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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default New rogue changes

    So far, I'm not too impressed with the Assassin changes. Some of it is great, like the stealth movement, some aren't so good. And it still does peanut damage, except once in a blue moon, where a massive damage appears out of nowhere.

    What are other people thoughts on the new enhancements?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Pretty anticlimactic all in all. I logged a pile of hours on Assassin and was totally underwhelmed, crappy Assassinates, drek changes in the tree, it's has done very little to improve the class, and it certainly hasn't made it more viable.

    A good point was the Crit enhancement good to see the crit confirm and crit damage are together as they are in the swashbuckler. Too bad the Devs won't open their bloody eyes and use some other swash mechanics as well to help the Assassin.

    Just started with Acrobat will post later.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Tried out a few dex acrobats and was underwhelmed. Went /3 Bard on one build only to find that Defensive Roll doesn't work with bucklers, so would have been better as a str build. It did alright but since Def Roll didn't work the only thing keeping me there was No Mercy and Kip Up really, so would have worked better as a 12+ Bard instead.

    The other one was a 13 rog/4 paladin/3 monk to try out the new staff attacks, was weaker than the first even with Def Roll because it was down 300-350 HP but did a bit more DPS. The staff attacks are still bad, Sweeping Strikes doesn't get any benefit from +trip gear, and Lunge is still Lunge. Build would have been better in H. armour and as a 15 Paladin/4 Rog, also str based obviously.

    Should have tried a Barb Acrobat build to see how that went but haven't even played with the new Barbs yet so don't have a measuring stick to check it against, doubt it'd be a good build though.

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