How would you guys feel about implementing a grappling system? Monsters with improved grab would be scary and deadly as you're held (entangled essentially) until you roll to break free. On the other hand you could stop those annoying jumping kobold casters in waterworks from jumping up the walls into unreachable positions...
Monks could get improved grapple as a feat... Maybe there would be a short waiting bar to grapple your target, making stunned or paralyzed enemies easy to secure for further pummeling. After you established a grapple you and your opponent would be anchored in place until either your target broke free or you hit the grapple button again to break it yourself. When grappling, both you and your opponent take extra "helpless" damage from enemies not in the grapple. Very large monsters and red and purple names would be immune and size bonuses would apply. This could be a new way for a tank to hold aggro for the party. Two handed and non-light weapons could receive a percentage penalty to damage (and give veteran fighters a reason not to throw away that +1 starter dagger they get at character creation).
Feel free to object to certain parts or the whole thing lol I won't take offense if you think this idea is stupid. I won't defend it to the death - I just I thought I'd pitch it to see