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  1. #1
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Default Vote to boot from group

    This has probably been brought up but here is my opinion on why we REALLY need this:

    1) You are running any quest where at some point the whole group has to be present to advance. You happen to get that person who says "Gotta go afk for awhile" and now you get to that point and he doesn't come back. You have 2 options currently...start over or wait and hope he returns. Going AFK is fine as long as you tell us how long and you don't hold the group up =(

    2) You have "that guy". Someone just being a total ass in the group and ****ing everyone off. If a majority of the group wants him gone we should be able to boot even in a quest.

    3) Raids. Why is it in pug raids there seems to be that one person who won't listen and does his own thing often times causing lots of unneeded issues. Let us boot them plz. I am sick of people in FoT running to the reaver and then spreading the "boom" to everyone else. Listen to directions or let us kick them.

    Now I know the biggest drawback to this would be abuse by those who are just jerks or elitists...I don't care if people boot me for stupid reasons I know not to join them anymore and its not a big deal. Being able to get rid of the trouble maker would be a very good option.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    No we don't and its been brought up and most are still against it

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
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    The only way i would say yes to this. Is in the case of quests like diplomatic where you can't break the wall till the full group is there. I don't know how many times some pug went afk for over 10 mins <without saying something aka unwanted pikeing> and quest than is needed to be reset. So no i can see too many ppl getting booted cause they "ding". Turning many new players away from game.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    I realize there are quests that require people to gather to move on but...

    In the early days the PL had the ability to boot players while in a quest and while it was useful in removing troublemakers from the group it also was abused heavily. It is that abuse that honestly would be the reason I would never support bringing back that feature even with a voting mechanic.

    Sorry, Turbine learned while used by mature people this is a good idea, but in the wrong hands it is a nightmare.

  5. #5
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Yeah, I think this would be a bad idea in general.

    A better one would be to give the PL (and the PL only) the ability to right-click on a party member name and "summon" that person. Make it a nice long cooldown so it's really only useful for getting past gather issues when someone has gone afk.

    Or just stop putting that annoying mechanic in new quests.
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  6. #6
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Yeah, I think this would be a bad idea in general.

    A better one would be to give the PL (and the PL only) the ability to right-click on a party member name and "summon" that person. Make it a nice long cooldown so it's really only useful for getting past gather issues when someone has gone afk.

    Or just stop putting that annoying mechanic in new quests.
    Don't really like that as it helps multiboxers

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
    Hero Phoenix-daBard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    This has probably been brought up
    It has been brought up weekly.

    A simple solution: Report the offender if they are AFK piking the quest preventing you from completing then the a GM can remove them.

  8. #8
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    I understand the arguments question is then why is it not abused in other games?

    I have played MMO's for years and a few have included the vote to boot ability. Even being new I never saw a group just randomly boot people just because.

    I think the argument that it can be abused is horribly off base and very unfair to be honest.

    Lets say I am in a group with 5 others and I do something stupid. If 4 people vote to boot that person from the group then obviously you have 4 asses you don't want to be playing with. Not sure what kind of players people here are grouping with but I have not had a group in over a year where more then 1-2 people in it were rude...not ONE time in over a year and most likely 2 years or more.

    Really can ANYONE here say they were in a group with 4 total asses that would just kick someone? The next question is...if yes why would you stay in that group?

    I can really say on Sarlona that I have grouped with a majority of the players at some point and I get at MOST...MAYBE one bad apple in a group at a time and even that is rare. That bad apple is the one piking and causing me to want to boot them.

    So when you say you see a huge chance of abuse your gonna have to explain more because saying a huge chance means you think a huge amount of the population are asses and will abuse it.

    How many people here have had more then 1-2 bad apples in a group at the same time in the last year? And lets use honesty and not a horror story you once heard. I really would like to know REAL experiences showing how this would be abused and how you personally have an example. I just don't see it. And not some possibility of how it could happen or how you know a guild full of jerks that would do it. Just a true honest reply that you have grouped with enough people in a group that would randomly boot someone for no reason. Again the other MMO's with it don't have issues and people like the option and I have seen it used to drop someone that was just simply being abusive in a group. I have also seen where one person didn't like someone and wanted to vote to kick but everyone else voted him down.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post
    I understand the arguments question is then why is it not abused in other games?
    Well the simplest answer would be that DDO has a horrible player base.

  10. #10
    Community Member Wh070aa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix-daBard View Post
    It has been brought up weekly.

    A simple solution: Report the offender if they are AFK piking the quest preventing you from completing then the a GM can remove them.
    You realize, that it takes about 2 hours to get GM?

    Anyway, cant they remove the "whole party" mechanic? It's annoying and makes the game less enjoyable. Also it kills grouping for many quests.

  11. #11
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wh070aa View Post
    You realize, that it takes about 2 hours to get GM?

    Anyway, cant they remove the "whole party" mechanic? It's annoying and makes the game less enjoyable. Also it kills grouping for many quests.

    I hate setting up my LFM for diplo Impunity...jumping in quest...someone clicking to join so I accept. I fight to the scout and I ask the other player to wait 2 min. I get to the scout just in time to see him jump in group. I ask if he can get to me alone and I see his dot moving on the same path I took so I guess he can only to see him die 2 min later.

    These types of moments make me hate offering up LFM's but at least they are rare. To bad they happen so often in THAT quest.

    Toons - Ziffin / Hirtz / Mheka / Duskh
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  12. #12
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    Don't really like that as it helps multiboxers
    Helps them how? Put it on a 10-minute cooldown. Make it a party-wide cooldown, so they can't just throw the leadership to someone else in the group. Is a multiboxer going to wait 50 minutes so they can psummon all 5 of their alts?
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  13. #13
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wh070aa View Post
    You realize, that it takes about 2 hours to get GM?

    Anyway, cant they remove the "whole party" mechanic? It's annoying and makes the game less enjoyable. Also it kills grouping for many quests.
    The GM's don't do this any more, anyway, so waiting for one is futile. You just get a polite message telling you "sorry, we can't mediate party disputes."
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  14. #14
    FreeDeeOh PsychoBlonde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post
    Well the simplest answer would be that DDO has a horrible player base.
    And this would be the WRONG answer, too. The reason why it's problematic in DDO is because in other games you don't have quest instancing that works the way it does in DDO. You don't get your sole reward in a big chunk at the end of a quest in most other MMO's--and completing an instanced area with a shortman group can also be nearly impossible in WoW clones. Not to mention other games have features like active queuing instead of our clunky LFM panel, so if someone joins your in-progress instance, you don't have to wait 20 minutes for them to run their butt out from Amrath.

    DDO is a different type of game, plain and simple. Not everything that works in other MMO's is going to work here (and vice versa). It has nothing to do with the playerbase being "horrible"--in fact, it's been my general experience that DDO has overall about the nicest group of people in any game I've seen. It's just that if you develop perverse incentives, you're going to get perverse behavior, and in DDO "boot" is a perverse incentive.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    It "is" abused in other games.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  16. #16
    Community Member Sehenry03's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    It "is" abused in other games.
    Absolutely it is...about 1 time in a million. I know to many people in "other" MMO's that love this feature and love how much it helps them when they have that ass who won't listen and keeps pulling to many mobs. It FAR outweighs the little bit of abuse that can happen.

    it is easy to say "It is abused" because in reality anything can happen everywhere. If it was abused to ANY degree "Wildstar" would have dropped it in beta. The dev's behind Wildstar REALLY focus on player controlled groups and making everything player friendly.

    So is NOT abused to any degree in other games only in peoples minds because they might have seen it once or heard a story about it.

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  17. #17
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Gotta vote no for this.

    It opens up way too many negative possibilities.

    Moving forward I would like to see no more of the "gather party" mechanic, because well sometimes RL happens and it really serves no purpose to have it, IMO.

    Second, all quests items should not be a tangible pick up into inventory type of item but rather a quest flagged to prevent someone from picking up something and holding up the progress of the run and/or resulting in quest failure.

    That rules out all issues save the occasional jerkwad you get. For those reform after the run or if it is that bad recall and reform.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jalont View Post
    Well the simplest answer would be that DDO has a horrible player base.

    If anything, DDO's community seems less infested with spiteful children than other MMOs are. Not that you could tell by reading the forums sometimes.

    Still, there are people in our game who would abuse a group kick feature and for that reason I'd prefer not to see it added.


  19. #19
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehenry03 View Post

    I hate setting up my LFM for diplo Impunity...jumping in quest...someone clicking to join so I accept. I fight to the scout and I ask the other player to wait 2 min. I get to the scout just in time to see him jump in group. I ask if he can get to me alone and I see his dot moving on the same path I took so I guess he can only to see him die 2 min later.

    These types of moments make me hate offering up LFM's but at least they are rare. To bad they happen so often in THAT quest.

    yeah i've had similar and i told them exactly what i did and what i was doing. nope i always have someone who doesnt listen and comes in or someone who starts running even though i said i invised. they couldn't simply wait until i opened the monkey village aka shortcut but nope red alert and death. oh fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    It "is" abused in other games.
    it is abused. i agree. i was doing instant adventures in rift and i noticed there was a piker just sitting there getting all the xp and not doing anything. i was going to say something and he left. come to find out he was the leader of the group. so he knew what he was doing.

    i've had people in my runs i wished i could booted out on argo. some of them being trs with attitudes and piking. epic elites and they walk in to pike and not doing anything. if i wanted a piker i would bring a friend not someone i disliked. the other one i constantly run into and attempts to join my party always piked or had a very rude attitude. my first encounter with him he piked in part 3 waited until everything was done then got his chests then left. i have no room for people like that. this is a social game and i wont hesitate to remove you from my parties. eventually they will **** off everyone and no one will really want to run with them except the people that know them.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoBlonde View Post
    Helps them how? Put it on a 10-minute cooldown. Make it a party-wide cooldown, so they can't just throw the leadership to someone else in the group. Is a multiboxer going to wait 50 minutes so they can psummon all 5 of their alts?
    lets them run to the end and summon all their extras to loot, but your 10 min cooldown would work if it was a single target effect

    Beware the Sleepeater

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