DDO Debates returns with questions focusing on Adventure Packs! Our panel of Ecgric, Bonnie Bew, and Ash duel it out and we also talk about the latest news and updates!

Check out www.ddocast.com for mp3 audio, our show calendar, swag, archives, and more!

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Have ideas for round table topics, questions you want to ask us, or topics you’d like to see us debate? Leave us a comment, send us an email (ddocast@gmail.com) or give us a tweet (@ddocast)!

DDO Debates: Adventure Packs - 1:19
-Best - 3:03
-Worst - 13:32
-Most Difficult (at level) - 20:22
-Best value - 24:13
-Most creatively designed - 29:37
-Besides the vale, what pack should be epicified next? - 34:33
-Which adventure pack is most likely going to get you killed? - 38:41
-What do we want to see as rewards for Mysterious Remnants? - 41:05
-Should ddo store rogues be able to disarm the toughest traps in the game? - 44:21
-Should raid counters persist through TRs? - 48:12
News - 1:00:37
Lightning Post - 1:19:32
Closing - 1:22:39

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