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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jan 2015

    Default Pally Wizzie Fighter

    Hello I am still pretty new to the game and I was grouping with some pallies last night and I noticed they were all Pallie/Wizzie/Fighter and all of them had some purple buff that looked like horns coming off the back. One guy had tower and the others were using Two Handers or Heavy Picks. When I asked them about their builds they did not say anything.

    I was wondering if someone had a link to what those builds could be? They were all like 15 pallie 5 wizzie or 14 pallie 1 fighter 5 wizzie that type of thing.
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  2. #2
    Community Member RD2play's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phanes View Post
    Hello I am still pretty new to the game and I was grouping with some pallies last night and I noticed they were all Pallie/Wizzie/Fighter and all of them had some purple buff that looked like horns coming off the back. One guy had tower and the others were using Two Handers or Heavy Picks. When I asked them about their builds they did not say anything.

    I was wondering if someone had a link to what those builds could be? They were all like 15 pallie 5 wizzie or 14 pallie 1 fighter 5 wizzie that type of thing.
    15 pal is for zeal(ds) + holy sword(crit), 5 wiz for perma tensers, some will drop 1 pall (zeal) for 1 ftr for extra feat (prolly the 2wf one)

    my search fu is weak, cant find any builds atm

    edit you might find some info here
    Last edited by RD2play; 03-06-2015 at 06:51 AM.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Theolin's Avatar
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    Take a look at the cleavin board in my sig, its a 15/3/2 but there is some discussion on 5 wiz instead

    You could easily modify it to a 14/4/1 by dropping bSword feat & using a proficient weapon.
    To modify to a 15/5 would be more of a challange probably drop a shield feat next.

    The big difference would be in the enhancements
    Basically tier 5 in Ek for perma tensers with some double strike VS tier 5 in SD for Harbored by light
    If you want to cleave a lot then the double strike may not do any good as I don't believe it works on cleave attacks.
    Last edited by Theolin; 03-06-2015 at 07:30 AM.
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  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phanes View Post
    Hello I am still pretty new to the game and I was grouping with some pallies last night and I noticed they were all Pallie/Wizzie/Fighter and all of them had some purple buff that looked like horns coming off the back.
    The "purple buff" is Tenser's Transformation. A wiz or sorc 5+ build can take tier-5 Eldritch Knight (EK) ability which enables it as a toggle.

    However, EK as a whole is a fairly weak PrE, IMHO; I definitely think T5 KotC or Vanguard is much better on a pally. I've been running a SWF BF pal 15 / wiz 5 build (I LRed my Divine Fencer after Turbine nerfed orbs+Shield Mastery); I like the defensive buffs from EK & wiz spells (Blur, Displacement), but my DPS is noticeably weaker than what similar pure pallies put out.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    I agree with Unbongwah that EK is kinda weak. There are better enhancements in the Paladin trees, and the AP cost to get Tenser's Transformation (31 APs in total, 30 prereq and 1 for Tensor's) doesn't make sense to me in comparison.
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