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  1. #16
    2015 DDO Players Council Nuclear_Elvis's Avatar
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    Nov 2014


    I appreciate the responses so far, but clearly some clarification of wording is in order. "Our" is a collective term, and it wasn't pointed at any one individual here singularly, nor was it only pointed at Players -- the "Our" includes the entire DDO community to include the Turbine/DDO Dev's as well (please re-read my post and you'll see this).

    "Responsibility" definition from Websters--
    ": the state of being the person who caused something to happen

    : a duty or task that you are required or expected to do

    : something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc."

    Not all aspects of the definition apply, but feel free to read between the lines (or on the line!) here.

    Here's an analogy for you. Team-sports. Basketball. Free YMCA court down the street. You want to play ball, but the YMCA will close if the gymnasium does not have enough participation and there is also risk of closure due to potential negative activity that has occurred in/around the basketball court. You show up, sign a paper to prove you're there, pay no money, play ball with 9 other people (it's a 5 on 5 game, after all). You play fair, the others play fair, some players were newbs, some experienced, all is well, YMCA stays open another week.

    You show up the next week. Teammate offends other players (or ball-hogs or ignores all other 4 players on his team), you don't confront the offending teammate, so as result the other players walk off the court, game over, not enough players for 5 on 5, so everyone goes home. Similar thing happens the next week, except this time there's player(s) breaking the rules without owning up to it, and you do nothing again, and as result players leave the court again. You could help gather some players up to play ball during the week but decide to wait until the next weekend. You try to go back, but the YMCA closed due to lack of use.

    It was only a team sport, and you were just there for free. Sure, you didn't lose money, but you have lost something, and that something had value to you. Others may have lost something as well.

    Who's responsibility was it to help keep the YMCA open - only the donors? YMCA management?
    Last edited by Nuclear_Elvis; 02-19-2015 at 01:01 AM.
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