RazzleDazzle is looking for peeps...

Good grief... After reading what some clans are and do Im half embarrassed in posting this LOL.

The clan is looking for some new members... really only to get more guild renown and move up in rank so that we can make our KRAKEN even better at buffing people.

Mainly we are just doing this to help people... the solo people... if even to just has a place to buff up and play.

Theres only a handful of us that play regularly Mon & Tues and on weekends... but we are VERY laid back. It is a game after all and we could care less if you leave and come back.

We try to move the lower level guys up and we do venture together... not blaze through the quests and wait for slow pokes to catch up.

PM me here or ask for in invite in game via mail my main toon is WHYSPERER

Take care everyone...