems with this quest, at the moment, is:

    1) Temple Guardian Rangers hitting for 200-300 damage PER single arrow, when we have at least 5-10 of those per encounter in part 1 and they shoot very rapidly, meaning you are dead in matter of seconds. Meanwhile, melees are hitting for 100 damage.
    2) Saves .
    3) Dretches and Hezrous in the endfight: saves way too high again and their ranged damage is broken (they hit as hard as the Temple Guardian Rangers).
    4) The number of encounters in this both parts.

    Loot is another problem but that is for another thread.

    I like the density of mobs now. It was very sparse for the most part, but now things are juust right per difficulty. On eh or en, things seem sparse to a small degree, however the harder hitting makes up for that.
    Last edited by Seikojin; 03-29-2015 at 10:54 PM.

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