The fact is that Elite difficulty is really too much easy when you are a legend with nice stuff... Even in elite ( heroic or epic) I can carry full party, they just following me and I m soloing quests without any help or mostly... Why ? cause I can do it, I don t wanna waste time to wait other party members and so let s go rush to the end for XP... And I really dislike this way to play, it s really boring. It could be better to have REAL CHALLENGES that make us playing as real team, wait each others, getting real strategy and having fun with this. I prefer to do 1 quest in 1 hour and get 3x more xp than doing 3x more quests in rush without any challenge.
1- I find that the champion system is fun and really nice ! It increases ( not so much ) the difficulty and can bring sometimes interresting challenges. This was true for the first version of champions ( maybe too strong in some ways ) but actually champions are really bad trash...
2- Please we really need you to add another difficulty, higher than elite !!! Let's call this the "Legendary" difficulty where all monsters are champions and you can find some Super Champions ( with skull and crossbones over their head ). Each time you kill a super champion, you earn 10% of the quest base xp ( yes, big bonus for BIG CHALLENGE!!!). In this difficulty you get more xp than in elite of course on quest completion and/or maybe higher streaks bonus availble (75% / 100% ).
3- Legendary difficulty only avaible for legend characters, maybe champions
Thanks everyone, say what you think about it.