How many quests have this mechanic currently that requires party members to gather to proceed?
Level 2
Misery's Peak - At the beginning and then again at the end
Level 4
Come Out and Slay - To start the fighting so the quest can be completed
The Stormreaver Fresco - All must gather in the Vault
Level 5
The Snitch - Several points in the quest
{edit}Partycrashers - Gather at the end room {/edit}
I'm coming up with five quests with a mechanic that requires the whole party gather to proceed. So of the 100s of quests available I'm seeing less then a percent being in the AFK prevents moving forward. Now this list gets much bigger when you add in quests with Keys/Items needed to proceed at which point I would hope a party can work together to make sure they can move forward even with the person AFK such as passing the items or not picking them up if you think you may be going AFK during the quest. For Example while I'm cooking dinner and playing I don't pick up quest items as I know I may have to get up for five minute stretches to stir/check/flip/reduce etc. But I also let my party know that may be the case and will back out if they see it as a problem with no hard feelings.
So as annoying as this situation is, it appears to be such a small chance of occurrence that we as the player base can better handle this situation with communication.
And The Snitch is the only one anyone cares about....
which gets zerged all the time, and new guys (and slower vets) get left behind all the time.
The last thing this quest needs is an excuse for a powerful zerger to get impatient waiting for a slow guy to find his way through the quest.... and boot him, so they can hurry up and get their easy completion.
I can easily see this happening.
I signed for “Vote kick AFK” system, not because of players that communicate with group, and must go AFK for a while. Vote to kick AFK players (when all other in group must accept it) is only for jerks. This system have nothing to do with “Kick at will” that was in game long time ago.
Easily? Let's see:
- All group but one must be power zergers
- All power zergers must vote "YES" for kick that one person
- That one person join to group where (99% chance) in LFG was post: "Zerg only"
- That person must go AFK (just remind you - in "Zerg only" group)
Now tell me: How often all this happen at once?
And tell me - If you join to "Zerg only" group, and stay AFK - Are you fair with the group?
Forgot Diplomatic Impunity, (which has SEVERAL gather points), and Fashion Madness--not to mention the lockout mechanic in many raids like Tower of Despair or similar.
Of course, if you REALLY want to be evil, they could just add a friendly fire component to the game so you can kill uncooperative people and cart their soul stone off.
Last edited by PsychoBlonde; 03-04-2015 at 10:54 AM.
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