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  1. #1
    Community Member Muldamai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Help with old build

    Hi, I am returning from about a 3 year layoff from DDO. I had a concept character 12wiz/6ftr/2mnk. The idea is to dual wield khopesh(es), and use my spell power for buffs and self healing. Got to level 14, and was working pretty well. Now with changes, I don't see a way to stay balanced with the Khopesh unless I take 8 levels of fighter. I am checking with the community to see if there is something I am missing, and/or ideas for a character along these lines. She is pretty fun to play (back then) and want to see if there is something close I can do to keep this. Thanks in advance!

    There are no hard rules to what the character has to be, so feel free to be creative, if you wish.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heronous View Post
    The clam can not be ransacked.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    You didn't said anything about race and your current class split.

    I'd skip that "monk stance&balanced" thing, and put on some armor. Light (mithral body if WF) for some nice(ish) PRR/MRR and you keep Evasion. Or Heavy armor (adamant body) for high PRR/MRR but no Evasion.

    Centered was in, when there was no good alternative for good offense and solid defence at the same time. Armor is just as good as Evasion/Monk stances are.

    I mean, if you skip(ignore) that monkie stuff, you can have the same experience as before.

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