Quote Originally Posted by nokowi View Post
You may be a knowledgeable player but that doesn't mean you understand how to play DC assassin.
DC Assassin is the sole build I've played the last couple years so, again, rude.

I will take your comment about multi-class not ruining stealth in the context of all the rest of your (incorrect) statements.
You have absolutely nothing but conjecture to back it up. Everyone who prefers tank builds over stealth builds are already playing something that's not 20 rogue, and everyone who wants tanky+insta-kills is using Swashbuckler.

Assassins by no means need web in a group
I was talking about solo. Without the CC of web, there's no way you can get the defenses to tank several EE mobs at once with just a small splash. You're greatly overstating how much benefit you're going to get from a small splash, you'd need 3 Paladin minimum to get anything significant (CHA to saves, free heavy armor prof, 19 net PRR after armor [at the cost of 50% threat gen], 20% more HP), at which point you're giving up some stuff beyond DCs (5d6 dice and 10 MP is not insignificant, but Lethality needs a revamp to make it an actual cost to drop).

I would be happy to make a group video. The only reason I have not done this is because I am not on the forums to tout how awesome I am, and it requires permission from all of the other players. I would propose EE Von 3. I will ask you to join me so we can post a screenshot at the end. We can run 2-man or full group. Please let me know if you are interested.
Are you on Thelanis? If not, we could do something on Lamannia.