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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Error reading application id.

    I'm having the following error after I choose the world to connect: "Error reading application id. Please either write to steam_appid.txt or use the launcher!"

    After that, the game doesn't start.

    The thing is, I'm using TurbineLauncher.exe, soooo... what is going on? I don't have steam, by the way, never did and I don't care about it.

    I got this message some months ago and I uninstalled the game and installed it again, and that solved it. However, I don't want to do it again and keep needing to reinstall it (a procedure that takes hours and hours). It's too much of a hassle. Even more since I did absolutely nothing different with my PC. This message started out of nowhere.

    Please, how can I fix it and play?

  2. #2
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Jango-EX View Post
    I'm having the following error after I choose the world to connect: "Error reading application id. Please either write to steam_appid.txt or use the launcher!"

    After that, the game doesn't start.

    The thing is, I'm using TurbineLauncher.exe, soooo... what is going on? I don't have steam, by the way, never did and I don't care about it.

    I got this message some months ago and I uninstalled the game and installed it again, and that solved it. However, I don't want to do it again and keep needing to reinstall it (a procedure that takes hours and hours). It's too much of a hassle. Even more since I did absolutely nothing different with my PC. This message started out of nowhere.

    Please, how can I fix it and play?
    Try dndlauncher.exe if you have it? Use a 3rd party launcher? You don't have steam at all on the computer? Sorry, I've never seen that error.

    Says something about making your own appid.txt. What are the commands on your shortcut to the game? Are you passing anything different to the game? Right click your shortcut to Tubinelauncher.exe, is there anything on the command line? You may have to click and scroll to the right to see if anything is added after.
    Last edited by Mindos; 02-22-2015 at 08:03 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    What an unusual error...

    Since I reinstalled DDO (after the error appeared for the first time), i no longer have the dndlauncher.exe, only TurbineLauncher.exe... I don't use a shortcut, I always double click it in the install folder.

    I remember finding something about creating the txt as well back then, and I did it but it did not work.

    Today, however, I created it as instructed in the link and the game started. So, thanks!

    The funny thing is... I deleted the txt after that and the game is still launching as before, no more error message.

    Very weird... Still, I can log in now.

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