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  1. #21
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    I don't agree with more deadly traps.
    The reason for that is because there very few good trappers specialy on low lvl quests that you don't know if your trapper has high int to search for it, if he has high ref to pass it cause box is on the other side etc. You can see if some1 is trapper or not on heroic elite Von 5 for bravery, reflex dc 41, high dc for search etc.
    Also we should stop thinking of the game for ourselfs, there are newcommers who find it hard to get a good guild with decent buffs, random gear simply does not exist, they can't craft or they don't even know that craft exists and they don't know the basics of the game, like search is int based and u can buy heroism and int potions to find the trap box.
    And for those who think the game is easy, make a new character to a new account with 28 point build without joining a guild, find 5 more people like you and try to run kobold assault on elite.

  2. #22
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ssHarlock View Post
    I don't agree with more deadly traps.
    The reason for that is because there very few good trappers specialy on low lvl quests that you don't know if your trapper has high int to search for it, if he has high ref to pass it cause box is on the other side etc. You can see if some1 is trapper or not on heroic elite Von 5 for bravery, reflex dc 41, high dc for search etc.
    Also we should stop thinking of the game for ourselfs, there are newcommers who find it hard to get a good guild with decent buffs, random gear simply does not exist, they can't craft or they don't even know that craft exists and they don't know the basics of the game, like search is int based and u can buy heroism and int potions to find the trap box.
    And for those who think the game is easy, make a new character to a new account with 28 point build without joining a guild, find 5 more people like you and try to run kobold assault on elite.

    These are some of the reasons I say that deadly traps should be for optionals, not for completion.

    I think high DC trappers should have a place to shine and be desired.... but not required.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

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