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  1. #21
    Founder & Hero
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    I use plat now and wouldn't appreciate more drain

    Beware the Sleepeater

  2. #22
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    Sep 2013


    There is overflow from AS exchange into plat house..not always the most twink items in ddo but more than enough to equip a character well ,on most servers. A lot of augment overflow as well ...I stock up when plat is maxed or near.

  3. #23
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranOhmsford View Post
    I'll take any extra plat off your hands happily!

    In 5 years playing DDO I haven't maxed out my plat on a single character yet!

    If I pick up an item in-game I know to be worth 50k+ plat I'll put it up on the AH over the ASAH every time! BECAUSE on the ASAH I'll be lucky to sell that item for even 5 Measly Shards!

    If I pick up an item in-game that I know to be worth less than 50k plat WELL there's literally NO chance of that going on the ASAH!

    Now I know that some people who run Epics a lot have amassed a massive amount of Plat {and AS too in some cases} BUT WE DON'T ALL SPEND ALL OUR TIME RUNNING EPICS!

    IF you only play one character {or even 2 or 3} there'll come a time when you have literally everything you need and you're maxed out on Plat too!

    There's simply no way to open-end this game - There HAS to be a Maximum!
    Once you've hit that Maximum {Uber Completionist, Guild Level 200, Plat capped on Multiple characters and Shared Bank, Able to run every single quest on EE Solo, etc.} then I'm sorry but CHOOSE A NEW TARGET!
    Fran, there are two reasons why you aren't plat capped.
    Reason 1) Exclamation marks are very costly.
    Reason 2) Learning about item value and the game in general. I tend to alternate between heroics and epics, and sell a bunch of random items. By far, the most items are sell are from level 3 to level 15. Yes, these are regular AH items, sold fairly easily.

    Disclaimer, I am far from plat capped because.


  4. #24
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    Platinum are not useless, they are less usefull since shard AH came out and players made it so by placing items on Shard AH.
    You need to ask players to make platinum more usefull not Devs nor Turbine. Turbine exists to make money in every way they can, they made shard AH, we win nothing by placing bound on equip items on shard AH except shards which is Turbine's iconic money not ours and 30% fee on shard AH is proof of that.

  5. #25
    Community Member Enderoc's Avatar
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    Make crafting xp elixirs common daily dice drops and you will have a fix

  6. #26
    Trapped in Stone SlashbackWarrior's Avatar
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    I just feel more and more bitter taste from that P2W pill. And here P2W is pay to win, not play to win. It is ok to make money, but where is the line where it becomes not tolerable? More and more easy buttons otto boxes, ASAH - just breaking that feel of win, but that is another story. I just want that "oh I sold my EE something" for 2mil plat, now i can buy something "wow"! But i cant actually buy that "wow" for plat, because it isnt there, because there is no reason to sell for plat - it have little use for anything. If you really got something handy, you have better luck just trading it for something you need in trade channel, than selling it on AH for plat and getting equivalent value item from AH. As i can imagine goal of AH is to connect people from different time zones or just with different play time, so plat can hold value of the item. But platinum dont hold much value now, when there are no offers and especially that you have hard cap on amount plat you can hold. Let see, if you sell good item on AH you not guaranted (right now there is almost no offers) to find anything good to buy what you need. And there is no valuable consumables that you can use in quest that you can buy for plat. So you kinda got more rich but gained little if anything.

    Ask people to post more on AH? Maybe, but i doubt that will help. With my current experience with DDO (some stuff not related to this thread) i came to conclusion - why to bother make it better, if DDO want just money bags and not players (wanting both is ok, though), hell I'm not sure they even want money. Some times i feel DOO team just want get done with it and get better job. Oh boy, just get what you can, and take it easy. Peace.

  7. #27
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    I've wondered if dynamically priced plat vendors/brokers would work. Basically raise or lower the price in plat over time in response to supply and demand. You'd still need things at vendors that people with plat actually wanted to buy though.

  8. #28
    Community Member Bladebolt's Avatar
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    When the astral shard AH came out I was freaked out.
    And still am.

    What was the point?
    Why couldn't they start selling plat on the DDO store?
    Using too many zeroes at pricing?

    Get the limit of the plat per character higher, take it to 10mill, 20, 30 and sell plat at the DDO points.
    How hard could that be?
    Too much cash?
    Change the money vendors give you for your loot. Give new players an amount of cash to start with,
    cause that is where there might be a problem, and make selling loot less profitable.
    You can balance the system in many ways. This is not real economy.

    Instead we the game becomes more and more complicated with more currencies and more systems, players get divided in 2 categories and for what?

    For me ASAH should have never existed.
    It was just an idea that some manager came up with in order to get more real real cash flow to the game.
    I still can find good stuff at the AH. Not the Epic Elite items that you find in the ASAH and not as often as I would like but I insist on using the old AH as my basic trading post.
    The problem is that players really bought the idea of the ASAH and I can't undestand why...
    Are you going to sell your astral shards after a few years and get real money?

  9. #29
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Update House P to provide Guild ship buffs for plat. Duration times/level based on House P favour Tiers..

    Add player housing..
    Rental Furniture, storage & resident buffs for plat.
    DDO store to own permanently.. = win for both.

    Better Barkeep drinks & meals.. our HP & SP have increased dramatically since level 16 was endgame.

    Add rest/rez shrines to local bars on a pay per use...
    Good for those PVP'ers and /death quick rest and resume..

    Add conversion vendor to trade AS to plat and plat to AS... for a profit of course...
    Eliminate copper/silver and expand how much gold/plat we can hold. add the next tier above plat.. astral shard fragments.. gold-pressed latinum...or whatever..

    Add Higher level cure potion vendors.. and/or Cannith potion/wand crafting that requires purchasing some ingredients...we could definitely use higher level consumables..
    Last edited by JOTMON; 04-22-2015 at 03:38 PM.
    Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
    Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
    Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
    Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)

  10. #30
    Community Member eachna_gislin's Avatar
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    I'd like to see the level 1-8 augments sold for plat. The ones you get for turning in Mysterious Remnants now. There's no (other) way to directly buy them other than shards. You can get a random level augment by handing in collectibles that are also incredibly rare crafting ingredients.

    Levels 12+ are trade-able in Gianthold and the Twelve, but levels 1-8 (other than a few exceptions) are not.

    As someone who plays a lot of toons, it gets expensive trading remnants for augments. I have a lot of slotted TR/lowbie gear I like to use and I've been working on filling all those slots on each toon. Since I can't keep up with my own remnant needs, I don't feel inclined to gift augments to noobs (something I do with slotted gear all the time).

    It would be cool if I could both give someone a nifty lowbie weapon _and_ a plat-purchased acid (or whatever) augment to slot into it.

  11. #31
    Community Member hunzi2010's Avatar
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    I will gladly sign to remove the ASAH completely. should never have been created.
    I don't buy anything from it nor sell anything on there.
    anything I get that I don't need I sell on the platinum auction house for someone to grab a bargin, no im not greedy....

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