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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by depositbox View Post
    New for U25:
    Fresco will no longer produce mimics from non-chest UIs.
    Only one champion per spawn cluster will produce a chest.
    Do you have a link to this?

    They also need to change it so that you can only get motes from similar level content. No more of this high level players running low level quest farmfest. That way they can scale down the costs to something more reasonable (or up the drop rates).
    Last edited by MightyMe; 03-28-2015 at 01:12 AM.

  2. #122
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    The bracers and cloak are totally OP, they worth slotting way above their actual min levels. Maybe just me, but it feels kinda locking in what most people will wanna use in that slot.

    Slot Heavy fort and Vitality, and its an incredible TR twink.

    Im no fan of flat vertical power items - without some interesting mechanic or flavor to it- no matter how its balanced with cost/time to acquire.

  3. #123
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    The bracers and cloak are totally OP, they worth slotting way above their actual min levels. Maybe just me, but it feels kinda locking in what most people will wanna use in that slot.

    Slot Heavy fort and Vitality, and its an incredible TR twink.

    Im no fan of flat vertical power items - without some interesting mechanic or flavor to it- no matter how its balanced with cost/time to acquire.
    not really. if i find something better i will change it out. while they are nice items all items will eventually get rotated. it also depends on what gear you have. no matter what if something is better that item will go there.

  4. #124
    Pale Fox
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    I have some just over 5k now.

    And bought the level 14 braces.
    Last edited by LightBear; 03-28-2015 at 08:28 AM.

  5. #125
    Community Member depositbox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMe View Post
    Do you have a link to this?

    They also need to change it so that you can only get motes from similar level content. No more of this high level players running low level quest farmfest. That way they can scale down the costs to something more reasonable (or up the drop rates).
    LOL. no link. That isnt official. Yet ;p

    And, no. they wont scale down costs and up drop rates if they take away high level players running low level quests for farms. Turbine HAS NEVER worked that way. Not once, so.. GL!

  6. #126
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by janave View Post
    The bracers and cloak are totally OP, they worth slotting way above their actual min levels. Maybe just me, but it feels kinda locking in what most people will wanna use in that slot.

    Slot Heavy fort and Vitality, and its an incredible TR twink.

    Im no fan of flat vertical power items - without some interesting mechanic or flavor to it- no matter how its balanced with cost/time to acquire.
    Are you a fan of items that are usefull for 2 levels which usually translates into "left it in the bank this TR because I leveled past it in 3 hours, before I realized I could wear it?

    I love items like the Abbot Quiver, GS and SoS (and then eSoS)... they are good for a long time which makes them far more interesting than a lot of items what are good for a 2.5 hour window between 18th level and 20th. IMO almost all Raid loot should be designed with a ML that is 4 to 6 ML lower than it should normally be. TF weapons should be ML24 and never increase when you upgrade them. Look at GS the most successful crafting system the game ever had: useful for a VERY wide spread of levels... this is a big part of why it was successful.

    DDO simply does not progress at a slow enough rate for most people to bother regearing every 2 or 4 levels. I know people who do a TR and only gear at the start and mid level. I even know someone who doesn't bother with the start part of it and only gears up on a TR at GS time...

  7. #127
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    im at 100 remnants of the 8k, NEVER farmed fresco, nor haunted halls, nor anything

    also dunno how much has been since they released remnants, what im sure is that i haven't bought anything with them, because... well, the stuff they're selling is, dumb and overprized, i mean... "infinite" pots which share the cd and have their own cd equal to the buff duration, you see it's useless, right? same goes for the bracers and cloak you are complaining so much

    they're cool? ok
    they're a must? not even close, in fact, BEFORE releasing them, people stated that they were useless cause won't fit in any gear layout

    "psyko what will you do with your 8k remnants?" well, will go to the hall of heroes, check the 4k versions and, maybe, just maybe, will purchase em

    the reason is quite obvious, they're more useful at 14 than at 21, doesn't mater if stats are 2x or 3x at 21

    but that means i'll have to get them with a green slot which isn't working... not sure then

    also, if i don't buy anything this time, i'll be ok with it, saying something like "it's what you get tr'ing X times" is plain false, not only implies spending X time (leveling, tr'ing or grinding dumb quests, the thing is the same, you go for it! it's not like they give remnants to you depending the XP you got, nono, you have to want em to get them, you won't see em ever in epic xp runs) the benefit/time spent ratio is quite quite bad

    also, not sure if someone said "i can tr in 3-4 days" then, we're talking about the same: time spent playing, if you spend 12 hours a day playing and then come here arguing you do it easily, lemme tell you that everybody knows it's false, the reason are quite obvious: when you are xp farming you, aren't, getting, remnants (xp/min and xp pots reduce dramatically the remnants revenue, you run less quests and in lower diff to get xp faster roflmao), ofc when you hit 20 in 25 hours you aren't getting much remnants

    btw, checking wiki to see when were remnants released, because i may have done 5 itr+etr (after etr keep doing quests with bb because there're plenty to do at epics lol), i use to spend 3 days to hit 20, 3 to 28 for etr'ing and 1 week to 28 again for itr'ing, not hardcore playing anymore, sad thing when you have life and job, maybe devs are expecting us to pay for gear to compensate having life and job? yup, im expecting to see something like "double remnants pot" and such things
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  8. #128
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    I disagree. I think remnants in epics should only drop in BB level range. This is just one reason to incentivize running quests at level.
    The problem here is that this harms epic grouping. What you're saying is that I shouldn't run my level 22 Paladin with a 28 because I won't get remnants out of a GH tour. Now that I understand that remants are worth more than a stupid cosmetic hat, I'm going to focus on getting them. That's probably not what we as players or Turbine as developers want.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standal View Post
    The problem here is that this harms epic grouping. What you're saying is that I shouldn't run my level 22 Paladin with a 28 because I won't get remnants out of a GH tour. Now that I understand that remants are worth more than a stupid cosmetic hat, I'm going to focus on getting them. That's probably not what we as players or Turbine as developers want.
    you are saying they don't want us to run epic quests at level? if that were the case than BB level range would be extended more and remnants would drop from 20-28 regardless of the level of the players or level of the quest. makes no sense to balance level 20 epics around level 28s if there is little incentive to run those quests at level. it completely throws out the whole balance discussion and incentives like remnants.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  10. #130
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    you are saying they don't want us to run epic quests at level? if that were the case than BB level range would be extended more and remnants would drop from 20-28 regardless of the level of the players or level of the quest. makes no sense to balance level 20 epics around level 28s if there is little incentive to run those quests at level. it completely throws out the whole balance discussion and incentives like remnants.
    They don't care what you do as long as you keep paying. Try to be an adult. The problem is that MRs are now valuable. I will not be pugging with you if you reduce my chance to get MRs. I will not be encouraging my guildies to run underlevel quests with other guildies, since that now hurts the underlevel players.

    Mysterious Remnants should drop in any quest that champions appear in. If you don't want them to drop when I'm level 28 in a level 20 quest, that's fine. Just eliminate champions in that case.

  11. #131
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standal View Post
    They don't care what you do as long as you keep paying. Try to be an adult. The problem is that MRs are now valuable. I will not be pugging with you if you reduce my chance to get MRs. I will not be encouraging my guildies to run underlevel quests with other guildies, since that now hurts the underlevel players.

    Mysterious Remnants should drop in any quest that champions appear in. If you don't want them to drop when I'm level 28 in a level 20 quest, that's fine. Just eliminate champions in that case.
    LOL sorry but Champions were introduced to simply add challenge...they weren't originally gonna give loot.

    MR were added because of all the whiners who suddenly didn't want to have added difficulty =)

    MR have since been added with rules. You either meet the criteria set forth or you don't get MR.

    its not exactly your choice and I'm glad its not because I like champs with or without MR.

    Either way Champs will be in ALL H/E quests regardless of lvl but you need to be at the right level range to get MR to drop.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  12. #132
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standal View Post
    They don't care what you do as long as you keep paying. Try to be an adult. The problem is that MRs are now valuable. I will not be pugging with you if you reduce my chance to get MRs. I will not be encouraging my guildies to run underlevel quests with other guildies, since that now hurts the underlevel players.

    Mysterious Remnants should drop in any quest that champions appear in. If you don't want them to drop when I'm level 28 in a level 20 quest, that's fine. Just eliminate champions in that case.
    try to be an adult? I assumed you wanted an actual discussion and didn't read the rest of what you said. it was the first thing I saw when I looked at your post and made my mood ugly. instead of throwing back an insult to you, ill be the bigger guy and walk away.

    good day.

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  13. #133
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    LOL sorry but Champions were introduced to simply add challenge...they weren't originally gonna give loot.

    MR were added because of all the whiners who suddenly didn't want to have added difficulty =)

    MR have since been added with rules. You either meet the criteria set forth or you don't get MR.

    its not exactly your choice and I'm glad its not because I like champs with or without MR.

    Either way Champs will be in ALL H/E quests regardless of lvl but you need to be at the right level range to get MR to drop.
    I don't think you've addressed my post in any way. Regardless of whether you like champions or not, I will not run Devil Assault with you on my level 21 character with your level 28 ever. MRs happen when they happen. If you want people to group in epics like they have been, you don't like the fact that MRs now matter.

  14. #134
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standal View Post
    I don't think you've addressed my post in any way. Regardless of whether you like champions or not, I will not run Devil Assault with you on my level 21 character with your level 28 ever. MRs happen when they happen. If you want people to group in epics like they have been, you don't like the fact that MRs now matter.
    That is absolutely your choice. I doubt you are the kind of person that would have grouped with me regardless.

    When I run stuff at BB for xp at times I don't personally worry about remnants enough to do it except for BB.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  15. #135
    Community Member Standal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qhualor View Post
    try to be an adult? I assumed you wanted an actual discussion and didn't read the rest of what you said. it was the first thing I saw when I looked at your post and made my mood ugly. instead of throwing back an insult to you, ill be the bigger guy and walk away.

    good day.
    Please try harder to be an adult. You started the post I respond to with "they want us to". I don't care what "they want us to". I cared about stuff like that when I was a child. My teachers wanted me to learn to read and write. I didn't want to learn that. They were correct. I was a child, I needed to learn what the adults told me to. Now I'm an adult. If you want to discuss something with me, explain why it is best for me or the greater group. I don't give a **** about what they want us to do.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMe View Post
    1 week of afk farming. So basically 1 week of botting gets you the cloak. "All fine." So what about those who don't want to bot. What are our chances of getting a lv21 cloak within a week?

    I don't like the current trend of events. The last event requires high levels farming 1 or 2 low level quests over and over again for motes to get top gear within event timeframe. This event requires botting to have a fair shot to get top gear within event timeframe. How about going back to the old event models where people can get top gear just playing normally during the event?
    I don't understand this "afk farming" - is this the same as piking? And I agree, I don't like the trend either.

    Quote Originally Posted by IronClan View Post

    2.8 hours a day?

    Most people watch TV more per day than that.
    I think you don't understand: most casual players don't even play every day. Heck, I don't count myself as Casual and I don't play every day.

    Regarding numbers of remnants I think the entire remnant situation needs to be rethought. I am willing to bet (and Turbine has the numbers) that most players only play 1-2 days a week and probably for only a couple of hours. How many remnants are they going to get with that - a few hundred in a couple of months? And nothing really to buy with that number?

    Let's get rid of the whole concept of grind for these events. Let's have a "ramping" (up AND down) chance to get remnants like the chance to get mimics. And make that chance pretty low, then adjust the rewards so that the average player can get something decent in 3-6 months. Those who play more will get rewards quicker just because they play more but at least the average player will have a better chance of getting something good in a reasonable amount of time.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by HAL View Post
    I don't understand this "afk farming" - is this the same as piking? And I agree, I don't like the trend either.
    That was a reply to this post :
    Quote Originally Posted by Zotze View Post
    All fine, i farm champion chests while beeing afk. I get around ~12/hour. Last day i had after i got up in the morning 112 chests to loot.

    i got my cloak in 1 week...and i like my new cloak..
    He said he was farming while afk. I'm assuming it's botting.
    Last edited by MightyMe; 03-29-2015 at 04:33 AM.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by depositbox View Post
    LOL. no link. That isnt official. Yet ;p
    If there's no link, how do you know about it?

    And, no. they wont scale down costs and up drop rates if they take away high level players running low level quests for farms. Turbine HAS NEVER worked that way. Not once, so.. GL!
    I'm replying to stuff in a thread Varg is responding to with some of my thoughts. Varg at least appears to be open to communicating. But yeah, I would say the chances of actually getting changes made is between slim to none.
    Last edited by MightyMe; 03-29-2015 at 01:02 AM.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by depositbox View Post
    New for U25:
    Fresco will no longer produce mimics from non-chest UIs.
    Only one champion per spawn cluster will produce a chest.
    If this is for real, & not a joke, that will make it very simple. The next mimic event will be a non-event, because no one will bother with it.

  20. #140
    Community Member Zotze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMe View Post
    That was a reply to this post :

    He said he was farming while afk. I'm assuming it's botting.
    What's wrong when u let the hireling kill the champions while you are some hours afk ? I thought that's what a hire is for ?
    And what's botting ?
    - new to Orien - let's have a look -

    Zangesh qui Clades - Fire Sorc - Triple Completionist
    Laladi- Dagger Trapper Machine - Heroic Completionist
    Zindragh Zornbinder - Ranged, but only a hand full of lifes, more mule then active
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    - man nannte ihn Zangesh qui Clades -

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