Originally Posted by
Good for you?
For you. Not for everyone. Others might rather do int+traps, or int w/ tactics, or whatever combo. You are talking only about some 20 rog endgame dc focused build here. Thats not the entire tree, or the entire game. What about a rogue/arty multiclass... they might well prefer int. Even if dex was there. Or an assassin+mechanic with traps to split up mobs or cc mobs, allowing them more freedom in engaging single targets to assassinate. That would be nice, and not work with dex.
Without one build that does EVERYTHING better, by a margin thats large enough to be clearly tangible in play, then no. Its not.
Theres no single dex build that does assassinate, trap disarming, trap making/using, dps, stealth, survivability vs melee, permits ranged options and provides equal cross class access that int does.
Youre going to measure only one thing, you think dex is better for that thing. Fine, Im not saying dex doesnt have its ups. It also has its downs, even when looking at one tiny slice, like reduced skill points, trap dcs, etc. You think its worth the trade off fine, but it IS a tradeoff. That slice is not the totality of the tree, the possibilities, or the game. Dex doesnt outclass them all. Just agree to disagree... I cant say which one thing is most important to anyone, only that different things are important to everyone. You like dex, great. Take that improvement, because asking for int to get the same thing so you can just stay int and still wind up in the same place is circular.