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  1. #41
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    My Son wanted one of these but wanted a Sun Elf so this is what I came up with.

    Warpaws AoN
    12/5/3 Monk/Cleric/Paladin
    Lawful Good Morninglord

    Level Order

    1. Cleric . . . . .6. Monk. . . . . .11. Cleric . . . . 16. Monk
    2. Monk . . . . . .7. Monk. . . . . .12. Cleric . . . . 17. Monk
    3. Monk . . . . . .8. Paladin . . . .13. Cleric . . . . 18. Monk
    4. Monk . . . . . .9. Paladin . . . .14. Paladin. . . . 19. Monk
    5. Monk . . . . . 10. Cleric. . . . .15. Monk . . . . . 20. Monk

    . . . . . . . .34pt . . Tome. . .Level Up
    . . . . . . . .---- . . ----. . .--------
    Strength. . . . 15. . . .+4 . . . 4: CON
    Dexterity . . . 14. . . .+4 . . . 8: CON
    Constitution. . 14. . . .+4 . . .12: CON
    Intelligence. . 12. . . .+4 . . .16: CON
    Wisdom. . . . . .8. . . .+4 . . .20: CON
    Charisma. . . . 15. . . .+3 . . .24: CON
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28: CON


    .1. . . . : Power Attack
    .1 Deity. : Follower of: Amaunator
    .2 Monk . : Dodge
    .3. . . . : Mobility
    .3 Monk . : Two Weapon Fighting
    .4 Monk . : Combat Expertise
    .6. . . . : Cleave
    .7 Monk . : Toughness
    .9. . . . : Spring Attack
    12. . . . : Whirlwind Attack
    15. . . . : Improved Critical: Bludgeoning
    18. . . . : Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    21 Epic . : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic . : Great Cleave
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
    27 Epic . : Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    28 Destiny: Forced Escape

    Now to figure out the gear
    Fist and Faith
    Musashi DragonClaw
    Thelanis Warclaws, DragonClaws, MusashiCLAW, Warsclaw

  2. #42
    Uber Completionist
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    So what is this? A human 12mnk / 5clr / 3 pal ???

  3. #43
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    I do have a monk that is sitting in my stable that I haven't played in ages and could TR and have nice wraps all ready (except TF. No TF for him since he's been idle)

    However I also haven't really toyed with any of the new barb changes. When you say make a tree barb are you talking just going AoN with a pure Barb or would you still try some form of split like maybe 9 Barb, 5 Cleric and maybe 6 Fighter to make up some feats to get Whirlwind? Or maybe 12 Barb, 5 Cleric and only 2 Fighter for the extra rage and PRR from FB (I assume you would go FB for a tree build?) If you went that route (split) what weapons would you use?


  4. #44
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    Well pulled the trigger and TR'd my monk so I'd have the wraps (though no TF for him yet, but most others). One comment and one question.

    I don't think you can take twf at level one per the OP's write-up. The dex requirement makes it impossible so I grabbed dodge at 1 and twf at 3 when my tome kicked in.

    This character is not a completionist so what would you grab as your level 3 feat instead. I was thinking empower healing for better aura ticks and cocoon hits. Would it be worth blowing a feat on? Can you reasonably sustain your hp with the aura in tree mode while taking damage?

    If not Emp Healing then stunning fist? Would you have a high enough wisdom to make it worthwhile? I'm thinking for when not in tree mode since I doubt you'd even get one off in tree mode with the whirlwind and cleave button mashing.

    If not that then deflect arrows? I always enjoy that feat for sustainability and it might help cut down on the number of crippling hits that you get along with your dodge score.

  5. #45
    Uber Completionist Retrodark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post
    Well pulled the trigger and TR'd my monk so I'd have the wraps (though no TF for him yet, but most others). One comment and one question.

    I don't think you can take twf at level one per the OP's write-up. The dex requirement makes it impossible so I grabbed dodge at 1 and twf at 3 when my tome kicked in.

    This character is not a completionist so what would you grab as your level 3 feat instead. I was thinking empower healing for better aura ticks and cocoon hits. Would it be worth blowing a feat on? Can you reasonably sustain your hp with the aura in tree mode while taking damage?

    If not Emp Healing then stunning fist? Would you have a high enough wisdom to make it worthwhile? I'm thinking for when not in tree mode since I doubt you'd even get one off in tree mode with the whirlwind and cleave button mashing.

    If not that then deflect arrows? I always enjoy that feat for sustainability and it might help cut down on the number of crippling hits that you get along with your dodge score.
    I fixed the OP. Put Dodge at level 1 and TWF at level 3...thanks.

    As for what to take instead of Completionist, the source of this build, though a completionist, took Precision instead. So, you could take that or emp healing. I didn't really rely on the aura for self healing. I mostly used potions and rejuvenation. I don't think Stunning Fist is worth taking. Deflect arrows might cut down on crippling hits, but I have never taken that feat on any life for any character.

  6. #46
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    It's kind of a bummer that you end up having 3 stances (CE, PA and Precision), but only 1 can be active at any given time. The others just go to waste, but 25% fort reduction is nice. Does it stack with armor piercing? I'm just trying to think of a way to get the same fort reduction (or close to it) while still using empower heal because I'm curious what I can get it to tick for. It might be nice to not have to stop and chug a pot or drop tree form to cast a cocoon in big groups. What does your aura hit for per tick right now without Emp. Heal? Guess I can always try it when I get to level and swap it later.

    As for deflect arrows it's a pretty nice skill. My shuricannon has it though he was built for high AC, dodge and saves so was looking for anything else to lump into the damage reduction since he has gimp prr. It ticks quite a bit and I think with dodge cap, close to 170 or so AC (haven't checked in a while) and deflect arrows I don't get hit very often by much. If I ever have a slot I have zero idea what to fill it with I usually go with deflect, but probably wouldn't over precision.

  7. #47
    Uber Completionist Retrodark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post

    It's kind of a bummer that you end up having 3 stances (CE, PA and Precision), but only 1 can be active at any given time. The others just go to waste, but 25% fort reduction is nice. Does it stack with armor piercing? I'm just trying to think of a way to get the same fort reduction (or close to it) while still using empower heal because I'm curious what I can get it to tick for. It might be nice to not have to stop and chug a pot or drop tree form to cast a cocoon in big groups. What does your aura hit for per tick right now without Emp. Heal? Guess I can always try it when I get to level and swap it later.

    As for deflect arrows it's a pretty nice skill. My shuricannon has it though he was built for high AC, dodge and saves so was looking for anything else to lump into the damage reduction since he has gimp prr. It ticks quite a bit and I think with dodge cap, close to 170 or so AC (haven't checked in a while) and deflect arrows I don't get hit very often by much. If I ever have a slot I have zero idea what to fill it with I usually go with deflect, but probably wouldn't over precision.
    To be honest, you hit for so much with this build, that the +5 to hit part might also be more valuable, because it is good to always hit things. The PA +5 damage is almost trivial and combat expertise is only taken to get WW. It has no further use for this build. I honestly don't remember about aura ticks. Maybe like 40-50ish. I have 3 pally PL + other healing amp. I just know it wasn't something I relied on and would usually revert back to human form, abundant step away from everything and heal up (this usually only happened when I got into a group of champions hitting like trucks). Otherwise, things would die too fast to worry about healing.

  8. #48
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    Default Healing aura

    I've been working on a build similar to this (12mo/5cle/3f or (12mo/6cle/2f) with t5 in radiant servant for aura. I don't know about all the WA tree form stuff, though I'll surely check it out now. I've gone with empower healing for help with the aura and sticking with the cleaves and stun. I can't find any reason not to take the 6th level in cleric instead of the 3rd in fighter? Am I missing something? Isn't it every 3 cleric levels you get an extra 1hp? It seems like that extra point in aura would be kind of a big deal when you are spending so many AP to get it. The math in my head tells me that's twice the healing.

    I'm also considering 12cler/6monk/2f (or 11cler/6mo/3f because I screwed up and didn't take cleric level 1 (with the same 1pt issue)) but I love the speed boost amongst other things.

    Last edited by Nilzone; 04-01-2015 at 12:40 AM.

  9. #49
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    The 3 levels of Paladin (or fighter in your build) allow you to get Sacred/Stalwart Defender Stance. Only 2 levels does not allow this. SD helps with survivability (+3 saves and +9 PRR).

    The OP build calls for Paladin over fighter also probably due to additional saves from Paladin and Lay on Hands for quick heals. If you went fighter you could probably put the LOH points into Kensai for some more dps instead? Not sure if you'd have enough for meditation.

    Going 12 cleric you get more heals, but lose abundant step and some hit dice on attacks and speed. You also lose Master of Forms which in earth stance gives a crit multiplier bump and improved evasion.
    Last edited by RumbIe; 04-01-2015 at 11:56 AM.

  10. #50
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    Default Stalwart stance

    Quote Originally Posted by RumbIe View Post
    The 3 levels of Paladin (or fighter in your build) allow you to get Sacred/Stalwart Defender Stance. Only 2 levels does not allow this. SD helps with survivability (+3 saves and +9 PRR).

    The OP build calls for Paladin over fighter also probably due to additional saves from Paladin and Lay on Hands for quick heals. If you went fighter you could probably put the LOH points into Kensai for some more dps instead? Not sure if you'd have enough for meditation.

    Going 12 cleric you get more heals, but lose abundant step and some hit dice on attacks and speed. You also lose Master of Forms which in earth stance gives a crit multiplier bump and improved evasion.

    Ahh ya. I didn't even think about that (stalwart). I was looking at the PRR from earth stance, but was focused mainly on healing amp.

    25prr is a big deal (+10 for the stance, +15 from the modifier). And now that extra point of healing (effectively double the healing) has some stiff competition. Fortunately, that choice isn't for another 12 levels, so I have time to look at the math and think about it. Ok now to find a DDO math geek. I'm sure someone has done aura math before. Off to dig through mounds of outdated info!

    Because I'm taking T5 in radiant, I don't think the crit bump applies. I only have 4 levels to make THAT decision, but it's a much easier decision.

    Thanks Rumble!
    Last edited by Nilzone; 04-01-2015 at 01:10 PM.

  11. #51
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    Default I saw that someone was thinking about sbout sun elf, what about bladeforged?

    I have had a 2nd life monk sitting on the shelf at level 15 for like 2 years. Since the legendary raids are not bypassed by timers, guild leader encouraged me to have more than one raid worthy character. I was looking for ideas and stumbled upon this one. I have since leveled him up to 17, with the intent of trying something like this. I was thinking of going iconic to make the jump back up to epics a little faster. Is there any reason why bladforged isn't a viable option?

  12. #52
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    Default What was this like levling?

    Does this level like a standard monk build, or do you have to wait until you get to epics for it to shine?

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