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  1. #1
    Community Member voxson5's Avatar
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    Default Moncher Question

    Hi all,

    Hoping that some math wiz could help me out.

    At what point does WIS provide more DPS (via 10k stars proc) than master of forms earth stance?

    I appreciate that there are a lot of variables to consider, however a basic DPS formula would be appreciated; or even judgment if it is worthwhile considering a WIS / water stance archer.


  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Based on the old testing thread buried somewhere on the forums, +2 WIS provides an increase of 3.125% shots (and thus DPS) in 10KStars. However you need to half that since 10KStars is only up half the time.
    The +1 Crit multiplier on a 19-20/X3 crit profile bow yields an increase of about 8.7% DPS.
    Going Water over Earth would only yield an increase in DPS if in Shiradi.

  3. #3
    Community Member giftie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voxson5 View Post
    Hi all,
    At what point does WIS provide more DPS (via 10k stars proc) than master of forms earth stance?
    Earth stance is a flat 10% increase of base damage. Assuming formula on Wiki is correct, 10k starts pulling ahead at 18 WIS (or even earlier, due to procs) when it reliably increases ROF by >10%.

    Up to 4 points of WIS from Water Stance will never provide more DPS than Earth Stance, but you normally stay in Water for the ki regen and not the extra WIS, and switch to Earth for burst (and then back to Water).

  4. #4
    Community Member dontmater's Avatar
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    just know 56 wisdom is crazy nuts costs allot to get 56 wis but it is fun

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by giftie View Post
    Earth stance is a flat 10% increase of base damage.
    On an average of 20 rolls without Earth Stance with a 19-20/x3 bow, you have 1 automiss, 17 base hits and 2 x3 crits for a total of 23xbase damage over 20 rolls.
    With Earth Stance, you have 1 automiss, 17 base hits and 2 x4 crits for a total of 25xbase damage.
    Earth Stance is therefore an increase of 8.69%

  6. #6
    Community Member giftie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alfhild View Post
    'Earth Stance is therefore an increase of 8.69%
    You're talking about Base Damage Rating. I'm not.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by giftie View Post
    You're talking about Base Damage Rating. I'm not.
    I presented my math, what is yours?
    The idea that Earth Stance gives a 10% increase in DPS is based on the flawed reasoning that a 100% increase which occurs 10% of the time is a 10% increase. This is only true if the roll of 19-20 was NOT a x3 crit to begin with. That a 19-20 does provide a x3 multiplier inevitably means that the extra +1 crit multiplier has less of an effect than 10%.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    Mountain stance is a bit less dps increase than said above, considering the different non base damage sources you can get from SA dmg, items and weapon effects, enhancements/destinies and past lifes like colors, etc. Also have to consider enemies with fortification that does not get critical hitted 100% of the time.

    Can check this post for a more approximated math:

    I would say that 5-7% is a more closer aproximation to master mountain stance dps increase overall for monkchers. While master ocean stance would be around 1-3% dps increase depending if wisdom is a even score (also ten k stars in theory is used 50% of the time but that is situational and sometimes is used less than 50%, like when zerging, while if you take your time between fights to charge it could be used more than 50% of the time) but get more ki generation and keep 10% more running speed, more saves and dodge but less PRR, ac and Hp.

    Generally I would keep ocean stance when moderate and low ki and not tanking (kiting), and switch to mountain for boss fights or when tanking or kiting less.

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