before changes to tank prestiges tank characters were seem as obsolete becouse they could not take any real damage damage on higher difficoulties, changes fixed this and ......went over the top.
now when playing my tank paladin i hear he is overpowered...... in response to that holy sword spell lost +1w............. hitting the tank paladins much more than lowering kotc overpowered dps.... (btw any kotc overpowerdness comes from ridicolous epic lvl cleaves and not from holy sword, other story though)
soi got idea how to make tank prestiges and tanks over all be with one foot in both worlds (tanking and dps) but never at same time, to lower the overpowered feeling of them.
1. change defensive fighting feat, that everyone gets at lvl 1, to be a toggle for permanent sheild block (it would acualy have use then), same change could be added to combat extertise OR simply allow for both to be active at same time, CE providing bonus to defence and defensive fighting to allow shiedl blockign without holding shift
2. add to defender trees and all other prestiges that have at least part time tanking in mind, an enchancemtn that would allow those affected to move at walk speed (as oposed to tumbling, jumping around like idiot) while shield blocking, also to either:
a: make attacks with main weapon while shield blocking, at lower attack speed and penalty to damage but with higher hate generation and doublestrike
b: swap aronund order of hands while blocking, where shield hand would be considered main hand for all bonus purposes, speed bonuses, double strikes , and weapon hand would be considered offhand, makeing "shield bash" bonuses apply to it, in that way blocking combat would be mainly bashes, with a main weapon hitting from time to time between them just like at any non blocking time.
3. make all shield ac and prr bonuses apply ONLY when blocking, basicly all bonuses that would be associated with tanking would require blocking for them to be active, otherwise......
4. ......tanks would get dps bonuses, that would be only active when not blocking and get disabled and replaced when blocking with hate and defence.
everyone would be happy i think, becouse tank players would still have their survivability and realy good dps, just not at same time, and at same time they would not appear so overpowered.