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  1. #241
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    no info on the named items? or specifics on the crafting effects?
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serapis View Post
    There is a x3 multiplier on it so there is hope!
    I know that is the level 7 version.... But the level 28 will need a lot more than a x3 mod on it to make it used by assassins. The bane, ghost touch and dispelling are all useless. Remember most Assassins will be using agony + TF at level 28 and you don't want it to surpass TF but unless it gets at least improved deception it has no hope of bypassing a level 23 item as absolute best offhand weapon.

    Basically remove everything from the dagger and start again with profane assassinate and deception and work from there (although the x3 multiplier can stay).

  3. #243
    Community Member Serapis's Avatar
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    Spot on! Regardless though I am only interested in the heroic drops.... My epic needs are already met from Thunderforged.

  4. #244
    Community Member Janisis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eth View Post
    I don't get where they are going with this.

    Anyone that stays at level 28 for longer is likely to run deathwyrm/fire peaks, because... there isn't so much else to run at cap.
    That's one year old content by now. Lots of time to get your mats.

    If you don't stay at 28 and serial TR/ER you won't be using the ToEE or TF weapons anyway. If you stay at level 28 you likely have your TFs crafted already and the ToEE are useless to you, because they are simply worse.
    I don't get it. They fill nothing.

    Weapons was just the wrong choice at this point.
    I basically want to say exactly what Eth is saying - everything about itemization from U25 tells me that developers really are out of touch with their product.

    I have a few suggestions (I purposely deleted the 5 page rant post I had for this thread last week in an attempt to avoid a vacation):

    1) Keep them the same and lower the level requirements: lvl 24 or 25 I think would be fair. If its for casual players then even better - worst case make them min lvl 26 (nice easy fix). Your non-raiders have cool new toys, your gamers who clock in the hours have possible TR gear options but chances are will not use them anyway - but we wont fill insulted when they drop and we will consider them. The least amount of effort for you guys.

    2) So you paid for the graphics - good for you guys but the items are mostly useless to the current actual game state (sorry if you guys are out of touch). Turn them into augments - you slot them into your weapon, the weapon appearance changes, you get to still use your graphic, we get something cool at least in bare minimum as 'neato'. This is especially nice for players who don't like spending cold hard cash on the game (I noticed lots of those guys posting in this thread). Slightly more work for you guys - has a cool factor, doesn't necessarily create any power creep if they are sub-par 2d6 augments that are lvl 28 or lower. Just same **** but with a graphic bonus.

    3) Actually analyze tons of potentially missing mods, gear slots, effects that could exist or already do exist but not in a lvl 26+ manner and add them already and make gear that doesnt replace E_Orchard or TF but gives us choices (best option for players, but safe to say wont happen with this little time). Tons of weapon types barely exist in this game, tons of effects like caster level increases, kinetic energy, etc... exist on old gear but doesnt on lvl 21+ gear, tons of effects on only a few slots like repair amp or neg heal amp which could be placed on more pieces, spell power on non-weapon / red augments would help casters that use more than 1 or 2 spell powers. Or shields for all of those shield builds you added including CASTER shields for Eldritch Knights. Oh to really blow our minds away start adding Warlock loot to the game instead of two years after you implement them. I feel bad for druids, they either sploit or suck with no gear. Lots of options out there that wouldn't overpower the game but give choices.

    Anyway - feedback that can be ignored - which I usually assume happens for anything typed on these forums.

    Also I don't mind spending money on the game - just wish VIP actually gave benefits. So put the +7s in the store and try to keep a job or two there. Wish more decent cosmetic stuff would be placed in the store - invest in a decent graphics artists and crank the stuff out like a drug dealer and let him pay for himself and a few others or outsource it to developing markets and flood us with new stuff that has quality and pay some bills so we can have some quality in the game.

    The whole no Anauroch instead you get ToEE with this crappy cut and paste loot has been a bitter pill for me to swallow.
    Official Wearer of Purple Proud Member of Renowned Not Afraid to PUG
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  5. #245
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    Coming from the perspective of a end game player (and I know it doesn't matter at all now that we're in ship it mode; I just wanted to get it out there):

    This update is largely going to be a once and done for me. I have no interest in the loot. It's bland. TF seems to be much better except for a few rare occasions and then the grind to craft these doesn't equal the time I will need to use them. I get that some may be used for TR'ing by a few. Again, depending on the grind. Many players don't spend the time in the heroic levels these fit before they are quickly outpaced by greensteel.

    The new +6-7 upgrade tomes are the only draw for this content and it's repeatability for me. If their drop rate is abysmal as they are going to be added to the store, then this content that you worked so hard for will be forgotten very quickly. (And before all the blind-faith supporters come in a tear me a new one, I don't want them handed to me by any means but I don't want to be told they are dropping and technically they are but at a 1/10,000 chance because of the store.)

    The fact that there was virtually no communication about loot tells me it wasn't very high on the priority list. But honestly, how long do you expect people who are at cap to wait around? Soon is not an answer.

  6. #246
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    So why preview loot if feedback on it will be totally ignored?

    What a disaster... the last few updates besides Orchard even including Thunderforged have had poorly designed, underwelming loot, quick to farm overly high drop rates, 2 weeks and crumple it up and toss it away disposable content.

    Not long ago you used Thunderforged weapons as a reason you would not put in Epic versions of the much loved (and way more interesting than this junk) Orchard tome of legends and Shield fragment turn ins... Instead you put in uninspired small shields that are mostly junk. Now you're a whole 3 months further in the development cycle and someone decided we're overdue for another weapon crafting system. And to top it off you guys were cautious about Epic Shroud because you said GS would compete with Thunderforged.... So you put in an enemic weapon crafting system in the middle? That's just going to sort of lay there not quite useful, in between TF and eGS??? This looks like the next Calomel weapons system.
    Last edited by IronClan; 03-31-2015 at 09:30 PM.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClan View Post
    So why preview loot if feedback on it will be totally ignored?
    Because things.

  8. #248
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    I wouldn't even call the loot properly previewed. We have finally gained our first screenshot of ANY loot.

  9. #249
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Oh and another design directive that lasted for 3 months: for Swashbuckler you literally asked us what shields you could turn into small/bucklers so that Swashes could properly itemize. Forget that almost no use for a small shield exists in the game, and that the best Buckler was already in the game with ML4/8/12/16/20 and now 24 versions.

    For Mechanic however this design directive of supporting new things is no longer in evidence, as there are zero real named Great crossbows (the starter one not withstanding). and despite many people pointing this out OVER AND OVER in the Mechanic and new loot discussions nothing has been done.

    So again, I have to say there's no reason that any DDO player should see anything but a lack of coherence, a lack of leadership and a lack of consistent design direction... You guys do U turns every couple weeks you can't blame the players for becoming jaded and adversarial with the Dev's... In fact you guys should reasonably anticipate that as a logical outcome.

  10. #250
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Hello, is anyone here?
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  11. #251
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    I like his name, noworries.

    Yet, sooooo many people are worried heh

  12. #252
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClan View Post
    Oh and another design directive that lasted for 3 months: for Swashbuckler you literally asked us what shields you could turn into small/bucklers so that Swashes could properly itemize. Forget that almost no use for a small shield exists in the game, and that the best Buckler was already in the game with ML4/8/12/16/20 and now 24 versions.

    For Mechanic however this design directive of supporting new things is no longer in evidence, as there are zero real named Great crossbows (the starter one not withstanding). and despite many people pointing this out OVER AND OVER in the Mechanic and new loot discussions nothing has been done.

    So again, I have to say there's no reason that any DDO player should see anything but a lack of coherence, a lack of leadership and a lack of consistent design direction... You guys do U turns every couple weeks you can't blame the players for becoming jaded and adversarial with the Dev's... In fact you guys should reasonably anticipate that as a logical outcome.
    light shields are for evasion tanks which they destroyed with the prr changes. much better to go with heavy armor/heavy or tower shield now. so yes hey have almost no use.
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  13. #253
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    Would be nice to get some craftable shields.

  14. #254
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    Default Loot consideration

    If the Epic levels, is going to stay in lv 30. I recommend putting the foundation for Demigod level and gear.
    Where you have a limit effects and dmg on weapons. and have different benefits of each weapon, but same dmg. They upgrade all epic items:
    Demigod Sword of Shadow, only for player lv 30:
    • Damage: 4(2d6)+12 and what make it special Critical 18% (45-120) 17-20x3
    • Metalline
    • 2 purple slot
    To craft a Demigod Weapon required ingredient from many raids, depend on the item, example 5000 commendation heroism, 5000 token, 1000 raid token, 1000 ingot for death Wyrn, item lord of blade etc etc. Special ingredient is sword of shadow soul, drop from demigod level of VON 6.
    Upgrade the effect of all the epic gear that can be useful at high level content. DC 35 in epic telekinesis in epic sirocco it a joke, make it decent. Make it demigod sirocco with demigod telekinesis dc 75, if you want put an aleatory restriction like works 50% chance. Or demigod Vorpal put restriction of dc to instead kill a mob, based on str.
    Also create a DEMIGOD level for all epic quests, for high level player, were mobs make a lot of dmg, traps are deadly, have a lot of champion. Force players think in an action plan and chose carefully it partner. The other players has normal-hard-elite level, if some want to solo they’re free to do it in elite lv. In demigod, imposible

  15. #255
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moo_cow View Post
    Stat damage on weapons has never been useful and never will be(aside from con). Doing dex damage and str damage does not help anyone. EE mobs regen those lost effects every 5 seconds or so. Even if they didn't regenerate they still wouldn't be worth anything.
    Yes, it is an issue of regen. Reducing the immunity from 90% to 33% is a step in the correct direction, but unless the hyper-fast stat regen is removed, stat damage is a non-starter.

    I remember drooling over WOPs. I would check the trade forum daily (there was no auction yet.) I remember when we figured out to get weakening of enfeebling weapons to deal with the living spells in the reavers refuge. We would beat them down to 0 STR and stunned and leave them alive, but unable to hurt us. Not long after that, the changes were implemented allowing both players and mobs to auto regen. And then in epic the regen is super fast.

    I'd like to see the regen removed for both players and mobs.

    Edit (now that I'm at the bottom of the thread):

    My static group just capped our main characters today. We were discussing staying at cap to run ToEE or just doing the TR now. We decided to look at the loot to help make the decision. Reading through this thread I have come to the conclusion that I can safely TR my main tonight and just run ToEE on heroic (I have one alt at 9 now) or EH on a level 26 alt. I don't see any reason to keep our power players available to run this on EE. Nothing I really want in the line up.

    Maybe next update.
    Last edited by redoubt; 04-02-2015 at 04:40 PM.

  16. #256
    Community Member HuneyMunster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serapis View Post
    Look what I just looted on heroic elite off a named sahuagin...
    The dagger needs the new tiered deception from say IV-VIII/IX depending on the level. Deception VIII adds 8 SA attack and 16 SA dmg. Some doublestrike on it would also be great and I would suggest 13% on highest level version (same as EE First Blood).

    I would replace incorp bane and ghostly with those two effects and maybe keep greater dispel as its king of unique.

  17. #257
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    Default Why dont you just say named loot is not upgradeable??

    Bcoz you know everyone will say this updates loot system SUCKS! WoW the fact that you wont even make ToEE weapons upgradeable shows a serious lack of insight.. Really did they just legalise CRACK Cocaine where you guys develop?
    Fire your Boss! He/she or even that heshe sucks at developing ToEE EPIC BOMB OUT!

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