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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Is there a planner for armor?

    As I am approaching 28 and getting all of these augment slots I have been looking for a planner for armor so I can make sure I am not doubling up on things that do not stack. I have not been able to find one. Does anyone know if one exists?
    Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds it's certainty.

  2. #2
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    This might be information you already have...

    DDO follows PnP D&D for AC stacking.

    So, you can build armor in the following ways:
    Wearing armor: Armor bonus (duh);
    A Shield: Shield bonus;
    Natural Armor;
    Deflection bonus;
    Dexterity bonus;

    Some Feats and Enhancements also add to Armor Class.

  3. #3
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kompera_Oberon View Post
    This might be information you already have...

    DDO follows PnP D&D for AC stacking.

    So, you can build armor in the following ways:
    Wearing armor: Armor bonus (duh);
    A Shield: Shield bonus;
    Natural Armor;
    Deflection bonus;
    Dexterity bonus;

    Some Feats and Enhancements also add to Armor Class.
    Good list, I think Protection needs to be added unless the way I have been playing all these years is wrong. Which is a total possibility.

    I do not know of any armor bonus planners. Never really needed one. Not to long ago, you wore pajamas and evaded everything.

    I do know this, Bracers of AC Bonus which used to be a requirement don't mean anything now in my opinion.

    Augments are completely subjective. My opinion of augments is just about 100% different than everyone else's opinions.

    I created an AUGMENT planner for myself but posting it would only mean I would get snarky comments.

    Most armor includes BLUE AUGMENT slots. There is old armor, no longer drops, with red, yellow, and clear. I have a few of these. Then there is named armor, of which I don't know them all.

    It is not that difficult to figure out which sapphires are the ones you want.
    Protection? no you should have that in an item as the plusses are higher at your level than an augment.
    Natural Armor? No, you should have that in an item as the plusses are higher at your level than an augment.
    Resistance? No you should have that in an item as the plusses are higher at your level than an augment.
    Heavy Fortification? I like it.
    Defense? I like it.
    Spell Agility? Useful on certain characters.
    Armored Agility? Useful on certain characters.
    False Life? Useful, but I tend to go for other things.
    Good luck? No, you can craft this on at MUCH, MUCH lower levels. If you can't craft, then maybe.
    Special Augments? These tend to be pretty good and slotting them is a nice bonus.

    Just place what armor you have and what slots, people will express opinions.
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 03-21-2015 at 05:31 AM.
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  4. #4
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phanes View Post
    As I am approaching 28 and getting all of these augment slots I have been looking for a planner for armor so I can make sure I am not doubling up on things that do not stack. I have not been able to find one. Does anyone know if one exists?
    i wouldn't stick to armor only, i would look for any build (lol i've been checking for some gear layout posting even slots and took me a bit XD) that is close to you, and check what are they using in their slots

    an example would be

    in the 1st page you can see everything, stats and augments, so there's nothing repeated (because if you want a planner, i guess it's because you want it to say "hey, you are repeating bonus") i woul take it as base and try to get close to it, with lower bonus value, but same type

    the reason to check others' gear layout is because... well, you aren't wearing only armor, you have lots of slots with possible augments so... there's no point telling you what to put in your armor, also, there's no planner (people take 1 build gear layout, and start from this point)
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  5. #5
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    So what augment stats stack? I think it is exceptional and insightful? That is to say if I have an exceptional augment and an insightful I will get both bonuses but if I have two insightful I only get the more powerful?
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  6. #6
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    I stink at these games.

    I thought we were talking about armor but we were talking about whether or not two diamond augment abilities, one exceptional and one insightful stack, which can be found on armor. The answer is yes.

    If I have two insightful Strength +2 items, do they stack? No, you are +2.
    If I have an Insightful Strength +2 and an insightful Strength +4, do they stack? No, you get +4.
    If I have an Insightful Strength +2 and an insightful Wisdom +4, do they stack? No, you get +2 Strength and +4 Wisdom.

    Like I said earlier, what armor?
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 03-21-2015 at 09:02 AM.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by moomooprincess View Post
    Good list, I think Protection needs to be added [...]
    Protection is a Deflection bonus.

    There are probably others I have missed, especially those which become available at higher levels.

    PRR* and Fortification, neither of which exist in PnP D&D, are also factors which must be considered when thinking about damage mitigation, which is pretty much what AC is all about in the PnP game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phanes View Post
    So what augment stats stack? I think it is exceptional and insightful? That is to say if I have an exceptional augment and an insightful I will get both bonuses but if I have two insightful I only get the more powerful?
    This is augment agnostic. As in, it is the type of bonus and not the source which matters.

    * And MRR
    Last edited by Kompera_Oberon; 03-21-2015 at 12:26 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Like I said, I stink at these games. So, Deflection means Protection!!!

    I have found a LOT of Protection items, but not very many deflection items.

    That Sapphire of Protection +6, why that is a Sapphire of Deflection +6.
    That Ring of Protection +6, why that is a Ring of Deflection +6.

    To me, DEFLECT meant the monk ability to deflect arrows or maybe the dodge ability found on items, but not deflection because, well, the items actually use the word PROTECTION.

    I just logged into Sarlona and did an AH search for deflect. Guess how many items I found?
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  9. #9
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moomooprincess View Post
    Like I said, I stink at these games. So, Deflection means Protection!!!

    I have found a LOT of Protection items, but not very many deflection items.

    That Sapphire of Protection +6, why that is a Sapphire of Deflection +6.
    That Ring of Protection +6, why that is a Ring of Deflection +6.

    To me, DEFLECT meant the monk ability to deflect arrows or maybe the dodge ability found on items, but not deflection because, well, the items actually use the word PROTECTION.

    I just logged into Sarlona and did an AH search for deflect. Guess how many items I found?
    Items "of protection" grant a deflection-typed bonus. The bonus TYPE matters because bonuses of the same type on gear don't stack.

    So, yes, the name of the EFFECT on GEAR is "protection". The name of the BONUS TYPE is "deflection". This matters because some abilities (like Shintao monk cores, or the Shield of Faith spell) grant a "deflection" type bonus that does not stack with the bonus granted by protection items.

    When you look at items, always read the description text for the effect to know what TYPE the bonus is.
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  10. #10
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by psykopeta View Post
    the reason to check others' gear layout is because... well, you aren't wearing only armor, you have lots of slots with possible augments so... there's no point telling you what to put in your armor, also, there's no planner (people take 1 build gear layout, and start from this point)
    I think they're using "armor" to mean "equipment", not "chest slot". In some other MMO's all of your equipment is "armor slots".
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  11. #11
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Items "of protection" grant a deflection-typed bonus. The bonus TYPE matters because bonuses of the same type on gear don't stack.

    So, yes, the name of the EFFECT on GEAR is "protection". The name of the BONUS TYPE is "deflection". This matters because some abilities (like Shintao monk cores, or the Shield of Faith spell) grant a "deflection" type bonus that does not stack with the bonus granted by protection items.

    When you look at items, always read the description text for the effect to know what TYPE the bonus is.
    So, under the new player advice & guidance section, we should be using the description and not what it is called? Got it.

    New Player A comes and sees a thread about armor planning. Cool.

    Oooo, I need this something that is called deflection. Goes and looks for deflection stuff.

    Do you think New Player A will find it?

    Once again, I went to the Auction House and looked for deflect on both PLAT AH and Shard AH, nothing found.

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