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  1. #1
    Community Member Robai's Avatar
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    Default Disable EDs in challenges

    Disable EDs in challenges.

    Playing without EDs would be fun too and actually some challenge.
    Unlocking artificer when lvl cap was 20 and we had no EDs was fun (soloing was not an option to me).

    Past lives should be disabled too (or at least Epic/Iconic past lives).
    All bonuses from epic lvls probably should be disabled too (including skill points/epic power/epic feats/hp/etc).
    But no limit on your gear (eg. can wear ML28 stuff if you are lvl 28).

    You get XP though, that includes ED xp and karma points.
    Moreover, XP rewards should be probably increased or challenges drop some new matts with disabled Epic stuff.

    This would make new players (or new toons) less gimpy compared to vets.

    The word challenges should actually mean something.
    Or it could be optional (like more XP for greater challenge).
    The idea of disabling your powers for doing some specific quests came from other game I'm playing (there are events in which your lvls in all classes are ignored and thus you are as strong as others in your non-main classes, which is a very good opportunity to get XP in other classes).
    Last edited by Robai; 02-20-2015 at 12:05 PM.
    Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    This is the most perfect suggestion in the history of suggestions, and it is full of upsides for both players and servers.

  2. #2
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    People still run challenges?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey-Boy View Post
    People still run challenges?
    People still run quests?

    Anyway, /not signed.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  4. #4
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
    People still run quests?

    Anyway, /not signed.
    Yes, they do all the time. I don't even know anybody who's run a challenge in over a year.

    Regarding the OP's idea, which is an insanely stupid idea, my point is it wouldn't matter in content that everyone has abandoned anyway.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey-Boy View Post
    Yes, they do all the time. I don't even know anybody who's run a challenge in over a year.

    Regarding the OP's idea, which is an insanely stupid idea, my point is it wouldn't matter in content that everyone has abandoned anyway.
    I made a sarcastic comment and you're continuing? Fine.

    Sure, I was just on Sarlona. Ascension Chamber elite raid LFM was up, 4 guildies inside lava caves. Joined with my lvl 17 rogue and they still did another 2 runs of the challenge before hopping to the raid.
    When we finished the run, saw another LFM doing Lava Caves.
    When I went to the Who tab to populate my LFM panel (after login), first hits were inside Rushmoore's Mansion and Extraplanar Palace.

    Yesterday on Khyber me and my guildies ran a lot of Eveningstar challenges even without the first time xp bonus. Just for fun.
    Last week on Khyber I had an LFM up for eveningstar challenges for first time bonuses which got hits.
    Last month on Khyber, I joined an LFM and we went on a spree 6-starring epic Cannith challenges. Extraplanar Palace, Lava Caves, Rushmoore's Mansion.

    Maybe you're forgetting that there's a bonus 30% challenge rewards going on for the weekend and people have always run challenges. Cannith Challenges have superior xp to quests, no replay penalty, are easier to complete and have awesome loot. I don't know why would anyone run quests. (sarcastic comment again)
    Oh, and forgot to mention that running challenges is the fastest way to earn Tokens of the Twelve.

    Please stop assuming stuff.
    Last edited by Faltout; 02-20-2015 at 09:59 AM.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  6. #6
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
    I made a sarcastic comment and you're continuing? Fine.
    But we can agree that OP's idea is terrible, and that's what really matters.

  7. #7
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    No. That's a stupid idea. Don't want to use them? Roll up a first lifer and don't select an ED for it. Bam, you get your "challenge" without dictating what is and is not "fun" for anyone else (btw, the challenges aren't "fun").

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    I disagree with turning off abilities like past lives and epic destinies. The player earned these they should be able to use them or not use them as their choice. Basically this gap will exist as long as Turbine has long time players and new players. The good news is newer players can get to the same level of PL and EDs as other people so the gap will not always be their for them.

    As for the question of do people still run challenges...

    Yes, challenges are still needed for people working on 5K favor or Cannieth Favor, gather ingredients for gearing (Heroic or Epic Levels) or for a way to earn Tokens of the Twelve. Additionally, the first good run of a challenge can be a good source of XP.

    Many challenges can be run in a finite manner so a person can know exactly how much time it is going to take from start to finish.

  9. #9
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    Default disableing ED for challenges ....... LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey-Boy View Post
    Yes, they do all the time. I don't even know anybody who's run a challenge in over a year.

    Regarding the OP's idea, which is an insanely stupid idea, my point is it wouldn't matter in content that everyone has abandoned anyway.
    i never run challenges anymore eather. its ben like a year since even one of my guildies wanted to do challenges. and disableing ED.... just made it a goast town.

  10. #10
    Community Member Robai's Avatar
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    The word challenges should actually mean something.
    Or it could be optional (like more XP for greater challenge).
    The idea of disabling your powers for doing some specific quests came from other game I'm playing (there are events in which your lvls in all classes are ignored and thus you are as strong as others in your non-main classes, which is a very good opportunity to get XP in other classes).

    Updated the OP.
    Last edited by Robai; 02-20-2015 at 12:05 PM.
    Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    This is the most perfect suggestion in the history of suggestions, and it is full of upsides for both players and servers.

  11. #11


    These days if I'm running a challenge it's only because the XP for some of them with full stars is actually viable and I have a group to go with.

    However...I'm sorry OP I get the intent and why you want to have it done this way but it's not possible and would only turn more people away from running them, unless they are challenge junkies.

    Epic past lives are toggles, so you can turn them off. You can have epic destiny reset to nothing and clear out all the twist slots before you walk in.

  12. 02-20-2015, 12:44 PM

  13. #12
    Community Member zeonardo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robai View Post
    Disable EDs in challenges.

    Playing without EDs would be fun too and actually some challenge.
    Unlocking artificer when lvl cap was 20 and we had no EDs was fun (soloing was not an option to me).

    Past lives should be disabled too (or at least Epic/Iconic past lives).
    All bonuses from epic lvls probably should be disabled too (including skill points/epic power/epic feats/hp/etc).
    But no limit on your gear (eg. can wear ML28 stuff if you are lvl 28).

    You get XP though, that includes ED xp and karma points.
    Moreover, XP rewards should be probably increased or challenges drop some new matts with disabled Epic stuff.

    This would make new players (or new toons) less gimpy compared to vets.

    The word challenges should actually mean something.
    Or it could be optional (like more XP for greater challenge).
    The idea of disabling your powers for doing some specific quests came from other game I'm playing (there are events in which your lvls in all classes are ignored and thus you are as strong as others in your non-main classes, which is a very good opportunity to get XP in other classes).

    People can just handicap themselves if they think it would add for the fun (Naked Shroud times come to mind)

    Now my idea:
    Disable Challenges and add all its loot to daily dice or in forgotten raids (Titan, ToD, Wabbot, TS, etc).
    I don't care...

    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    It can certainly hurt to be on the receiving end of a nerf

  14. #13
    Community Member Monkey-Boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zeonardo View Post

    Now my idea:
    Disable Challenges and add all its loot to daily dice or in forgotten raids (Titan, ToD, Wabbot, TS, etc).
    That's a better idea.

  15. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robai View Post
    The word challenges should actually mean something.
    Or it could be optional (like more XP for greater challenge).
    The idea of disabling your powers for doing some specific quests came from other game I'm playing (there are events in which your lvls in all classes are ignored and thus you are as strong as others in your non-main classes, which is a very good opportunity to get XP in other classes).

    Updated the OP.
    Despite what you may say, challenges are much more challenging than most content (if not all). And it's not tough monsters that make those quests challenging. Heck, the monsters are just normal CR. It's what you need to do to complete them.

    In Rushmoore's Mansion, you need to search everywhere, divide the party, try not to get stuck. All that while you have respawning monsters. Are they hard to beat? No, but they take your precious time to kill. So you have to balance killing monsters and rushing to the checkpoints.

    In Lava Caves, you need to protect Kobolds and search for the best areas to farm crystals while also searching for other things like azure motes. Are monsters hard to beat? No. But Kobolds don't have Epic Destinies, and they can easily be killed.

    In Extraplanar Palace, it's about the same as lava Caves, only easier. Are monsters hard to beat? No, but you need to make sure you kill them away from the kobolds, or even plan it so the kobolds will get killed (foreman needs to die).

    In Kobold Island. Hahahah, just go in there and try to get 6 stars. Get whatever overpowered ability you want. You are not going to succeed. Why? Because you need to get the monsters' attention before they hit the collectors, you need to be at 7 places at once (with 6 party members) and you need to be extremely coordinated when upgrading the extractors (because the margin provided is some seconds - if the lantern archon didn't exist, it would be mathematically impossible to reach the quota within the given time).

    So Cannith Challenges don't challenge the character and all his fabulous abilities, but rather the player behind the character and his party coordination skills.

    Eveningstar challenges are part of the MotU. It would be silly to say "disable EDs" in the expansion that introduced them. However, Eveningstar Challenges are way easier... Only the Arena needs some more DPS than the average character can handle.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  16. #15


    I think I like the OP's idea in spirit but not sure really how practical it would be to institute.
    What he is suggesting is reverting the challenges back to pre-epic power characters, essentially the time period when they were created.
    To do this, then, would mean to make the challenges only up to level 20; at level 21, it would simply be 'Epic' with a huge penalty for every level one has over 21 (this penalty currently exists for doing heroic challenges above level 20).

    Perhaps a better option would be to upscale the challenges. Or maybe create new ones? But then, with Developer time so stressed, no one would support that.

    Unlike the other posters here, I run them occasionally and enjoy them except Kobold Island. I think the Eveningstar ones need some massive renovation but it is not worth the trouble.
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  17. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saekee View Post
    Unlike the other posters here, I run them occasionally and enjoy them except Kobold Island.
    Read my post above yours. Since you run them, you must know that with or without EDs, the challenges have the same difficulty, which is NOT monsters.
    My main server is Khyber. Have toons in almost every server for favor purposes. The Faltouts

  18. #17
    Hero JOTMON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robai View Post
    Disable EDs in challenges.

    Playing without EDs would be fun too and actually some challenge.
    Unlocking artificer when lvl cap was 20 and we had no EDs was fun (soloing was not an option to me).

    Past lives should be disabled too (or at least Epic/Iconic past lives).
    All bonuses from epic lvls probably should be disabled too (including skill points/epic power/epic feats/hp/etc).
    But no limit on your gear (eg. can wear ML28 stuff if you are lvl 28).

    You get XP though, that includes ED xp and karma points.
    Moreover, XP rewards should be probably increased or challenges drop some new matts with disabled Epic stuff.

    This would make new players (or new toons) less gimpy compared to vets.

    The word challenges should actually mean something.
    Or it could be optional (like more XP for greater challenge).
    The idea of disabling your powers for doing some specific quests came from other game I'm playing (there are events in which your lvls in all classes are ignored and thus you are as strong as others in your non-main classes, which is a very good opportunity to get XP in other classes).
    I don't believe this would be a good implementation to the game..
    This could have worked if all level 21+ content was in FR.. could have had Epic Destinies not work in Eberron.. something with Eberron not being coterminous with FR Destiny power...
    but with Eberrn content advancing, this would no longer work..

    Instead I would scale players to quest..
    Level 28 player goes into level 16 quest gets a over level modifier that nerfs all his power by 50% if any at level or lower players are in the group.
    IF he is solo'ing or running with an over level group .. then all the power to him...

    Reduce or eliminate these silly level 14-28 elite shroud runs where level 14's are getting carried through shroud for all the benefits and no meaningful penalties..
    It is not doing that level 14 player any favors by letting them get shroud geared without earning it by running with at level groups...just cheezy power gearing...
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  19. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Faltout View Post
    Read my post above yours. Since you run them, you must know that with or without EDs, the challenges have the same difficulty, which is NOT monsters.

    Exactly, and it re-affirms my belief/position that players DONT actually want "hard".. despite the number of players who supposedly "love" champions because they make the game "hard".

    Challenges are about the only "Dynamic" content DDO has, they are one of the only dungeons in the game that while being the "Same" aren't 100% predictable.. and therefore will always be "WORK" to complete solo or in a group... yet, as is pointed out, are also some of the least run content in the game, despite the fact that they also give some really good heroic tier gear if you are willing to spend the time to get the collectibles.

    People want "Quick" "Easy" XP to complete their TR's and/or levels so they can grind raids for end game loot.. they dont want a "Challenge"

    OP Idea is horribad.

  20. #19
    Community Member ToastyFred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robai View Post
    Disable EDs in challenges.

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