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Unfortunately, he's LESSER reincarnating, so he can't change race.
I've done a cleric AA build myself, it's really just a matter of picking the right feats and remembering that you need a high base dex to get Manyshot. You basically need Point Blank, Rapid, and Manyshot. Precise shot is optional but helpful. Other than that you kind of have to decide what route you want to go. If you want to use your spells for anything apart from buffs, you'll want Maximize and Empower at a minimum. If you want to focus on the bow, you'll need Bow Strength (and possibly Zen Archery). I strongly advise taking at least 1 level of Ranger in order to get Bow Strength for free, as it's a tough feat to get otherwise. Or you can take Ranger Dilletante as part of your half-elf--it maxes at +8, but that's better than nothing.
The trouble I've found with playing a cleric AA is that you either begin to wonder why you bothered with cleric--your spells are weak--or you begin to wonder why you bothered with the bow, because your spells are so much stronger. It was very nice back in the day before the enhancements pass and a ton of other changes. Comparatively speaking, it is not so awesome now.