Much like the animated shield, I can see this one requiring the addition of a specialized equipped weapon slot, depending on what you can and cannot code. Otherwise, I see it acting pretty much as described.Dancing
As a standard action, a dancing weapon can be loosed to attack on its own. It fights for 4 rounds using the base attack bonus of the one who loosed it and then drops. While dancing, it cannot make attacks of opportunity, and the person who activated it is not considered armed with the weapon. In all other respects, it is considered wielded or attended by the creature for all maneuvers and effects that target items. While dancing, it takes up the same space as the activating character and can attack adjacent foes (weapons with reach can attack opponents up to 10 feet away). The dancing weapon accompanies the person who activated it everywhere, whether she moves by physical or magical means. If the wielder who loosed it has an unoccupied hand, she can grasp it while it is attacking on its own as a free action; when so retrieved the weapon can’t dance (attack on its own) again for 4 rounds.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects; Price +4 bonus.
For this weapon, how I see it working is instead of providing its + attack bonus to attacks, when equipped, it adds bonus *3% to AC.Defending
A defending weapon allows the wielder to transfer some or all of the sword’s enhancement bonus to his AC as a bonus that stacks with all others. As a free action, the wielder chooses how to allocate the weapon’s enhancement bonus at the start of his turn before using the weapon, and the effect to AC lasts until his next turn.
Moderate abjuration; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, shield or shield of faith; Price +1 bonus.
It shows up only on monk weapons, and works as described, allowing for Stunning Fist to be used while equipped. You could have a much more rare drop that can be found on any melee weapon and works as described, plus the weapons doesn't break centering.Ki Focus
The magic weapon serves as a channel for the wielder’s ki, allowing her to use her special ki attacks through the weapon as if they were unarmed attacks. These attacks include the monk’s stunning attack, ki strike, and quivering palm, as well as the Stunning Fist feat. Only melee weapons can have the ki focus ability.
Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be a monk; Price +1 bonus.
I would not want to see this treated in the wrong way you've done other spell storing (recharging spell points potions basically). Basically, this would work as a clicky with whatever spell is currently stored in it. You could then refill it yourself in a tavern or at a shrine, or have a party member caster do so.Spell Storing
A spell storing weapon allows a spellcaster to store a single targeted spell of up to 3rd level in the weapon. (The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action.) Any time the weapon strikes a creature and the creature takes damage from it, the weapon can immediately cast the spell on that creature as a free action if the wielder desires. (This special ability is an exception to the general rule that casting a spell from an item takes at least as long as casting that spell normally.) Once the spell has been cast from the weapon, a spellcaster can cast any other targeted spell of up to 3rd level into it. The weapon magically imparts to the wielder the name of the spell currently stored within it. A randomly rolled spell storing weapon has a 50% chance to have a spell stored in it already.
Strong evocation (plus aura of stored spell); CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, creator must be a caster of at least 12th level; Price +1 bonus.
Yes, I want to throw a great axe at things.Throwing
This ability can only be placed on a melee weapon. A melee weapon crafted with this ability gains a range increment of 10 feet and can be thrown by a wielder proficient in its normal use.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, magic stone; Price +1 bonus.
Yes, I know there are weapons in the game that are marked as Vorpal. They are not Vorpal weapons however. This would work exactly as described. Death ward/deathblock should NOT protect against this effect.Vorpal
This potent and feared ability allows the weapon to sever the heads of those it strikes. Upon a roll of natural 20 (followed by a successful roll to confirm the critical hit), the weapon severs the opponent’s head (if it has one) from its body. Some creatures, such as many aberrations and all oozes, have no heads. Others, such as golems and undead creatures other than vampires, are not affected by the loss of their heads. Most other creatures, however, die when their heads are cut off. A vorpal weapon must be a slashing weapon. (If you roll this property randomly for an inappropriate weapon, reroll.)
Strong necromancy and transmutation; CL 18th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, circle of death, keen edge; Price +5 bonus.
One-shot lightning bolt clicky. Low minimum level (ML 2)Javelin of Lightning
This javelin becomes a 5d6 lightning bolt when thrown (Reflex DC 14 half). It is consumed in the attack.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, lightning bolt; Price 1,500 gp; Cost 750 gp + 30 XP.
Another lower ML clicky weapon. Maybe with a spiffy, brief graphic over the PC.Mace of Terror
On command, this +2 heavy mace causes the wielder’s clothes and appearance to transform into an illusion of darkest horror such that living creatures in a 30-foot cone become panicked as if by a fear spell (Will DC 16 partial). They take a -2 morale penalty on saving throws, and they flee from the wielder. The wielder may use this ability up to three times per day.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fear; Price 38,552 gp; Cost 19,276 gp + 1,542 XP
Due to the easy save and limited number of uses, this would be a fairly lower ML item.Nine Lives Stealer
This longsword always performs as a +2 longsword, but it also has the power to draw the life force from an opponent. It can do this nine times before the ability is lost. At that point, the sword becomes a simple +2 longsword (with a hint of evil about it). A critical hit must be dealt for the sword’s death-dealing ability to function, and this weapon has no effect on creatures not subject to critical hits. The victim is entitled to a DC 20 Fortitude save to avoid death. If the save is successful, the sword’s death-dealing ability does not function, no use of the ability is expended, and normal critical damage is determined. This sword is evil, and any good character attempting to wield it gains two negative levels. These negative levels remain as long as the sword is in hand and disappear when the sword is no longer wielded. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way (including restoration spells) while the sword is wielded.
Strong necromancy [evil]; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, finger of death; Price 23,057 gp; Cost 11,528 gp 5 sp + 922 XP.
When used with Improved Sunder, this would work the way Improved Sunder did for a while, having the normal effect, but also negating the target's Fortification (not reducing, NEGATING) for 6 seconds.Shatterspike
Wielders without the Improved Sunder feat use Shatterspike as a +1 longsword only; wielders with the Improved Sunder feat add a +4 bonus (including the sword’s +1 enhancement bonus) to the opposed roll when attempting to strike a foe’s weapon. If successful, Shatterspike deals 1d8+4 points of damage plus the wielder’s Strength modifier to the target weapon (the target weapon’s hardness must still be overcome with each hit). Shatterspike can damage weapons with an enhancement bonus of +4 or lower.
Strong evocation; CL 13th; Str 13, Craft Arms and Armor, Power Attack, Improved Sunder, shatter; Price 4,315 gp; Cost 2,315 gp + 160 XP; Weight 4 lb.
Look out druids and werewolves!Shifter’s Sorrow
This +1/+1 two-bladed sword has blades of alchemical silver. The weapon deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against any creature with the shapechanger subtype. When a shapechanger or a creature in an alternate form (such as a druid using wild shape) is struck by the weapon, it must make a DC 15 Will save or return to its natural form.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Arms and Armor, baleful polymorph; Price 12,780 gp; Cost 6,780 gp + 480 XP; Weight 10 lb.
These arrows (disposable, but a higher ML version that is returning should be available) would deal no damage, but would trigger a sleep effect as described.Sleep Arrow
This +1 arrow is painted white and has white fletching. If it strikes a foe so that it would normally deal damage, it instead bursts into magical energy that deals nonlethal damage (in the same amount as would be lethal damage) and forces the target to make a DC 11 Will save or fall asleep.
Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, sleep; Price 132 gp; Cost 69 gp 5 sp + 5 XP.
When underwater, this would act as a Summon Monster clicky, calling forth, I don't know, dire laser sharks or something.Trident of Fish Command
The magical properties of this +1 trident with a 6-foot-long haft enable its wielder to charm up to 14 HD of aquatic animals (Will DC 16 negates, animals get a +5 bonus if currently under attack by the wielder or his allies), no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. The wielder can use this effect up to three times per day. The wielder can communicate with the animals as if using a speak with animals spell. Animals making their saving throw are free of control, but they will not approach within 10 feet of the trident. The trident can be used up to three times per day.
Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, speak with animals; Price 18,650 gp; Cost 9,325 gp + 746 XP.