Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
You know Wizza, you're not known as the most positive poster on these boards... but still, you managed to get a dev to answer your direct questions MULTIPLE times in this thread, yet you just keep throwing insults his way.

Do you really think this is the way to get the results you want?

Has this method EVER worked for you, in real life, or on these boards?

I'm quite frank and sincere in all my replies. If I get a replies from a Dev where he states that an ability is good for SOLO play in an MMO, you can bet I'll be snarky. And stating that TWF is off-topic is really..not good, let's put it that way.

And I just want to clarify that I've not insulted Severlin in any way. I'm just direct, sometimes snarky, never insulting anyone. Besides, we are all grown man, I think he can handle some snarkyness He didn't reply to my latest reply, which I was expecting.

In real life I've no problems of game balance and stuff like that

Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
Gotta start somewhere... Need to fix four things... He's fixing one of the four, and has stated he will look at the other 3 things in the future... Is that a positive step or a negative step?

I'd like to see Rogues be master of Dodge... and it looks like we are moving that way...
I stated elsewhere, in the deathwyrm bug fixes thread IIRC, that this approach is wrong. They are fixing only ONE thing at the time which i dislike. I would like to see two of those points fixed in one patch and two in one other. Not one in a month, another the next year, another one in three years.

Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
Edited the OP:

Based on player feedback we moved the sneaking speed into the Assassin tree under Stealthy.

Poisoned Strikes now apply as Assassin's Mark to the target rather than treating them as Poisoned so it will work on all enemies and won't be blocked by enemies immune to poison.

Why did you move the sneak speed into the Assassin tree? We need points into TA tree to get Haste boost and that was the best choice. What are we going to get now to get Haste boost? +3 to Quarterstaff to-hit?

It was in no way crippling to assassins to have Sneaking speed there. It was actually good to spend points in something useful instead of dumping them into +3 skills just to get to Haste boost.

Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
We changed the animation. It's now slicing motion that take less than a second instead of the three second point animation. Looks pretty good in combat. We also cut the cooldown to 6 seconds and changed the duration to 15 seconds so an assassin can keep it up on two targets.

Can we have a video? No idea what you mean with slicing motion. Good change finally.