I've been a premium player for around 4 or 5 years now. I don't own all the content, but I have a lot of it. Today, I thought I would try out the lama server for the first time, so D/L it and copied a toon and poked around the ToEE for a little bit. Just now, I went to log into the live server, and it's now telling me I only have access to 3 of my 5 char slots. Basically telling me to pick 3 toons and if I want access to the other 2, I have to buy account upgrades to access them. Is this tied in any way to the lama server? Am I going to have to buy those 2 char slots AGAIN(bought 3 extra slots when I started playing for a total of 5) to access those toons??

Any insight would be greatly appreciateded.

Also, bottom of char selection screen now says free account. As stated, I've been premium for around 5 years now.