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  1. #1
    Enlightened Completionist
    Marten's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Arrow DevChat for those that could not be there.

    The following are excerpts of the Dev Chat held Friday the 20th of March.

    @8:10 PM EST 3/20/15: (World Broadcast): World broadcast: '/joinchannel devchat tonight!'
    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'Info on the character sheet... Trying to find time to put more stuff in there since I've figured out how to do some of them, like the Healing Amp.'
    [devchat] +Steel: 'Hello, folks'
    [devchat] +Cordovan: 'hello!'
    (World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Hello! ~Cordovan'
    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'What's your favorite part of Temple of Elemental Evil?'
    [devchat] Lorvak: 'i love that it looks like a dungeon crawl from the start'
    [devchat] Geralt: 'honestly, I'm just excited you gus made ToEE its a classic, and me and my kids are jazzed that it somewhat links with 5th edition. '
    [devchat] Ahzinna: 'I like that it makes me feel like I'm back in HS. The detail makes me hear my old DM in my head narrating the layout of the rooms'
    [devchat] +Steel: 'Thanks, everyone! We've been working really hard on TOEE and glad to hear that many of you are enjoying it so far'

    [devchat] Geralt: 'any guest narration planned?''it was great to get Greenwood for the Halls '
    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'Oh, we're wicked excited about <REDACTED>.'

    [devchat] +Cordovan: 'Sorry no we aren't able to provide further information on the final cost for ToEE on live. We can say that it will be free to VIPS however'

    [devchat] +Steel: 'Nokills: Yes, we're planning to adjust the XP after gathering Lamannia data '

    [devchat] Nokills: 'how many parts are there to ToEE'
    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'Two! 'I can answer that!'

    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'I believe there should be a chest at the end of part 1, but that there was an issue with this Lamannia build.'

    [devchat] Nokills: 'what new items?'
    [devchat] +Vargouille: ''
    !! I asked several times if there were going to be "outfits" for monks with this new "Fully Upgraded Armor," but never got a reply. Then...
    (Admin): +Steel tells you, 'I don't know offhand, No_Worries is on the loot for U25'

    [devchat] Maago: 'How do you do colored chat? xD'
    [devchat] Uurlock: 'Ancient Chinese Secret.
    ShHHHHHhhhhHHH! and'

    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'Also, some of us devs hang out in even during non-dev events.'

    [devchat] Nokills: 'in ToEE are the maps supposed to reset and go dark after a DD?'
    [devchat] +Steel: 'Nokills: No, that's a bug. We're looking into it'

    [devchat] Lorvak: 'its a huge dungeon lets face it the pnp version could take days hours on a mmo is alright in my book'

    [devchat] Phasma: 'a lot of the halls look the same. Some different colored banners on the walls for east west north and south could help'

    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'Monster DCs and saves in ToEE are certainly subject to change, and like anything else we welcome feedback'

    [devchat] Geralt: 'like the director's cut from Hall? I rather enjoyed that.'
    [devchat] +Steel: 'Geralt: We're all-classic with our Temple of ELemental Evil!'

    [devchat] +Steel: 'Monster balance in general is still being worked on, we're getting great feedback from Lamannia so far on that'

    [devchat] Rowsun: 'The fight against Zuggtmoy has some problems in a party. Notably, the barrier can go up and leave you no way to get to the fight, leaving one person stuck soloing'

    [devchat] Stormvector: 'by contrast to the eath ele's, Romag was ridiculously wimpy on EN'
    [devchat] +Steel: 'Stormvector: Yeah, Romag should probably get a bit of a bump. He's supposed to be a weenie though - He's got four beefy Elementals working for him. He's the brains of the Earth Temple.'

    [devchat] Liobal: 'do you know if you will have a special reward list after 3/5/20/2456 runs of ToEE?'
    [devchat] +Steel: 'Liobal: No plans for that, no.'

    [devchat] Phasma: 'Any hidden easter eggs in the temple?'
    [devchat] +Steel: 'Phasma: A few for those who are familiar with the original module, mostly '

    [devchat] +Steel: 'Staciey: We've added an extra shrine set on DUngeon Level Two, and another set right before the end fight with Falrinth'
    [devchat] +Steel: 'Staciey: I think that would bring it to 4 or 5 total in TOEE1, I don't remember exactly (I am at home or I'd check)'

    [devchat] +Steel: 'Phasma: We'd definitely love to do more Classic Modules in the future!'

    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'We definitely have some great feedback already to help us improve ToEE'

    10:01 PM EST:
    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'OK guys, event is just about over now '
    devchat] +Steel: 'Heading out as well, thanks for chatting all! Look forward to hearing more about your thoughts on TOEE!'
    [devchat] +Vargouille: 'Cheers all!'

    I hope this has been helpful.
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
    ** My IRL Epic **

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Community Member thomascoolone64's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by UurlockYgmeov View Post
    Shhh... ancient Stormreaver Secret!

    Thanks! I fell asleep on my bed a few hours before the event and slept through it accidently...
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post

    "Ignore the text in the Lamannia launcher claiming to be from Middle Earth. Wat?"

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