The following are excerpts of the Dev Chat held Friday the 20th of March.
@8:10 PM EST 3/20/15: (World Broadcast): World broadcast: '/joinchannel devchat tonight!'
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'Info on the character sheet... Trying to find time to put more stuff in there since I've figured out how to do some of them, like the Healing Amp.'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Hello, folks'
[devchat] +Cordovan: 'hello!'
(World Broadcast): World broadcast: 'Hello! ~Cordovan'
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'What's your favorite part of Temple of Elemental Evil?'
[devchat] Lorvak: 'i love that it looks like a dungeon crawl from the start'
[devchat] Geralt: 'honestly, I'm just excited you gus made ToEE its a classic, and me and my kids are jazzed that it somewhat links with 5th edition.
[devchat] Ahzinna: 'I like that it makes me feel like I'm back in HS. The detail makes me hear my old DM in my head narrating the layout of the rooms'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Thanks, everyone!
We've been working really hard on TOEE and glad to hear that many of you are enjoying it so far'
[devchat] Geralt: 'any guest narration planned?''it was great to get Greenwood for the Halls
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'Oh, we're wicked excited about <REDACTED>.'
[devchat] +Cordovan: 'Sorry no we aren't able to provide further information on the final cost for ToEE on live. We can say that it will be free to VIPS however'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Nokills: Yes, we're planning to adjust the XP after gathering Lamannia data
[devchat] Nokills: 'how many parts are there to ToEE'
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'Two! 'I can answer that!'
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'I believe there should be a chest at the end of part 1, but that there was an issue with this Lamannia build.'
[devchat] Nokills: 'what new items?'
[devchat] +Vargouille: ''
!! I asked several times if there were going to be "outfits" for monks with this new "Fully Upgraded Armor," but never got a reply. Then...
(Admin): +Steel tells you, 'I don't know offhand, No_Worries is on the loot for U25'
[devchat] Maago: 'How do you do colored chat? xD'
[devchat] Uurlock: 'Ancient Chinese Secret.
ShHHHHHhhhhHHH! and'
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'Also, some of us devs hang out in even during non-dev events.'
[devchat] Nokills: 'in ToEE are the maps supposed to reset and go dark after a DD?'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Nokills: No, that's a bug. We're looking into it'
[devchat] Lorvak: 'its a huge dungeon lets face it the pnp version could take days hours on a mmo is alright in my book'
[devchat] Phasma: 'a lot of the halls look the same. Some different colored banners on the walls for east west north and south could help'
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'Monster DCs and saves in ToEE are certainly subject to change, and like anything else we welcome feedback'
[devchat] Geralt: 'like the director's cut from Hall? I rather enjoyed that.'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Geralt: We're all-classic with our Temple of ELemental Evil!'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Monster balance in general is still being worked on, we're getting great feedback from Lamannia so far on that'
[devchat] Rowsun: 'The fight against Zuggtmoy has some problems in a party. Notably, the barrier can go up and leave you no way to get to the fight, leaving one person stuck soloing'
[devchat] Stormvector: 'by contrast to the eath ele's, Romag was ridiculously wimpy on EN'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Stormvector: Yeah, Romag should probably get a bit of a bump. He's supposed to be a weenie though - He's got four beefy Elementals working for him. He's the brains of the Earth Temple.'
[devchat] Liobal: 'do you know if you will have a special reward list after 3/5/20/2456 runs of ToEE?'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Liobal: No plans for that, no.'
[devchat] Phasma: 'Any hidden easter eggs in the temple?'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Phasma: A few for those who are familiar with the original module, mostly
[devchat] +Steel: 'Staciey: We've added an extra shrine set on DUngeon Level Two, and another set right before the end fight with Falrinth'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Staciey: I think that would bring it to 4 or 5 total in TOEE1, I don't remember exactly (I am at home or I'd check)'
[devchat] +Steel: 'Phasma: We'd definitely love to do more Classic Modules in the future!'
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'We definitely have some great feedback already to help us improve ToEE'
10:01 PM EST:
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'OK guys, event is just about over now
devchat] +Steel: 'Heading out as well, thanks for chatting all! Look forward to hearing more about your thoughts on TOEE!'
[devchat] +Vargouille: 'Cheers all!'
I hope this has been helpful.