like i said in another post, we don't need any other diff, just putting old champs back would make elite what is supposed to mean (if 99% of population is playing elite... well, it shouldn't be called elite, unless it's for ego purposes)
with that champ population boost, people should be able to get the stuff at 10k frags, or even put new version at 20k, idc
in fact, players who aren't able to play that diff, shouldn't care about it
hard should be like the current elite, that would mean the quest is hard, actually hard is easy, and normal... well, current normal diff should be casual
if people start crying about "we deserver to play elite to get that streak or that XXX" i simply would say, as in the champion feedback thread: you don't deserve anything for having X gear nor lives
and nowadays you don't need gear nor lives to play elite, even people without ED are running EE
i've run with em which 1st shocked me, then made me feel ashamed of DDO