Are you sick and tired of arguements and powerplays between guild members?
Fed up with quest disasters resulting from the lack of cooperation?
Put off by stinginess?
I've been in this guild playing almost daily for... I don't know... almost a year(?), and I have not suffered ANY sincere insults, deceptions, or slander with these outstanding players!
They.... WE... are a fine community with a great sense of humor to top off our diverse and most original character designs,
cameraderie, TUTORING, many high grade guildship resources including a greensteel crafting hall, all intelligently placed,
our old and new school dungeoneering and raid experience, full spectrum game-play knowledge & experience
*** with patient and supportive officers, who don't leave newbs behind.
[Yeah, I spelled it "n-e-w-b". New + beginner = newb. "Noob" is slanglish]
If you're in-game active At Least once a week, and want a progressive team, or just an other worldly "home away from home",
then e-mail me at
... or just wave down a passing officer.
~ Sincerely, the little lonely, and definitely eccentric Grandapah Deddagaen.
profile photo ~
First Officers: Are guild members who have been with the guild for more than 2 years. Members who
possess extensive knowledge about each class; and the quests found throughout Stormreach.
Secondary Officers: Are newer very active guild members. These members are active and social, and
have contributed a lot over a short time.
Master: Hallwood.
Successor Someiyoshino.
First Officer: Doggyheals.
First Officer: Essageo.
First Officer: Depleted.
First Officer: Korros.
First Officer: Ravni.
First Officer: Kazzark/Sharion.
First Officer: Spruce.
First Officer: Tesra
Secondary Officer: Deakar
Secondary Officer: Necrophilia
Secondary Officer: Doublecool
Secondary Officer: Kisari
Secondary Officer Meanotaur
Secondary Officer Malibru
Secondary Officer Stiekum
Secondary Officer Dkillerr
Secondary Officer Yfactor
Secondary Officer of Recruitment: Grandapah