That is why. Game examples have to translate in game. Those are not good examples. Whoever thought of int to dc was wrong. Int is not easily quantifiable. For example, take someone with the intelligence of a surgeon. Place them in a desert in Australia. His IQ won't hold up too well. Certainly better than mine, but not as well as an Aboriginal. The more intelligent person in that circumstance would not be the surgeon. To translate that level of intelligence in dnd they give skills. In this case survival. Where rangers and rogues are considered proficient in use of their class skills. Like hide and sneak, which are granted bonus points from Dex, not int.
a large cat stalks its prey silently. Not really an Int thing there either, so.
Stalking and plotting would be under maybe knowledge skill combined with dex skills like sneak/hide, local, and profession. We do not have those in DDO. We dont have many rogue niches in DDO. Climbing, poisoning a drink, stalking a target through its daily routine. We do have combat. You are in combat as soon as you swing on something whether that thing knows you are there or not. We have a combat log that reads: Combat: you attack spider. Combat