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As someone who actually liked to use the ability I must still say that it was cumbersome. The cooldown was overly long, and in groups it added very little to overall damage output. In theory it sounds very good, but it's too slow to work the way you describe it. Casters will attempt to nuke main targets, barbarians, fighters and paladins will jump over the small fry to stun the enemy casters and champions (provided they haven't been nuked by the time they reach them), bards... will be bards. You can get one Assassination off, but by the time it comes off CD, everything else is dead due to people hitting it in the face. You hardly ever get 2 uses of assassinate in one fight, things simply die too fast. If you start trying to take your time and select a good target on top of that, you'll be lucky to ever hit anything in a quest.
I found that my damage output (mainly measured in number of kills relative to total amount) noticeably increased once I (and this applies to groups only, mind, not soloing) started to assassinate the first thing I was in range of, and then swung away at whatever monster had aggro on another player. When that drops, move on to the next, and when that one drops, only you and your teammates are left standing.
Backing off in melee to get in another assassinate sounds nice on paper. I tried it as well. But 4 times out of 5 when sneaking in melee you'll get hit by a random attack, some glancing blow, a stray arrow, or you'll step on a twig and alert every monster in the vicinity to your presence over the clamor of battle. It will work once in a while, but it's not consistent enough to be useful, and as I said above: Things die too fast.