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Hi Saekee -
Yeah, I suppose this is sort of a complex discussion, but I thank you for your reply. I'm currently following CThruTheEgo's Hassan's Assassin Build as close as I can with my 2nd life. I'm combing through the wiki and reading everything that I can. I haven't checked out Nokowi's vids yet, so I'll get on that.
To answer your question, I've selected the following feats thus far -
Insightful Reflexes
Imp Crit Pierce
Improved Evasion
I've dumped my early skill points into the Harper Tree, until I unlocked Strategic Combat II. Everything else has been poured into Assassin.
It sounds like I need gear that boosts my Int, Wis, Con and Dex to the maximum for my level.
My Gear Set Up will be something like this -
Armor: Snakeskin Vest
Helm: +6 Int
Googles: +13 Spot, Search, Disable, Open Lock, Etc.
Gloves: +6 Dex
Boots: Golden Greaves
Necklace: Free Slot
Belt: 100% Fortification
Cloak: +6 Con
Ring: +6 Wis
Ring: Free Slot
Wrist: Dodge Boost
Trinket: Free Slot
Seem okay?