Originally Posted by
Dex assassin:
Summary: Pros
-Higher DC at 76 with lesser investment
The DC is within 2-4 points of a comparable Int build, and as everyone has said all along thats expected. You not only include tensers to inflate this, but also Cartwheel charge, assuming to keep that up every 12s along with Measure the Foe every 10s. How, exactly, are you going to tumble, sneak, and scroll that often while still actually doing dps... youd lose so much uptime your relative dps will take a hit unless the party is stopping between every fight for you or something.
- Higher HP
The HP gains are minimal and basically result from LD. That would put an Int guy in SD or something at 830 by your count, which is more than adequate for most things. Frankly I think assuming any rog will fit in all that stuff you listed is a bit generous but whatever its your example.
-Higher dodge, up to 98/100%
The Dodge is over represented stating something like "up to 100%". An Int rog can have "up to 85%" with the proposed changes using the same short term stuff, and thats with zero AP in the TA tree. I hardly think going from 87 or 89% up to 98% is the same order of magnitude youre trying to imply here. All rogues will have crazy good dodge some of the time using their boosts, yes. Thats part of the general change package. The cited values are situational and largely meaningless, for the short duration they apply they are all effectively "really good" in play.
-Improved defensive roll with ~80% chance
Improved Defensive Roll is a help, yes. But its also not something thats a flat necessity. With the changes to Assassins Mark and the additional PRR in the tree, its quite likely you can clear 50 prr regardless of destiny. With the mob at -10 power, that means youre taking ~60% damage mitigation wise. Dropping that to 30% periodically when under half is a perk, but its also not something you would rely on. If youre under 400-450 hp on EE and getting hit, you need healing, like, immediately. Its far more likely those situations are the ones youre going to hit uncanny in and dodge it all until youre safe again. This isnt a "must have" its another "fingers crossed" save. Its basically like another dodge chance, all or nothing. Rogues have plenty of that elsewhere, and a little more helps but isnt night and day. It might mean you take 3-5 hits to take out instead of 2-3. Like a mob that hits for 500, would hit you for 300 under normal conditions, two hits would get you at 450 hp. With Improved Roll, it would be 3 hits, even if it worked 100% of the time. A little better but its not going to invalidate Int. Its just not that big of a change.
-Significantly more dmg, like triple or something silly
"Significantly more damage like triple or something"... okay from what? Dex 65 is roughly similar to what Int users run in their damage stat. You mention considering dropping KtA so theres that. Sure you get blitz, okay, any guy in LD gets that, sure. Wheres the "triple more damage" coming from. Its not from just swapping to Dex alone, and the portion from Blitz would benefit any one, Int, Dex or otherwise. So might need to clarify that figure. And how it meshes with all the stuff youre trying to run every 10-30s which takes animation time.
-At least as good if not better saves
Saves being better, yes. Also, likely AC, though that wasnt mentioned. Those are inherent benefits of Dex. Even if saves were the same, not needing Insightful Reflexes is a perk there, so yes. Saves and AC, Dex wins.