So guys I just noticed my image gallery on my main to be empty. Prolly got lost during TR before fix yet I hadn't noticed till now....
Why they didn't make the image gallery server wide rather than char based boggles my mind, since it would have avoided these type of issues. not to mention the hassle to fill the galleries over many alts.... maybe taking a look at making the game a little bit less click heavy would be nice. the multiple trade in in the barter is a good start . But I digress....
The thing is I was real happy to have done so well during the event with cross-server trading and winning the DDOcast thingy. to have all the 11 cards available to me at the end of the event. a full image gallery minus the fail snail, only ml and pc's got. ... But .. Now they are gone .... when the cards where to become worthless I used them all. A nice boost to my alts and main as a result. But no way to fill my gallery again. Also it lower my incentive to run the mimic hunt knowing I will miss the cards from previous event every time I open my gallery.
So can anyone help me to obtain the cards 1-11 so my main can enjoy a full gallery once again, thanks
(I am on G-land for everyone who didn't notice I posted in that forum)