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  1. #1

    Default Erdrique's Blog-Blind Invites? Those Still Happen?

    So I had this happen a few times this past weekend and wondered about it-Blind Invites? Those Still Happen?

  2. #2
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Blind Invites, a possible explanation

    Your character appears in game quite a bit before you see it on your screen. Which you should know from the times people disconnect and when they come back you can talk to them and see them, but they cannot hear or see you yet.

    You login and all of a sudden all the database views have to change for the WHO panel. It also logs you into the chat server, has to load up all of your loot items you carry on your character, etc.

    This is probably what is happening, the player A(level 25) was clicking on player X(a level 25), but you just so happened to login at that moment and the WHO panel changed and all of a sudden Player X was moved to player W and you became player X.
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  3. #3
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    the game is currently bugged, i had party members dc, log into another another toon and ask for an invite, they got one and found themselves with an active alt online, we even found his toon in the harbor standing stil where they logged out.

    as for the blind invites, they happened a lot in the past but i don't see them anymore, must be due to a lack of new players
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

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