AoN tree build (Found on youtube)
This build is fun and practically unstoppable, but I found it a bit laggy and felt like I was mashing keys too much (because they would not always go off when I wanted them too)
Anyway, I thought I would share in case people would like to try it out. I had several people asking me for the info while I was running it.
This is how I ran it on a 36 pt, Comp/E. Comp.
Stat Base Tome Level Ship Gear Insight Except. Profane Comp. Store Pot Yugo Enh. Lvl 28 Buffs Mod STR 15 6 2 2 11 16 1 2 2 2 2 61 8-13 25 DEX 14 6 2 11 2 1 2 2 2 42 8 16 CON 16 6 5 2 11 2 1 2 2 2 2 51 8-13 22 INT 12 6 2 8 2 1 2 2 2 37 4 13 WIS 8 6 2 11 2 1 2 2 2 36 4 13 CHA 15 6 2 8 2 1 2 2 2 2 42 4 16
At level 28 the saving throws were truly godly at 97/83/88 without much buffing. (Fort goes up even higher while in tree form).
Saves Base Epic Gear Alch. Ship GH Luck EPL Mod GS Brace DG Enh. Feat Ins. Buff End Fort 15 4 12 1 3 4 2 3 22 3 2 16 3 2 4 0 97 Reflex 10 4 12 1 3 4 2 3 13 3 2 16 3 2 4 1 83 Will 13 4 12 1 2 4 2 3 15 3 2 16 3 4 4 0 88
Level Progression:
Feats (you can focus on getting great cleave and TWF first, but I wanted the whirlwind attack fast because of the synergy it has with unarmed combat
Lvl Type Feat 1 Standard Power Attack 1 Human Cleave 1 Monk Dodge 3 Standard Completionist 3 Monk Two Weapon Fighting 6 Standard Mobility 7 Monk Combat Expertise 9 Standard Spring Attack 12 Standard Whirlwind Attack 15 Standard Improved Critical Bludgeoning 18 Standard Improved Two Weapon Fighting 21 Epic Overwhelming Critical 24 Epic Great Cleave 26 Epic Destiny Perfect Two Weapon Fighting 27 Epic Greater Two Weapon Fighting 28 Epic Destiny Forced Escape
Epic Destiny
Primal Avatar
lvl 1 - Rej Cocoon x3
- Ephemeral Evolution x3
lvl 2 - Supple as Spring x3
- Seeking Balance x3
lvl 3 - Balanced Attacks x3
lvl 4 - Symmetric Strikes
- Autumn Harvest x3
lvl 5 - None
lvl 6 - Avatar of Nature
- Natures Fury
Twists (Note - I am Epic Completionist with 29 points to spend)
My last setup was this (requires 19 fate points)
1. Sense Weakness (4)
2. Dance of Flowers (1)
3. Primal Scream (1)
4. Brace for Impact (1)
Alternative Twists (original creator of build, I tried consecrate with sacred ground but it was not helping my spirit go up like the cleric aura - great for healing though) - requires 30 fate points
1. Crusade (4) fate 1 2 3 4 (10)
2. Sacred Ground (3) fate 2 3 4 (9)
3. Consecrate (2) fate 3 4 (7)
4. Primal Scream (1) 4
Human - (3) (dmg boost and imp recovery (optionally take next core for +1 charisma if needed to even out)
Sacred Defender (10)- 1st 2 cores
Lvl 1: 3/3 Defense (+3 saves), 2/3 extra LOH
Lvl 2: 3/3 Defense (+9 PRR)
Ninja Spy (11) - Shadow Veil (3rd core)
Lvl 1: Acrobatic (3/3), Sneak attack
Lvl 2: Agility (3/3)
Shintao (11) - 2nd core
Lvl 1: Deft Strikes (3/3)
Lvl 2: Conditioning (3/3)
War Priest (13) - 2nd core
Lvl 1: Toughness (3/3) - remove 2 of these if you need extra charisma point (2ap) from human or Rad servant
Divine Might (3/3) - at least take 2/3.
Lvl 2: Smite Weakness
Wall of Steel (3/3)
Radiant Servant (32) - 2nd core
Lvl 1: Extra Turning (3/3); Altruism (3/3)
Lvl 2: Improved Turning (3/3)
Lvl 3: Intense Healing (3/3); Unyielding Sovereignty; Charisma
Lvl 4: Incredible Healing (2/3); Endless Turning (3/3)
Lvl 5: Positive Energy Aura
In order for this build to work effectively, you must take whirlwind attacks and have 5 levels of cleric for positive aura (tier 5 radiant servant). Whirlwind hits 4 times while unarmed only (out of tree form). In tree form any centered weapon will cause the proper number of hits. I don't know if this is WAI or what, but when out of tree form, weapons do not hit 4 or more times.
I found it sometimes difficult to time getting in both cleaves and whirlwinds between cooldowns. They just didn't always want to go off even though cooldown is up. So I was constantly mashing the keyboard. This might be part of the slowness of being in tree form though.
I did not create this build and do not wish to take any sort of credit or discredit for it. I just copied it from what I saw on a youtube video, found it interesting and tried it out.
I am not including my gear at this time.