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  1. #81
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMe View Post
    Yeah let's make it so we can only craft greensteel items for 1 week every few months. That would make it special too. And we now have a new event to boot!

    That's because you don't bother reading before replying. Go back and read and you'll understand.
    1) Yes because this is in ANY way remotely similar to a raid. We were told special items would be available at random times when they first told us about remnant vendors. Live with it. I like the system as do a few others.

    2) I do understand and your 1/2 year is again WAY off base. Try being a little more realistic next time instead of making up numbers. The crown of fire was available for ONE week when remnants were first introduced. Less then a month or 2 later it is AGAIN tell me again how that is 1/2 a year? This is ALL we have to go off of for the bracer/cloak so it might be available again in a month or 2...not 1/2 a year.

    I personally like the system. I like how it changes. I hope they leave the upgrade for the bracers/cloaks on the vendor but limit the availability of the bracers/cloaks to every few months. They told us the bracers/cloak item would be available in the near future when they wanted feedback on items specifically designed for remnant vendors and they did what they said. You had PLENTY of time to save up your remnants or do what other people do and farm. Stop whining because you can't afford them because you chose not to do either.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    1) Yes because this is in ANY way remotely similar to a raid. We were told special items would be available at random times when they first told us about remnant vendors. Live with it. I like the system as do a few others.
    Sure, so now they tell you they will make it so that greensteel can only be turned in during special events. Wow a new event is created! And it's so special! Welcome to the new age of lazy events.

    2) I do understand and your 1/2 year is again WAY off base. Try being a little more realistic next time instead of making up numbers.
    Once again, those are not my numbers. Those are numbers posted by other players to show how drop rates are fine (to them). I just did the computations. Learn to read before replying.
    Last edited by MightyMe; 03-27-2015 at 05:09 PM.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffyanne View Post
    This. I too have been annoyed by the last events where 'normal' players have no chance to get the best items, or a very very small chance. In both the birthday card festival and mimic festival I didn't get a single 9 or 10 card. I honestly don't see how anyone could have gotten a +5 tome playing legit in the mimic event. These events cater to dupers so the people exploiting the game once again get all the best stuff. I mean I was running a raid and was looked at like a begger asking for DW because I didn't my (duped) eternal DW potion.

    Now we have these new cloaks and bracers that are virtually impossible to get for normal players. 8000?? Completely unrealistic. It's a system that 90% of the player base can't get.

    I compare this to the Mabar festival where 6 of my characters got +5 tomes because I actually ran the Mabar raid and anyone could get augments or tomes if they took the time to do it. This new system is a total failure in my opinion that offers no realistic chance to get the items.
    I agree that the average player, who isn't willing to do the endless farm grind has almost no chance to get a +5 tome, or anything else nice on these events. I never got anything out of the anniversary card event ... my two cards per day just didn't hack it. But I did on the miserable mimic festival. Not because I'm a duper (I'm not), but because I spent days doing absolutely nothing but living in Fresco: In, unlock & open all the chests, out, repeat endlessly; hoping, praying that you'd get a frenzy before you had to quit (sometimes took many hours, sometimes it didn't happen at all). Rinse & repeat. And, if you didn't have a good group, your rate went really down. It was BORING. Mind-numbingly so.

    I ground out 7030 motes or 703 cards, spending most of a week inside Fresco, many hours every day. Out of that I got one 10 & three 9's, or enough for two +5 tomes. I EARNED them, & I never want to do Fresco again. I absolutely hate these grinding events.

    Don't assume that everyone who was able to get something out of the mimic event, or who gets something out of this weeks remnant event is a duper. I've already started the farming for remnants. Only 5000 to go. Yuck.

    And, I think they've pretty well knocked down the duping atm, judging by the auction houses ... Of course, I could be wrong on that.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aletys View Post
    I agree that the average player, who isn't willing to do the endless farm grind has almost no chance to get a +5 tome, or anything else nice on these events..
    This. Grindfest events. They need to take notes on old events. Cove was not just fun, but extremely rewarding for the time spent. There was a bit of grinding, but reasonable enough that you could still get top rewards playing just a couple hrs a day during the event. The only exception was that flask, but it was added at a later stage in its life cycle, and possibly by the same folks who are bringing the current string of grindfest events.
    Last edited by Bingobong; 03-27-2015 at 05:36 PM.

  5. #85
    Community Member lethargos's Avatar
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    All is well. Just got info from another thread that 2 trs net you 20k remnants...

    As for myself, ive gathered 3k remnants by playing casually maybe 10-20 hours a week.
    Mostly epic which seems to give less remnants than heroic.
    I will be able to get the lvl21 item in propably 6 months If its available.
    But for now i have to settle for the lvl7 one.
    - Kalevala of Khyber- Suomi Funland Perkele -

  6. #86
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMe View Post
    Sure, so now they tell you they will make it so that greensteel can only be turned in during special events. Wow a new event is created! And it's so special! Welcome to the new age of lazy events.
    This is not an "event". The champs are here to stay. If this was a 1 week event I would agree with you. This is a NORMAL part of DDO now. And you can grab these remnants by playing normally. Now I tend to trust Cor/Sev. Since they have taken over things are being communicated more and they are being more open. I will take them at their word until they prove otherwise. YOU can call them liars if you want if you think this is a short event that's up to you LOL. If you do think it is a normal part of the game I don't know why you keep calling them an event.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bingobong View Post
    This. Grindfest events. They need to take notes on old events. Cove was not just fun, but extremely rewarding for the time spent. There was a bit of grinding, but reasonable enough that you could still get top rewards playing just a couple hrs a day during the event. The only exception was that flask, but it was added at a later stage in its life cycle, and possibly by the same folks who are bringing the current string of grindfest events.
    Yeah I see a few people talk about grinding these...and I have to ask...why? You get them in the normal course of playing the game if you are at level in H or E quests. One TR from 1-20 sounds like it nets people around 2k-4k depending luck with some people getting more and some less. You TR 2-3 times and you have enough for any item on the remnant vendor.

    I have mentioned before I have been hoarding mine since they were first being dropped and I had around 20k and then I bought 1 of each bracer dropping me to 7k. I will start saving again.

    This is NOT a 1 week or 2 month event. The Dev's already said champs are stayi9ng and they are adding more stuff for them in the future. You have plenty of time to save them. Just know you can't be 28 and do less then a 26 quest or anything you kill won't drop remnants. That's why people run HH.

    A guildy is farming HH for these remnants because she never bothered picking them up much and now she is farming HH trying to get enough for the lvl 21 bracers.

    Again...just hold onto them until something nice is available.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  7. #87
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lethargos View Post
    All is well. Just got info from another thread that 2 trs net you 20k remnants...
    Plz mention the whole part of the post. I said I had TWO toons I TR. I have TR'ed one of them 3 times and one 2 times and those are the remnants I got for the TRing.

    If I didn't make it clear I apologize but deliberately leaving things out to make this sound worse is kinda pathetic =(

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  8. #88
    Community Member lethargos's Avatar
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    I stand corrected. It seemed like a unrealistic number anyway. So you averaged 4k per tr.
    - Kalevala of Khyber- Suomi Funland Perkele -

  9. #89
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Kinda...I got most of my Remnants from those TR's...probably 95%. The only epic stuff I did was mainly raids and there are no champs in raids...yet *hint hint*

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  10. #90
    Community Member Zendrakkos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Navox View Post
    Mysterious Remnants are ridiculously rare, and the rewards are astronomically overpriced. It should not take 100+ hours of farming to get 10000 mysterious remnants...but what else can be expected when the devs know nothing about playing DDO.
    I think the problem is scaling...I've had 20 MRs drop in a low level low difficulty quest and none in an EE quest with dozens of champions that one shot you dead.
    Zenmaster Drakkos - Drakkos - Drakkling - Galacticus - Bune - Diamonara

  11. #91
    Community Member lethargos's Avatar
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    I do have to point out that i dont personally think doing 5 tr's since champs were introduced is even remotely achievable for a casual player.
    I think the aggravation comes mainly from the fact that the prizes are not achievable for casual players yet.
    the prizes from mabar and cove were there for the taking for all. Even on first runs of those events.
    - Kalevala of Khyber- Suomi Funland Perkele -

  12. #92
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lethargos View Post
    I do have to point out that i dont personally think doing 5 tr's since champs were introduced is even remotely achievable for a casual player.
    I think the aggravation comes mainly from the fact that the prizes are not achievable for casual players yet.
    the prizes from mabar and cove were there for the taking for all. Even on first runs of those events.
    Yes I do agree a casual won't get that many TR's...very good point.

    Why do you and others still call this an "event"? That insinuates you have a limited time to do anything and it has been said over and over that the champs are here to stay and the vendors will keep changing throughout the year. If you don't have the remnants now just keep hoarding and catch it the next time.

    I wish people get off this "event" thing =(.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    This is not an "event". The champs are here to stay. If this was a 1 week event I would agree with you.
    Playing the semantics game now, lol. Its a 1 week "thing" then. Happy now? And its a grind. Most players will take over 1/2 a year to get 1 single lvl 21 cloak. So instead of making it a 1 week "thing", they should just leave it in permanently. Either that or lower the grind (ie. cost).

    BTW, it's good that you're no longer complaining about my numbers. It appears you finally learned to read before replying even though it took you like 3 tries.
    Last edited by MightyMe; 03-27-2015 at 07:52 PM.

  14. #94
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMe View Post
    BTW, it's good that you're no longer complaining about my numbers. It appears you finally learned to read before replying even though it took you like 3 tries.
    Well I realized you go off what a few others have said and you "picked" the ones that were having a hard time while deliberately ignoring JUST as many posters who were getting plenty of remnants.

    And its NOT semantics. The event would mean its a once and done thing while remnant vendors will be here for who knows how long with plenty of chances to buy what you missed previously. You seem stuck on this 1 week thing yet the other item that was available only for a week was back within a month or so...having to wait a whole month!!!! The sky is falling!!!!

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    Well I realized you go off what a few others have said and you "picked" the ones that were having a hard time while deliberately ignoring JUST as many posters who were getting plenty of remnants.
    Yeah like the guy who admitted to botting for a week to get his cloak. The majority of legit players won't.

    And its NOT semantics. The event would mean its a once and done thing while remnant vendors will be here for who knows how long with plenty of chances to buy what you missed previously.
    Umm no. Events are not once and done. The cove events comes back a few times every year for a week or 2 to give you a chance to buy what you missed previously. Just like this event (or "thing" if you want to call it that).
    Last edited by MightyMe; 03-27-2015 at 08:19 PM.

  16. #96
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MightyMe View Post
    Yeah like the guy who admitted to botting for a week to get his cloak. The majority of legit players won't.

    Umm no. Events are not once and done. The cove events comes back a few times every year for a week or 2 to give you a chance to buy what you missed previously. Just like this event (or "thing" if you want to call it that).
    Well I read about as many on both sides of this. I'm not saying it will be easy...but I do think most players if they bother stopping to loot all the remnants will get enough for the bracer/cloak. Again you take 1 example. Some people have had horrible time getting remnants and others are gathering quite a few. Most that aren't getting enough are playing in Epic and aren't following the rules set by turbine. It doesn't matter if those rules are fair or not its just simply the rules for now. if you want remnants you have to be at the right lvl and not a 28 doing Impossible demands.

    And cove is a once or twice a year MAX event and we haven't had once since at least august of 2014 so not sure about your "several". Remnants are ALWAYS dropping. Its not a twice a year event. So far (and we only have 2 months really of data to go off of) repeat items will be available every other month or so. Every other month is a LOT better then your example of the Cove. Mabar is ONCE a year. Icy games are ONCE a year (I think lol) Anniversary event is ONCE a year. So no...this is NOT like any other type of event. This is a regular part of the game with a vendor that changes from time to time.

    You really need to work on your examples as everything you tried to compare it to (GS ingredients/Cove) are not even close to anything like this.

    Try again plz.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    Yeah I see a few people talk about grinding these...and I have to ask...why? You get them in the normal course of playing the game if you are at level in H or E quests.
    It's a grind because of the price. You can get remnants doing normal questing, but it'll probably take the average player 6 months to a year to get a single lv21 cloak or bracer for 1 toon. By your argument, they can hike up the price to 80000 remnants and it's still not a grindfest because the average player can get the remnants needed through regular questing in 5-10 years.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    Try again plz.
    You need to take your own advice.

  19. #99
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bingobong View Post
    It's a grind because of the price. You can get remnants doing normal questing, but it'll probably take the average player 6 months to a year to get a single lv21 cloak or bracer for 1 toon. By your argument, they can hike up the price to 80000 remnants and it's still not a grindfest because the average player can get the remnants needed through regular questing in 5-10 years.
    LOL yep that's my point exactly. We should all wait 5-10 years =)

    And where do you get the average player taking 6-12 months? All that data is from upset people who think they should get 100 remnants every chest. So far I know about 15 people who have ALL bought the lvl 21 bracer/cloak and some have even bought the lower versions.

    The fact is most of the numbers here are from people that are upset so they don't want people to think they are better or maybe even a few asying they have more then they should. Anyone doubting mine can log onto sarlona and I can link all 3 bracers. NO ONE here knows for sure what the average player might or might not get so people should really stop throwing out numbers they can't back up. I am speaking from my own personal luck with remnants and I certainly don't think I speak for every casual average player.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    And cove is a once or twice a year MAX event and we haven't had once since at least august of 2014 so not sure about your "several". Remnants are ALWAYS dropping.
    I said "few", not "several".
    Synonyms for "few" if you do a google search : a small number, a handful, one or two, a couple, two or three

    Not only are you playing the semantics game, but you even change what people say to justify your semantics game.

    And yeah remnants are always dropping, which is why I suggested keeping the rewards in the vendor permanently instead of a 1 week event (or "thing" if you want to call it that).
    Last edited by MightyMe; 03-27-2015 at 08:51 PM.

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