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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Inventory Interface

    Inventory Management is one of the biggest issues that needs to be addressed in the game. Swapping items between toons and emptying the old TR cache is way too time consuming in everyone's opinion I have ever talked to who plays the game. An Inventory Interface where all of our characters on a server can trade inventory without logging out is what is needed. Search and sort all bank vaults, including TR cache. A remove-all button with exclusion/inclusion check boxes and confirmation for TR cache. A inventory one-click sort button that sorts items by type in your storage bags.

    Maybe not the most exciting edition to the game but, I'm pretty sure it would be one of the most popular.

    When I first started playing DDO I thought the inventory system was so convoluted I almost gave it up. I wonder how many new players are lost because the inventory system is confusing.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    It's tedious yes, but confusing? No, it's not confusing. It's pretty simple really. I don't see much need for the ability to swap gear and such without logging in (and I say that having 22 characters on my main server and a 60-slot shared bank that is full of gear I swap from character to character). Plus, holy ****, how much would they break trying to implement that?

  3. #3
    Community Member Cruxader's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default agree! Few simple changes to TR cache can make big dif in game play

    Quote Originally Posted by Esanim View Post
    Inventory Management is one of the biggest issues that needs to be addressed in the game. Swapping items between toons and emptying the old TR cache is way too time consuming in everyone's opinion I have ever talked to who plays the game. An Inventory Interface where all of our characters on a server can trade inventory without logging out is what is needed. Search and sort all bank vaults, including TR cache. A remove-all button with exclusion/inclusion check boxes and confirmation for TR cache. A inventory one-click sort button that sorts items by type in your storage bags.

    Maybe not the most exciting edition to the game but, I'm pretty sure it would be one of the most popular.

    When I first started playing DDO I thought the inventory system was so convoluted I almost gave it up. I wonder how many new players are lost because the inventory system is confusing.
    Absolutely agree with above.
    I think one of the great values in building a long term game like DDO is making the TRs as technically straight-forward as possible) people should die in adventures, not of old age sorting through their gear! ;-)

    A few simple changes like a TR Cache search box, and a listing of gear by ML and by type (same categories that already exist in auction house) would add quick easy big value and support the TR community.

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