After checking in order to answer someone's question, I'd like to request that you change Epic Roderic's Wand (and then allow us to toss it in the epic altar to get the revised version).

As it stands, it's a pretty useless item. It summons critters that are ineffective at best in Epic content, even though it's an Epic Wand, and you have to keep it equipped in order to gain the Augment Summoning bonus.

I propose you change it to the following:

UMD Difficulty: 55
Minimum Level: 20
BtCoA (the base items needs to be changed to BtA by the way)
Summon Unknown Monster X
Target: Self, Positional
Duration: 20 minutes
School: Conjuration
Summons a randomly chosen monster to fight for you for a brief time.
Caster Level: 20

6/6 Charges

Augment Summoning: If you have this wand equipped when you perform a summon via the wand, pet, spell, or scroll, the summoned creature gains the benefit of the Augment Summoning feat. The creature retains this benefit until killed or the duration elapses, even if you unequip the wand.

Creatures Summoned will be from the following:
Fiendish Troll:
Summoned Efreet:
Summoned Bezekira:
Hezrou Savage:

Except these would be the versions found in Epic level quests, such as the Hezrou in Spinner of Shadows.