Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
The improved critical range will boost DPS more than the alacrity, not even considering all the other perks in the tree. We never intended the Alacrity to be the sole reason the tree would do better DPS.

Yes it will, but you are not seeing where a big rogue dps comes from= sneak attack.

Rogues have always gone for the most attacks per min to maximize sneak attack damage. Now if a repeater can fire 50% to 100% more shots over the course of a minute that is an enormous difference in dps between the 2.

If the rogue has even a 70 base damage a shot with a great crossbow, then every +1 crit mutli adds only 70 extra damage on a crit (85 with seeker 15).


A equal level rogue with 30d6 sneak attack (only 1d6 less then great crossbow) with do an extra 105 damage every hit. If that rogue has 30% more attacks per minute that pulls him massively ahead. So yes, I still believe on paper let alone in game great crossbows are not viable yet vs repeaters.

Double attack % on great crossbows

a bit off topic suggestion=
This tree could also use
Sniper Shot: Ranged Attack: Performs a ranged attack with +2[W], a +4 bonus to-hit, +2 to critical threat range, and +2 to Critical Damage Multiplier. On Damage: The target will become momentarily confused and rendered vulnerable to sneak attacks for four seconds as if affected by the bluff skill. (Cooldown 6 seconds)

That is from deepwood sniper tree and honestly it even outclasses the assassin removal of sneak attack penalty.