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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daarsurra View Post
    i fixed that by making sure that i left the portion in bold:
    "account=account_username_here, pass=account_password_here, selectedServer=server_name_here"

    for me it was:

    Hi Daarsurra. I am not sure if you still have a question. Bear in mind that the native Mac client is broken. It will crash on launch. It is scheduled to be fixed on August 14th (tomorrow). Neither the actual Launcher, nor my script will work until the client is patched.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayeye View Post
    Dear Kaytis,
    thank you for keeping this launcher alive. Actually it's the only way to play from mac (without installing windows) and I really like the "bash scripting art".
    After 42.4 release the launcher fails, am I the one experiencing this issue (I don't know, due to local problems) or is it common to other users?

    Last update had the following changes that does not seem to be a big deal but are launcher-related:
    The launcher will now dynamically update your position in line if you are in a login queue.
    The launcher will no longer bounce you between multiple login queues at random.
    New splash screens are now checked and downloaded, if needed, in parallel instead of one at a time. Hopefully this will reduce the time spent on this stage.

    However I get the following output before it fails:
    Initializing display with title 'Dungeons and Dragons Online'...
    /build/dnd/dnd_live/src/engine/client/device/osx/Device_OSX.cpp, 284: called.
    Initializing the smartbox...
    Initializing the user interface...
    Client ready
    Client::Connect() async logon begun.
    Connection failed (0x00000004:0x00CD0B73) to server 0, addr
    ./ line 589:  1686 Segmentation fault: 11  ./${gameClient_FILE}/Contents/MacOS/dndclient ${gameClient_ARGS}
    Seems to me that " gameClient_ARGS" could have been changed
    Kind regards,
    Hi Ayeye. It looks a little bit like you did not allow the real Launcher to update the client before trying the script. However, the native Mac client is broken. It will crash on launch even after you update it. It is scheduled to be fixed on August 14th (tomorrow). Neither the actual Launcher, nor my script will work until the client is patched.

    EDIT: I was concerned about the logistical changes in the Launch process. However, the script still seemed to launch the client ok. Unfortunately the client itself broke with the update, so I can’t be completely sure.
    Last edited by Kaytis; 08-13-2019 at 07:12 PM.

  3. #23
    Founder Isys's Avatar
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    Default Ugh


    Thanks for keeping this thread alive. Probably saved me an hour of futility!! So tomorrow a patch...
    Does anyone know that the minimum OSX DDO will run on? I'm on 10.10.5 - Yosemite...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaytis View Post
    Hi Ayeye. It looks a little bit like you did not allow the real Launcher to update the client before trying the script. However, the native Mac client is broken. It will crash on launch even after you update it. It is scheduled to be fixed on August 14th (tomorrow). Neither the actual Launcher, nor my script will work until the client is patched.

    EDIT: I was concerned about the logistical changes in the Launch process. However, the script still seemed to launch the client ok. Unfortunately the client itself broke with the update, so I can’t be completely sure.

    Ah nice!
    I was quite puzzled but I did not notice the problem was wide and under fixing (btw... where I work there is a frozen zone in December and another in August where you cannot touch production without a green light from the CEO, planning an update in these days it's not a great idea).

    Coming back to the main subject, is Daybreak Game Company LLC aware of launcher problem for mac users? I think that shouldn't be something hard to solve, also since there is a working launcher script in this thread. After this issue with the main client it could be nice to open a couple of tickets for the launcher.

    I'm playing from High Sierra 10.13.6


  5. #25
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    Default Fix?

    Devs--any update on when the Mac client will be fixed? The hot fix obviously did not happen and I see no indication of when one will occur.

  6. #26
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    Default working for other Mac users?

    as far as i can tell, the "hotfix" seems to have fixed things that most players care about and left the Mac client standing on coals. the Mac client now crashes at the character selection screen and not after hitting Play.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daarsurra View Post
    as far as i can tell, the "hotfix" seems to have fixed things that most players care about and left the Mac client standing on coals. the Mac client now crashes at the character selection screen and not after hitting Play.
    Fixed today.
    You could have followed the discussion on the "service notice" page of the forum:
    Checkout the post from MacnCheese guy.

    *Edit: Well, mine works correctly, also "Play" mind the downtime times are close to this time*

    Last edited by Ayeye; 08-15-2019 at 11:23 AM.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayeye View Post
    Fixed today.
    You could have followed the discussion on the "service notice" page of the forum:Checkout the post from MacnCheese guy.

    *Edit: Well, mine works correctly, also "Play" mind the downtime times are close to this time*

    actually, the "legacy client" for Mac still doesn't work for me, and i think that you meant to post a different link; i've followed that thread (still explains nothing) and about 8 others related to Mac issues; while there's a more updated thread for August 15th downtime, i think this one might be more helpful to the Mac community:

    While the legacy Mac client continues to work (after today's patch), we are moving away from that client to the WINE client that debuted earlier this year. So, make sure to download it here if you ever run into any issues with the legacy client:

    We don't have a firm cutoff date (yet), but people who play on Mac should consider upgrading to the newer client regardless if they can.
    Last edited by Daarsurra; 08-15-2019 at 02:01 PM.

  9. #29
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    Default chmod 755 didn't work

    I followed the instructions and saved the SH file in my user Application folder and realized that it should be in the Applications folder that holds the DDO client. Once I moved it there I ran the script `chmod 755 /Applications/` but nothing happened. If this is happening to you, run `sh /Applications/` Works for me now.

  10. #30
    Community Member t.takli's Avatar
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    Works beautifully!! Thank you so much. Have been unable to login after one of the updates (and patch to fix problem). You are amazing!
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  11. #31
    Community Member t.takli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mc-Iver77 View Post
    I followed the instructions and saved the SH file in my user Application folder and realized that it should be in the Applications folder that holds the DDO client. Once I moved it there I ran the script `chmod 755 /Applications/` but nothing happened. If this is happening to you, run `sh /Applications/` Works for me now.
    Obviously. You had to run the chmod line first BEFORE running the launcher.
    Resident of Khyber || Guild: Drunk Team Wins
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  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by t.takli View Post
    Obviously. You had to run the chmod line first BEFORE running the launcher.
    You're right, i only read half of the instructions.

  13. #33
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    Default Launching the WINE client with the script? While having the legacy client installed

    Hi Guys,

    First thanks all for this super cool thread.

    Knowing that DDO will move to the WINE client at some point, I decided to install it alongside the old DDO client, meaning I have 2 DDO installed currently (didn't want to delete the original/old one yet as I didn't want to be left without the game). One is the original, called DNDclient (default) and the new one, which I named DDOWINE when I installed it.

    Every time I try to open the WINE client with the game launcher, I get the trigger to the resource folder and the whole thing goes to hell, which brought me to this thread.

    I've setup the script as described and I was able to launch my original mac client quite easily (actually very cool). Then, I figured I could change the destination of the app and launch the WINE one. Sadly, I get the same code response from the terminal (log in, etc), but nothing launches after the scripts has ran...

    Since I'm not super familiar with this stuff I figured I'd ask if this is something that can be done or if I'm just dreaming.

    Thanks in advance!
    -Fizhban - Allistraee - Llunarii - Gorbasch -

  14. 08-29-2019, 02:45 PM

  15. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aredharr View Post
    Hi Guys,

    First thanks all for this super cool thread.

    Knowing that DDO will move to the WINE client at some point, I decided to install it alongside the old DDO client, meaning I have 2 DDO installed currently (didn't want to delete the original/old one yet as I didn't want to be left without the game). One is the original, called DNDclient (default) and the new one, which I named DDOWINE when I installed it.

    Every time I try to open the WINE client with the game launcher, I get the trigger to the resource folder and the whole thing goes to hell, which brought me to this thread.

    I've setup the script as described and I was able to launch my original mac client quite easily (actually very cool). Then, I figured I could change the destination of the app and launch the WINE one. Sadly, I get the same code response from the terminal (log in, etc), but nothing launches after the scripts has ran...

    Since I'm not super familiar with this stuff I figured I'd ask if this is something that can be done or if I'm just dreaming.

    Thanks in advance!
    Hi Aredharr.

    Work has kept me busy lately. I have glanced at what it would take to get the script working with the Wine client. It shouldn't be too difficult, but don't hold me to that. I noticed that folks using Wine on Linux claim to be able to use the "pylotro" script as their game launcher. That is interesting. If it works on Linux, it can certainly work on Unix (Mac).

    The biggest problem right now is that macOS 10.15, only a few weeks away, removes 32-bit support. The "legacy" client is 32-bits. So it won't work. Period. There is a beta version of a 64-bit Wine emulator available for the Mac. It can, in theory, run the 32-bit Windows client but I have not tried it. It is said to be very buggy at this point.

    There's a bit of train wreck coming. If you want to keep playing DDO, don't upgrade to macOS 10.15 until a stable 64-bit solution becomes available. SSG will either need to rebuild the existing legacy app using the 64-bit version of Qt (the cross platform SDK they used), or try to ensure that the Windows client works ok in the 64-bit Wine emulator on Mac.

  16. #35
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    Is your script needed for the new wine client beta, or is it only needed to launch the legacy native client?

    I'm just curious as from a quick read of your script I should be able to create a UI for it pretty easily with swift if this is going to still be needed for the wine version.

    Currently downloading the wine client currently on my MBP just to try to see what the condition of things is like.

  17. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkalten View Post

    Is your script needed for the new wine client beta, or is it only needed to launch the legacy native client?

    I'm just curious as from a quick read of your script I should be able to create a UI for it pretty easily with swift if this is going to still be needed for the wine version.

    Currently downloading the wine client currently on my MBP just to try to see what the condition of things is like.
    Technically, the script was never needed. It is an alternative to the DDO Launcher. The only real advantage is that it can launch the DDO Client much faster than the DDO Launcher can. The only time it might have been "needed" was when the DDO Launcher stopped working in Mojave.

    The script will only work with the legacy DDO Client at the moment. It is not set up to launch the Wine DDO Client. I have taken only the briefest of glances at what the running Wine DDO Client command line looks like, but it follows an identical pattern of parameterization. Launching the Wine client should be a matter of reforming the command itself. The hard part of determining the launch parameters is already done.

    Putting a swift shell around it sounds like a fun project. The script is super naive about its own parameterization. It expects either one (a toon name) or none. The presence or absence of that one parameter drives everything else. It's actually a pretty lame way to do it. But it makes invoking it super easy. A better way to do it would be to do a full on flag driven kind of thing. Something like:

    ./ -u _username_ -p _password_ -s Orien -c Kaytis
    Doing that would make the script generic and require no end user modifications. At the cost of having to type all that every time (admittedly I just use the up arrow in the Terminal, so there wouldn't be any cost).

    It would still be possible to allow handcrafting of the script to specify all the rest of the details when only the toon name is provided. I probably should have done it that way really. Hmm.

    The biggest problem right now is the lack of Wine support. I would have to look at that first because that does seem to be the direction SSG is headed.
    Last edited by Kaytis; 09-03-2019 at 10:22 AM.

  18. #37
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    Angry Thanks for actually helping!!!!

    THANK YOU for this!

    I just subscribed to VIP for a year, then the latest patch came out and BLAMMO I couldn't play any longer.
    I contacted support and they said "we don't support MAC" and pointed me to the main community thread.
    I shot them back an email that says "if you don't SUPPORT MAC, then please provide me the rationale for having a MAC DMG download on your website where you sell subscriptions and products"

    I'll see what, if anything, they say in response to this.

  19. #38
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    Kaytis, thank you for the script for the previous Mac client. Just wondering if you have had time to adapt the script for the new Wine client yet?

  20. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by piercia View Post
    Kaytis, thank you for the script for the previous Mac client. Just wondering if you have had time to adapt the script for the new Wine client yet?
    I just got it working. I am going to clean it up, add a feature that people were asking for, and post it soon™

    Edit: Posted. The OP has been updated.
    Last edited by Kaytis; 10-19-2019 at 07:44 PM.

  21. #40
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    So, right off the top - I am NOT tech savvy in the least.
    My question is about the DDO Launcher.
    While I can launch the game more times than not, the text in the small window for the launcher is complete gobble-gook (I believe that is the technical term.)
    Can't make out which server I'm clicking on (though, I have done a bit of process of elimination calculations by deciphering some of the "gobble-gook."

    Any thoughts about how to address or even possibly fix this would be appreciated.
    Pretty exasperating on the whole.

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